Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to
Where is green energy in Maltkiln plans?
I read with interest your article regarding consultations over the proposed Maltkiln development. I'm concerned about sustainability, green energy and insulation standards.
With this in mind I went on the council website to see what is planned. I wasn't able to see any detail about the standards for insulation, provision of solar panels and heat pumps or anything about district heating schemes.
We have thousands of houses being built in this area and elsewhere with no solar panels and they have gas boilers. A new town is the ideal place to incorporate the latest green technology to make new homes more comfortable and affordable to keep warm.
I tried to find a comments section which is not easy so I left my comments in one text box hoping they will be read.
It is awash with jargon and very little explanation or simple key points to aid understanding of what is proposed. I did notice that there is some provision for 'affordable' homes which is what we really need and also self build which would be good for those wanting the 'passive house' standards of insulation and very low energy costs which should be available to all.
Ralph Armsby, Harrogate
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One fire appliance is 'useless' at night
This proposal is sheer stupidity. If there is a nighttime fire to the local Harrogate area and then one breaks out in outlying areas how is one appliance going to cope. Even if an appliance comes from Knaresborough the journey time element means it’s useless.
The fire last night at a caravan storage site and a vechicle had to come from Malton a journey tine of well over one hour, useless.
Nighttime fires are not usually detected as soon as daytime ones so total loss and possible deaths can occur.
I never saw anything about this proposal as I live six miles to the west of Harrogate near Menwith Hill and the distance means that we are at greater risk anyway.
Allan Campbell, Nidderdale
Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.