Business Breakfast: Harrogate home care company wins at regional awards

Business Breakfast is sponsored by Harrogate law firm Truth Legal. 

A Harrogate home care company has picked up an award at a regional ceremony.

Continued Care saw seven members of staff make finalists for the Great British Care Awards, with Christine Middleton winning the Dignity in Care award.

The awards took place at the Royal Armouries in Leeds on November 11. Staff members from the Ripon and Harrogate offices were present.

Samantha Harrison, Continued Care director, said: 

“Christine is a worthy winner of this award. She is exceptionally kind and person-centred and has worked in care for a long time. We are so proud of her and of all our staff who were nominated, they are all winners in my eyes because they were put forward by the people they care for and work with.”

The awards hold a series of regional events throughout the UK to celebrate local excellence in the social care sector.

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Transport for the North appoint new directors

Transport for the North has appointed two new directors to its finance and strategy departments.

The organisation, which helps with transport improvements across the North of England, announced the new appointments this week.

Interim finance director Paul Kelly has been promoted to finance director. He joined TfN from Transport for Greater Manchester in 2018 where he was head of financial and commercial for Metrolink.

Mr Kelly said: 

“It is an honour to be appointed to this position and to have the opportunity to support Transport for the North as it transitions to a new structure and further embed its role for the North.”

New finance director at Transport for the North, Paul Kelly (left), and Katie Day, strategy, policy and communications director.

Paul Kelly (left), and Katie Day

Meanwhile, the new strategy, policy and communications director has been named as Katie Day. Katie’s last role was as director of policy and communications at the Office for Nuclear Regulation. 

Ms Day said:

“I am delighted to be joining TfN, and I am looking forward to leading our work on the refresh of the Strategic Transport Plan and the Northern Independent Economic Review. 

“It’s vital more than ever that we build a fresh evidence base to make the case for greater investment in the North.”


Guide to Remembrance Day services in the Harrogate district

No Annual Remembrance services will take place across the district this weekend to honour the fallen.

Below is a list of events. If you know of others, let us know so we can add them to this guide. Email us at


Sunday November 13: 11am – Remembrance Sunday service at the war memorial in Spa Gardens, where there will be a two-minute silence before wreaths are laid in honour of the fallen, by civic dignitaries, members of the armed forces, the RBL and representatives of other organisations.

Those planning to attend are asked to arrive by 10.30am.


Town centre

Sunday November 13:

Town Centre

10.30am – Parade and wreath laying ceremony at the Harrogate war memorial. The service will include the Army Foundation College, the Royal British Legion, regimental associations, uniformed cadets and scouts and guides.

Stonefall Cemetery

1pm – Harrogate Brigantes Rotary has arranged a service for 1pm at the Commonwealth War Graves. Wreaths will be laid by the Harrogate Mayoress, Andrew Jones MP, the Army Foundation College and representatives from the Commonwealth.


11am – gathering of residents at the war memorial on the Starbeck High Street.

3pm — Ceremony at Starbeck war memorial. The service will include the Royal British Legion, uniformed cadets, the brigades, students from Starbeck Primary Academy and local churches.


Sunday, November 13: 11am – ceremony at Knaresborough war memorial attended by local officials and Harrogate Army Foundation College.


Friday, November 11: A service takes place at the Cenotaph in the Pateley Bridge & Bewerley Recreation Park led by the Church in the Dales and the last post will be sounded. There will also be a contingent of 40 junior soldiers attending who will be marching in public for the first time since joining the Harrogate Army Foundation College.
Following this the young soldiers will march to the Pateley Bridge & Bewerley Memorial Hall on Park Road.
There will also be a display of the Nidderdale people who went to war and returned and those who didn’t, displayed by Folk Finders Family History.

Sunday, November 13: 10.15am – ceremony at Summerbridge war memorial


10am Service at St James’s Church followed by a parade and wreath laying at Boroughbridge war memorial from 10.45am.

If you want to make a donation to the Royal British Legion click here. 

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Concert celebrates 10th anniversary of Nidderdale Community Orchestra

Nidderdale Community Orchestra, based in Pateley Bridge, will celebrate its 10th anniversary with a special concert this weekend.

The concert on Sunday will be its first after “going into hibernation” during covid.  The orchestra says it’s stronger than ever with increased membership and has recently been gifted a set of orchestra timpani drums.

The concert will include excerpts by Mozart, Rossini, Schubert, Haydn and Morricone as well as a movement from a recently commissioned work ‘The Nidderdale Suite’.

Bryan Western, the orchestra’s conductor, said:

“The members are looking forward to the first concert for what seems like ages and it is a real crowd pleaser”.

The Nidderdale Suite was composed during covid lockdown by Andy Wilson, a Nidderdale musician well known locally as an expert in ethnic instruments.

Mr Western arranged and orchestrated the work in four movements, each one reflecting a different aspect of the Nidderdale landscape. The composition inspired filmmaker Paul Harris, who worked in the area for 20 years, to set the music to film.

The orchestra will play the second movement as an introduction and will play the full composition live with film next year.

Sunday’s concert is at 4pm at the Bishopgate and Pateley Bridge Memorial Hall, Park Street.

Tickets are available from the Nidderdale Plus Community Hub in Pateley Bridge, from members of the orchestra or on the door and cost £8.00 for adults, £5.00 for students and is free for children under 12.

Refreshments will be available.

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Business Breakfast: Harrogate event celebrates success of inclusion project

Business Breakfast is sponsored by Harrogate law firm Truth Legal. 

Yorkshire-based non-profit, Better Connect hosted an event in Harrogate to celebrate the success of its Action Towards Inclusion project.

