Live: Harrogate district traffic and travel

Good morning and welcome to a rather wet Wednesday. I’ve got all the temporary lights, road closures and traffic hotspots for you today so keep checking in.

The roads are likely to be wet this morning so take care walking or driving.

Give me a call on 01423 276197 or get in touch on social media if you spot anything on the roads or your bus or train is delayed.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group.

9am – Full Update 


Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update 


Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8am – Full Update 


Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7.30am – Full Update 


Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7am – Full Update 


The roads are still quiet so far this morning, just take care in the rain. It normally gets busier around 7.30am.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



6.30am – Full Update 


As usual the roads are pretty quiet this early in the morning, but they normally get busier around 7.30am.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




Harrogate councillors approve new rules on staff exit packages

Harrogate Borough Council has approved new rules on staff severance packages after a review into the payments.

The payments, which can include allowances, hardship payments and paid leave for departing staff, will now have to be approved by the council leader and chief executive, and reported on an annual basis.

Any payments over £100,000 will also require approval from full council.

Previously, the payments were signed off by a monitoring officer and only those to senior staff were reported annually.

The new rules were approved at a meeting on Monday after independent auditors Mazars warned this year that the previous process risked a lack of balance between “inappropriate expenditure” and “allowing ineffective employment relationships to continue”.

£354,000 paid out in 2019/20

The council’s annual statement of accounts showed £354,000 was paid to 19 former employees in 2019/20 for wider payout packages, also including redundancy costs and compensation for loss of office.

This was an increase from the previous financial year, when £278,000 was agreed for 15 staff.

The statement of accounts also showed one member of staff received a £62,000 exit package in 2019/2020, although it is not known what job title they had or how much they were earning before they left their role.

The only member of staff who was named in the document was former director of community Paul Campbell, who left last year and was paid £55,065 in compensation for loss of office.

Mr Campbell had an annual salary of £89,727 and oversaw a range of council services, including emergency planning, housing, parks, waste and health and safety.

He has not been replaced since leaving 18 months ago. The council has said his responsibilities are being shared by other directors.

Read more:

At Monday’s audit and governance committee meeting, Jennifer Norton, head of legal and governance at the council, explained the new rules to councillors. She said:

“In accordance with current regulations, you do receive in the annual report the remuneration of senior employees including details of any severance payments.

“What I am proposing in line with government guidance is that regardless of seniority, all severance payments are reported on an annual basis.

“In terms of member involvement in the approval process, then the government guidance says that should sit with the leader of the council, which is what is proposed here.”

The new rules were unanimously voted through by members of the committee.

Knaresborough vaccine site moves to offer 1,500 jabs a day

The Knaresborough vaccine clinic is moving to larger premises in the town to provide both covid vaccine boosters and flu jabs.

The clinic will relocate to Chain Lane Community Hub from September 27 where it hopes to offer up to 1,500 vaccinations a day.

It will administer first and second doses of the covid vaccine to anyone over 16, plus covid booster jabs and flu jabs.

The current site, at the former Lidl, has been in use since February but with winter approaching Homecare Pharmacy Services, which runs the clinics, wanted a larger space where people could wait indoors.

The new site will be operated in collaboration with Chain Lane Community Hub and Knaresborough Connectors.

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation, which advises UK health departments on immunisation, today recommended over-50s be given booster jabs.

Jason Baskind, managing director of Homecare Pharmacy Services, said:

“We knew we needed a larger site with space for older people to wait indoors. The Lidl site has been great but we felt for the winter, outdoor observation wasn’t suitable.”

Mr Baskind added the company was waiting to hear whether flu vaccines and boosters could be offered at the same time or if there needed to be a gap.

Read more:

The vaccine centre will take over two rooms at the Chain Lane Community Hub.

Sue Vasey, from Chain Lane Community Hub, said:

“In these difficult times we wanted to ensure that the hub played as active a role as possible in responding to the needs of the local community, and our ability to provide this service for Knaresborough, in spacious and accessible surroundings with ample parking felt an important thing to do.

“This does not mean Chain Lane will be closed to community use though. Derwent Room will continue to host the wide range of valued activities”

The site will continue to offer all Pfizer, Astra-Zeneca and Moderna vaccines.

There are only two vaccine centres remaining in the district; Knaresborough and Pateley Bridge.

Live: Harrogate district traffic and travel

Good morning and happy Tuesday. I’ve included a list of road closures so make sure you keep an eye to avoid getting stuck and having to turn round.

Give me a call on 01423 276197 or get in touch on social media if you spot anything on the roads or are waiting for a delayed bus or train.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group.

9am – Full Update 


Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update 


Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8am – Full Update 


Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7.30am – Full Update 


Traffic is building in these areas:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7am – Full Update 


The roads are still looking quiet this morning. They tend to get busier around 7.30am, don’t worry I’m here to give you regular updates.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



6.30am – Full Update 


The roads are pretty quiet so far this morning. They tend to get busier around 7.30am. But don’t worry I’m here to give you regular updates.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




Harrogate BID appoints new marketing executive

Harrogate Business Improvement District has appointed a new business and marketing executive.

Bethany Allen, an event management graduate, joins after two years working for West Yorkshire Police advising businesses on security measures.

The BID aims to improve footfall in Harrogate town centre to boost business.

Ms Allen will work with businesses, BID partners and board members to organise activities.

The former Harrogate Grammar School pupil grew up in the town and worked at the Turkish Baths while studying at university.

BID manager Matthew Chapman said Ms Allen’s local knowledge will be an asset to the BID:

“She knows the town centre incredibly well, which is a real plus for this role.”

Read more:

Ms Allen said:

“Harrogate is my hometown, and I count myself incredibly lucky being born here, schooled here, and now working here as part of the Harrogate BID team.

“Harrogate is the jewel in Yorkshire’s crown. It’s a town that is famed for its shops, restaurants, bars and conference facilities.

“I’m looking forward to playing my part in the evolving Harrogate BID story.”

Youths set fire to roof in Harrogate

Two fire crews were called to Ainsty Road in Harrogate last night following reports that youths had set fire to the roof of a building.

When firefighters arrived just after 6pm, they found two chairs on fire in the car park as well as the roof fire, which had already gone out.

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service said in its incident log:

“Crews extinguished the fire and passed the details of the incident onto the police.”

Read more:

Later on last night, Harrogate firefighters responded to reports of a young person on a roof believed to be under the influence of alcohol.

The incident, on Forest Lane, happened around 12.30am this morning.

The young man was already down from the roof and with police when the firefighters arrived.

Live: Harrogate district traffic and travel

Good morning and welcome to a new week. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. The morning blogs are back with all the travel updates you need to have a smooth journey.

It’s Suzannah with you this morning, so give me a call on 01423 276197 or get in touch on social media and let me know what’s going on.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group.

9am – Full Update

That’s it from me today, I’ll be back again tomorrow morning.


Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update


Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8am – Full Update


Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7.30am – Full Update


Traffic is building in the usual spots around Harrogate town centre and elsewhere but no hotspots areas are showing just yet.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7am – Full Update 


Traffic is still looking steady with no hotspots areas just yet.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



6.30am – Full Update 


The roads are quiet so far this morning but areas tend to get busier from 7.30am. I’ll keep you informed on the usual traffic hotspots as well as any other areas to watch out for.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




Ripon man left alone in bed for 12 hours a night due to care staff crisis

Acute staff shortages in the care sector are forcing a disabled Ripon man to miss meals and stay in bed for up to 12 hours a day.

Daniel Abel, 37, has cerebral palsy and requires full-time care to live independently.

Mr Abel was discharged by a private sector care provider recently due to staff shortages, which brought him under the care of North Yorkshire County Council‘s emergency reablement service.

