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Dec 2024
A total of 1,000 people have now formally objected to Harrogate Spring Water’s controversial expansion plans.
The company, which is owned by French multi-national Danone, wants to fell 500 trees in a section of the Pinewoods known as Rotary Wood in order to expand its Harlow Moor Road bottling plant.
Harrogate Spring Water says the scheme will create 50 jobs and boost the local economy and a proposed community woodland, planted nearby, would compensate for the loss of trees.
The firm submitted revised plans in October, but the prospect of felling trees planted by schoolchildren to combat climate change has remained divisive.
The application has now reached the 1,000 objections mark – compared to just 11 supporting comments.
Although the public consultation officially closed on November 17, submissions are still being accepted.
The most recent objection said it would be “absolutely ludicrous” of North Yorkshire Council to support the plans, which the objector feels would remove green space and reserves for nature to produce disposable plastic bottles.
How the building would look if approved.
The now-defunct Harrogate Borough Council granted Harrogate Spring Water outline planning permission in 2017.
This means the principle of the development has been established, but the company cannot press ahead with the expansion until the reserved matters application – the one that is yet to be decided on – has been approved by the North Yorkshire Council.
The reserved matters application concerns the appearance, size and landscaping of the development.
A previous reserved matters application was rejected in 2021 following a campaign fronted by TV star Julia Bradbury.
That application received 400 objections – just a fraction of the current one.
Harrogate and Knaresborough Liberal Democrat MP Tom Gordon also opposed the plans. He questioned how anyone could support the expansion when it “only takes away from the town”.
The Pinewoods in Harrogate.
The Stray Ferret exclusively revealed this week that Harrogate Spring Water is under criminal investigation. You can read that article here.