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May 2023
Campaigners who have raised a petition signed by about 500 people seeking to save an ‘irreplaceable’ veteran beech tree from being felled, gathered at Ripon’s Minster Gardens yesterday.
Their petition, which will be submitted to North Yorkshire Council, objects to Ripon Cathedral’s Ripon Cathedral Renewed planning application.
The application proposes erecting a two-storey building on Minster Gardens, which would require the loss of the tree - described as T14 - and 10 other trees on site.
The petition states:
The petition reflects concerns raised by statutory consultees including Jack Taylor, the Woodland Trust’s lead campaigner for woods under threat and North Yorkshire Council's principal ecologist, Dan McAndrew.
In his response to the planning application, which can be seen on the council planning portal, Mr Taylor said:
The veteran beech tree described as T14 in documents relating to the annex planning application.
He added:
Mr McAndrew said in his response:
The National Planning Policy Framework identifies ancient and veteran trees as ‘irreplaceable habitat’. It states development resulting in the loss or deterioration of irreplaceable habitats (such as ancient woodland and ancient or veteran trees) should be refused, unless there are wholly exceptional reasons and a suitable compensation strategy exists.
Petition organiser Jenni Holman (pictured above, front middle) said:
Fellow campaigner Pat Waterfall said: