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Fresh plans to build houses on the site of one of Knaresborough's oldest houses and its garden have been submitted to North Yorkshire Council.
Paul Franklin, who has previously submitted similar applications to build flats at the site, is seeking approval to demolish 13 Stockwell Road.
Mr Franklin proposes to build two semi-detached bungalows to the rear of the property, plus another house to replace the demolished building.
Plans say the three-bedroom bungalows would be set back from Stockwell Road and would be accessed using a private driveway.
The applicant also proposes to create a study in each bungalow to “accommodate the global shift to home-working post-pandemic”.
The third house, which would have two bedrooms, would “hide the new bungalows from sight”, the application adds.
Plans also say the properties would contribute towards the council’s need for housing in a sustainable location.
The proposed site layout for the adjoining bungalows.
New trees would be planted at the site should the plans be approved. The application adds native species would be planted to encourage wildlife, and boundary hedges would be put in front of a fence, which would be no greater than two metres in height.
Mr Franklin last year lodged plans to build eight flats at the same site, and nine flats the year prior, both of which were withdrawn. He told the Stray Ferret in 2023 the flats would “provide local people with a quality and sustainable place to live and enjoy Knaresborough”.
However, the plans proved less than popular with nearby residents - around 30 of whom objected to them.
Objectors raised concerns about the prospect of neighbours being able to see into their homes, traffic problems and an increased risk of flooding due to concreting over the garden area.
Another objector said at the time the proposed three-storey development would have been “completely out of proportion” to the rest of the surrounding area.
The fresh plans say the rear of the site, where the bungalows would be built, would be levelled to its lowest point, meaning the bungalows would be “considerably lower than surrounding properties and reducing any impact on these [properties]”.
Ann Briscoe, who has objected to the most recent plans, raised concerns over “restricted access” to the property on a busy road.
Planning documents add three additional parking spaces would be created – increasing the existing two to five – and turning circles would be constructed to ensure cars can “leave the driveway and join the highway in a forward gear as they currently are”.
They say:
There would be no waiting for turning from the highway into the new shared private driveway, as two vehicles can comfortably pass at the entrance.
A proposed site plan for the Stockwell Lane development.
Ms Briscoe also said the Stockwell Road land should be retained so it could be used as a soakaway during periods of flooding.
But the new application says:
The site is not at risk of flooding from a major source (e.g. fluvial and/or tidal). The site has a low probability of fluvial/tidal flooding as the site is located within Flood Zone 1 with less than a 1 in 1000 annual probability of the river or sea flooding in any given year.
A secondary flooding source has been identified. This is surface water flooding and poses a low significant risk to the site. There will be no net loss in flood storage capacity or impact on movement of floodwater across the site. The overall direction of the movement of water will be maintained within the developed site and surrounding area.
The conveyance routes will not be blocked or obstructed.
The council will issue a verdict on the plans at a later date.