Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to
Beech Grove a 'brilliant update' to the area
The low traffic area on Beech Grove has been a brilliant update to the area. I can walk and cycle down the road safely with my children aged 3,5,8 without having to resort to riding on the pavement.
Walking into town is more pleasant, the air is cleaner and sound pollution is less on that route. It is basically the only concession to active travel in the Harrogate central area - but at least it gives a vision of what a difference changes can make.
Imran Shaikh, Harrogate
Visions to improve Harrogate
I read the
article the other day by Malcolm Neesam about the numerous planning travesties, and with money being no object approach to how things could be improved in mainly the town centre, and something occurred to me.
Though we largely have less and less power over planning travesties any more, and council tax being a finite resource that every council tax payer has something to say about.
There is a realm whereas I think it would be possible to make his dream, as well as numerous others a reality. The example that I would like to give is with the Copthall Tower.
Indeed, let's demolish it, along with the railway station, and give the town back a portal to be proud of. Of course, in reality, or at least in our lifetime, this wouldn't happen, both because it's just too good an idea, and it cost a shedload of money.
But in the augmented reality computer generated world, this would be able to be made possible. Now this is just one example, and the possibilities are near enough endless, you could even have a comedic augmented town centre, whereas most of the shops are boarded up save for the odd fried chicken takeaway and massage parlour.
So this is the idea, to set up a computer generated forum of augmented reality, whereas the travesties of local planning are replaced by its members wildest, most beautiful money no object creations, or not for that matter.
Miles Dixon, Harrogate
Read more:
Beech Grove and other traffic schemes 'never have desired effect'
Councillor Don Mackenzie's support for highways department in this [Beech Grove], and in fact it seems everything they propose, never seems to bring the desired effect.
M&S traffic scheme is perhaps the worst example of incompetence by his department and to say they are working to reduce traffic congestion needs to be demonstrated by results of which there are none.
They have been advised on how to improve matters but don't react. Driving round town shows anyone what needs doing but Zilch’.
Jon Holder, Harrogate
My own Beech Grove survey
The Stray Ferret has reported that I counted how many people cycled on Beech Grove in an hour when I conducted my survey in September, and that my figures were (several times) higher than the averages quoted by the County Council.
In case any readers wonder whether I exaggerated the numbers I want to make it clear that I was accompanied throughout by your reporter, Thomas Barrett, who interviewed me and also made a mark in his notebook each time someone cycled by. We both counted 21 cyclists over the course of the hour. Nor, by the way, did I include my own bike.
Malcolm Margolis BEM, Harrogate
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