Mr Abel said the county council told him he would be under its care for up to three weeks but almost four weeks have passed and there is still no sign of being moved to a new provider.

Under his current care plan, he has a carer for one hour in the morning, 45 minutes at lunch time and another hour at bed time. By contrast, he received four hours of care in the morning and four hours at night with his previous provider.

Because Mr Abel no longer receives care at teatime he goes without an evening meal because he is too scared he may hurt himself.

Can’t eat, drink or go to toilet

His final carer arrives at 8pm to put him to bed, where he remains for almost 12 hours unable to eat, drink or go to the toilet.

He said being in bed for this much time also contributed to skin problems. Mr Abel added:

“I am someone who wishes I didn’t need care but unfortunately I do. I feel like with my current care I can’t have a life.

“The bigger care crisis is not my problem. I have to rely on my dad, who is 60-odd, to come and change the bed at night. When I’m having to get friends and dad to come over to me it’s uncomfortable for them and for me.

“I just want care to get me up, washed and dressed and then left to get on with my life.”

Read more:

He said he has spoken with another Harrogate care provider, which said it can offer him care but it may take three more weeks because of recruitment problems.

1,000 job vacancies

Richard Webb, corporate director for health and adult services at North Yorkshire County Council, said:

“Adult social care is vitally important and we are pulling out all the stops to support the sector in every way possible during current challenges.

“On any given day across the county there are at least 1,000 jobs available. Never has the need for people to work in care been so great yet we are receiving 70% less applications for care jobs now then we were only a few months ago.

“These acute staffing shortages mean providers are handing back packages of care to us and our staff are going above and beyond to meet people’s needs.

“Reablement is a service we provide which is free of charge at the point of need and can last for up to six weeks and is aimed at supporting people to maximise their independence.

“In some circumstances our reablement service can continue to provide care at home until a new provider can be found and new care arrangements are put in place – where this happens, it becomes a charged-for service.”


Elderly and disabled Harrogate district commuters face difficulties at Leeds

Elderly and disabled commuters from the Harrogate district face ‘intolerable obstacles’ under proposed changes to Leeds train station.

Taxi ranks are due to be relocated much further from the station as part of a £39.5m revamp of the station’s main entrance and the adjoining area.

Trade union Unite said today commuters would have to travel 165 metres from the station entrance and use a lift as opposed to travel 45 metres now.

Unite regional officer Darren Rushworth, said:

“This proposal will put intolerable obstacles in the way of disabled people and the elderly who will have nearly four times the length to go to seek a taxi.

“Unite and a wide range of disability organisations want the status quo to continue and for people actually running this development to listen rather than dismissing our legitimate arguments, most of which have been outlined to the local council many times.”

Read more:

Many commuters use the line to Leeds from the Harrogate district.

Disability campaigners are staging a protest at Leeds Civic Hall at 11.30 on September 14 to lobby councillors to keep the rank where it is. This will be followed by a march from the Civic Hall to Millennium Square.

Leeds City Council, Network Rail and West Yorkshire Combined Authority, which are behind the planned changes, have said the redevelopment will make passenger movements easier.

Live: Harrogate District traffic and travel

Good morning it’s Friday and that makes me very happy, although I wish the nice weather had stuck around.

It’s Suzannah on traffic and travel duty today, do you have any updates for me? Give me a call on 01423 276197.

It looks like it’ll rain throughout the day in parts so stay safe on the roads.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group and aim to give you a smooth journey.

9am – Full Update 


Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update 


Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8am – Full Update 


Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7.30am – Full Update 


Traffic is beginning to get a little busier in its usual spots but no hotspots yet. Yesterday Knaresborough Road coming out of Knaresborough into Starbeck caused queues so keep an eye.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7am – Full Update 


The roads are still looking quiet this morning but with now most schools are back in full swing they will get busier. Keep checking the blog.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



6.30am – Full Update 


The roads are quiet so far this morning but with now most schools are back in full swing they will get busier. Keep checking the blog.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:

