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    Aug 2023

    Last Updated: 15/08/2023

    Ukulele group dedicates a year of performances to supporting Harrogate hospice

    by Newsroom

    | 15 Aug, 2023



    A year of more than 40 performances has seen a Harrogate ukulele group raise £4,500 for charity.  

    The group is partnered with Saint Michael’s Hospice, and all donations and performance fees are given to the Harrogate-based charity. 

    The Harrogate Spa Town Ukes was formed nearly 10 years ago by two members of the Bingley Ukulele club who wanted a group closer to home.  

    Since then, it has gone from strength to strength.

    Bob Mansfield, the group's events coordinator, said:

    “The club has increased steadily over the years with over 40 members now. Ages do vary, but it is fair to say that the majority are around, or over, retirement age. The gender mix is pretty well equal.” 

    The group meets weekly on Wednesday evenings at Oatlands Social Club and includes many former guitarists.

    Mr Mansfield said their sets are “not all George Formby classics”, instead being made up of vintage rock and pop music.  

    The band has up to 20 players and regularly performs on Saturdays around Harrogate and the surrounding area. All performances are by volunteers with the aim of raising money for charity.   

    When asked why they chose the ukulele over other instruments, Bob Mansfield referred to a comment made by one audience member, who said, "you can’t listen to the ukulele without smiling".  

    Further information about the group can be found on its website.

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