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    Dec 2021

    Last Updated: 10/12/2021

    Why you don't need to wait until January to start your health and fitness journey

    by Thomas Barrett

    | 12 Dec, 2021


    "It’s Christmas time, there’s no need to be afraid… of “ruining” all your hard work in the gym this year. Harrogate district PTs and coaches share their views and tips on why we shouldn't wait until January when it comes to health and fitness.


    As a personal trainer and coach, as well as a journalist, I have never been a fan of the 'New Year, New You' concept.

    Firstly, there is nothing wrong with the old you. You might feel a bit partied out and like you've over-indulged at Christmas, but that's normal and it doesn't make you a bad person. You certainly don't have to embark on some ridiculous exercise regime and diet fad after the clock strikes 12 on December 31.

    Secondly, there is absolutely no reason why you can't start now, or why you can't carry on hitting your goals or even just maintain a level of consistency with your training during December.

    A Baileys and a mince pie isn't going to destroy your progress and I can guarantee if you start exercising now - even if it's just a brisk walk around the shops - you will feel better prepared come the New Year.

    There are plenty of personal trainers and coaches across the Harrogate district who feel the same.

    They have shared some of their views and tips on why we shouldn't wait until January when it comes to health and fitness.

    Lyndsay Wells, Fit Harrogate PT 

    "I can understand why people slow down or stop training in December, especially after the last year.
    "I think a lot of people are feeling pretty drained and fatigued mentally, but this is where nutrition and exercise become even more important.
    "Getting adequate protein, fibre and nutrients, plus regular exercise, really helps with positivity, mental clarity, sleep and energy levels. Even a 20-30 minute walk each day counts.
    "The other thing that sets people back at this time of year is the “All or nothing” mentality. The mindset that because it’s Christmas and there are social occasions and lots of festive food to enjoy, that they then just throw everything out of the window.
    "It doesn’t have to be like that. We can still maintain progress or even continue to improve, it’s about doing little things consistently and keeping positive habits like eating slowly, staying hydrated and maintaining activity levels.
    My tips in short:
    Eat slowly and stop when you feel satisfied
    Move regularly and get outside for a short walk after a meal, even fidgeting adds up to your daily activity
    Stay hydrated and drink a soft drink between alcoholic one
    Choose low calorie mixers and spirits with a mixer where possible over beer, lager or wine
    Prioritise protein at every meal
    Try to eat at least one portion of fresh vegetables to each meal
    Remember you can still enjoy all the Christmas food without making yourself feel sick, irritable, bloated and lethargic
    "What would you say if I said you should start your fitness journey in December?
    "We put so much on the back-burner for the sake of potentially a three to four-day window.
    "If we think about this in terms of meals. Lets say we have roughly six to eight meals consisting of festive food and drink in between now and New Year.
    "There are 24 days remaining of December. If you eat three meals per day, that’s 72 meals.
    "So you put off starting your New Year's fitness journey because of that many meals out of 72?! Sounds ridiculous when we put it like that doesn’t it?
    "When clients approach me for personal training and coaching in December for a New Year's start I always ask “why January?”.
    "If it’s a financial issue, then I can rationalise. But if it’s a motivation issue or fear of “ruining hard work” over the festive period then I will always actively encourage them to get ahead of themselves and get started in December.
    "A full month to get a month ahead of their targets and goals. That’s an absolute no brainer.
    "Starting and maintaining a healthier lifestyle takes motivation. Instilling good habits in December will enable discipline to your goals in January.
    "So my message is if you’ve got goals you want to achieve in 2022, get started now.
    "It’s Christmas time, there’s no need to be afraid… of “ruining” all your hard work in the gym this year.
    "It is remaining consistent with healthy habits over time that determines your health and fitness, not a week of mince pies and a glass of red with Santa.
    "Whether you choose to indulge in chocolate and remain horizontal binge-watching Love Actually for a week or not, what matters is how you feel about your decisions this festive season.
    "How you feel about your decisions is far more important than the decision itself.
    "Do you feel in control? Do you feel guilty? Do you feel pressure to overeat or drink around family and friends? Do you feel like exercising? Does it feel like calories and food consume your thoughts at Christmas?
    "There is this assumption that because it is Christmas we are obligated to whip out the “stretchy pants” and fill ourselves to the brim at any and all occasions. But how would it feel to decide to not do that? To stop when you feel full. To say no to that extra glass. To take back some control over what you eat.
    "Similarly, how would it feel to say yes to all those things you love, yes to the cake, yes to the gin and take some time to rest and not feel guilty for it?
    "However you decide to spend your festive season, it is important to remember it is a choice. Your choice. You decide what you want to eat, you decide how it is going to make you feel and you decide how you spend your Christmas and New year.
    "There is no right or wrong. These are pressures we put on ourselves.
    "You don’t need to wait until January to continue your fitness journey. You don’t need to train harder to “work off” the extra food you might have eaten. You don’t need to do anything.
    "You are fine how you are and you are loved no matter what, so do whatever makes you feel your best you this Christmas.
    "Ps. If your scales shoot up, don't worry. Most of this will be water retention not body fat. Be reassured that you cannot lose or gain body fat that quickly."
    "I'll just start in January" might seem like a logical idea, a bit like not wanting to start a diet on a Sunday.
    However, there really is no time like the present and here are four reasons why:
    1. Beat the January rush: "We've all been there. Gym bag in hand, stood in reception looking in on a swarm of 'New Year, New Me' gym-goers. Wishing for that time when you could roam the gym using equipment when you want it. Well, now's your chance. Gyms this time of year are usually pretty quiet, giving you the chance to get in early on those Christmas gains."
    2. Damage limitation: "We all know we use Christmas as an excuse for anything. Chocolate for breakfast? Why not? It's Christmas. But all your hard work throughout the rest of the year doesn't have to go to waste. If you are short of time, add in a few high intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions. HIIT sessions are quick, easy and great for burning calories. Adapt your workouts to suit your schedule and keep going throughout December."
    3. Mental health: "Knowing that one-in-four people will experience some kind of mental health issue this December, it is now, more then ever, important to concentrate on that. With less sunlight, depression, anxiety and other forms of mental health battles can really start to take hold. But for some, gyms, training and fitness can be a lifeline. It is a proven fact that exercise releases feel-good endorphins and is therefore great for our self-esteem and cognitive function."
    4. Covid : "While we continue to battle a pandemic, exercise is vital in helping our bodies to fight Covid. We all know that as a result of obesity, poor health and bad diet choices, our bodies are less equipped and more likely to suffer with illness and disease. So now is not the time to sit back and wait until the New Year."
    "Who else is feeling seriously demotivated at the moment?
    "I adore my clients and their ridiculous hard work. But every single year, the winter hits and boom, everyone is feeling, dull, demotivated, sluggish and they just don't feel like they are hitting their goals as quickly as they should be.
    "We are all the same, people then drop off towards the end of the year and think "oh well I’ll attack it in January", but why? That is one whole month of your life that you could be using it to grow and get that one per cent better.
    "It’s funny how our brains work.
    "But let’s change it and think we have one whole month left for the rest of 2021. What are you going to do to make it better ? I want to make people feel excited about training, feel excited about going to the gym instead of dreading it."
    "There is a tendency to try and hit full send on everything we do when January hits.
    "But by focusing on the easy elements, rather than trying to do everything all at once, we can maintain a level of consistency throughout the year.
    "Why climb all the way up a tree when there’s plenty of easy pickings at ground level?
    Train: Yep, it’s a proven fact that if you train five to six days-a-week (with rest and recovery) that you’ll get fitter. But is that realistic for you and your current circumstance? Start small, how many sessions is realistic? Now make that a non-negotiable.
    Eat: So if you eat like a five-year-old at a Christmas party, how easy is it going to be to go from a diet of mince pies, to eating exclusively Paleo*? (*Google it) Really hard. So figure out one meal first - switch up your brekkie - and we’ll work on the rest later as we get accustomed to change. You know those Coco Pops are doing you no good anyway.
    Sleep: There are so many reasons I don’t get eight hours. So I accept that it will be much less, but work hard not to let that slip further when it’s in my control. Change a small part of your routine so you can grab an extra 30 minutes.
    Think and connect: What have I just said? Stop trying to change it all at once - low hanging fruit.