ATI is an employability programme aimed at supporting those who are furthest from the labour market.

It has provided specialist support to help individuals across Yorkshire to overcome significant barriers, begin training, start the job search and secure employment. The project has helped over 3,000 people transform their lives, and secure training and employment.

A total of 180 people from across the Yorkshire region gathered at the Majestic Hotel  to honour the contributions of participants and the programme’s leaders, and celebrate the significant impact ATI has made.

Natasha Babar-Evans, chief executive at Better Connect said:

“This programme has made such a huge impact, and it was both emotional and encouraging to hear some of the incredible stories, the amazing journeys that people have made, the progress they’ve made, what they’ve achieved, and how important this programme has been to them.”

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Care award for Vida employee

A specialist care worker at Harrogate based Vida Healthcare, has won the Dementia Care Leader award at the Social Care Leadership Awards 2022. 

Bernadette Mossman, Vida’s healthcare director, won for her outstanding contribution to health and social care, particularly in relation to the care of people living with dementia.

The Social Care Leadership Awards provide an opportunity to showcase excellence in senior leadership in the sector.

Vida operates three care homes which provide care for over 210 people living with dementia, with over 450 staff currently employed across a number of roles.

Commenting on her win, Ms Mossman said:

“Since starting my career in health and social care, I’ve met so many amazing people and have achieved things that I’m extremely proud of. This award win is one such achievement.

“Being recognised by my peers and receiving this award means a lot to me, and I’m touched that my passion and dedication to supporting people living with dementia and our colleagues has been recognised.”


New tree lights illuminate Harrogate’s Stray

The winter lights decorating trees around Harrogate’s Stray have had something of a makeover.

New LED bulbs have replaced the older ones and the strings of lights are no longer hanging from branches as they have done in the past.

Contracts manager for Harrogate-based Yorkshire Lighting Services, Rob Malloy, explained:

“The council couldn’t carry on with the trees lights how they were as any storm damage would wreck them. The lights were strung up from branch to branch.

“It’s been designed to reduce breakage. We’ve wrapped them around the trunks and branches. Each tree is different – each is unique.

“The idea is to cheer people up.”

The company won the tender to replace the lights and has had four workers on the project for the past couple of months.

Forty trees around the Stray, West Park and York Place have all seen the old lights removed and the new ones put in place.

The council also funded the replacement of lights on the trees on Otley Road and Leeds Road that had been individually sponsored in memory of loved ones in aid of Yorkshire Cancer Research around a decade ago.

Mr Malloy told the Stray Ferret that he hoped the result would be a fitting memory for those people the trees lights have been dedicated to.

Top Harrogate Tree Lights Facts: 

Councillor Sam Gibbs, Harrogate Borough Council’s cabinet member for environment, waste reduction and recycling, said:

“The Stray is such an iconic landmark for Harrogate and throughout the year attracts thousands of visitors.

“We’re often complimented on the existing lighting, but it can be difficult to manage due to lights getting blown around, hanging down and becoming dangerous.

“The replacement project will be a big change compared to the current display and should continue to bring a smile to people’s faces as they travel through the town in the evening.”

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Business Breakfast: Harrogate law firm appoints two managers

Business Breakfast is sponsored by Harrogate law firm Truth Legal. 

Harrogate-based law firm McCormicks Solicitors has appointed a new practice manager and accounts manager to its team.

Sonia Jones has been promoted to practice manager to reflect her work in supporting all activities across the firm, including management, human resources and the running of day-to-day activities.

Senior partner Peter McCormick said:

“Sonia joined us in 2007 and has become more and more involved in the management of the firm so it was a logical step to reward her for all her hard work with this promotion.”

Hayley Firth has been appointed as Accounts Manager at McCormicks.

Hayley Firth has been appointed accounts manager at McCormicks.

Ms Jones also assists with the practice’s charitable work. She became a trustee of the Yorkshire Young Achievers Foundation in 2012, having previously supported the charity as secretary to the trustees, and continues to fulfil both duties.

Hayley Firth has been appointed accounts manager. She will work with accounts assistant Hollie Jackson to ensure the smooth running of the accounts department.

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Harrogate funeral directors hold webinar to help bereaved workers

Harrogate funeral directors, Full Circle, is to hold a webinar with Jo Tindall, and an employment partner at Gunnercooke, to support colleagues after a bereavement.

According to research carries out by Funeral Guide 77% of employees in the UK have experienced a bereavement during their working lives. 54% of bereaved employees would have preferred more time off work or a phased return to the workplace after taking time off.

Ms Tindall will explain the obligations on employers in supporting employees suffering a bereavement and will share the benefits of going beyond those obligations and becoming an employer of choice.

The event entitled Supporting employees after bereavement will be held on November 17.  For information on the webinar click here.


Knitted poppies start to be put up around Harrogate’s war memorial

In the bright morning sunshine, two Harrogate Borough Council workers and their friend started putting up the annual knitted poppy display outside Bettys, ready for Remembrance Sunday.

Frank McCann and Michael McElhinney both work as as civic attendants — but today have been putting up the poppies display with volunteer, Lindon Wallace.

Mr McCann told the Stray Ferret:

“The poppies have all been hand knitted by thoughtful volunteers in Harrogate and we’ll put them all around the war memorial.

“It reminds people of the sacrifice made and on a beautiful day like this it really adds a splash of colour and interest.”

On the pavement there are bin liners full of the handmade poppies. The men have no idea how many poppies there are — they have 500 ties so Mr McCann said hundreds, maybe thousands, will be put up in the coming days.

Mr McCann added:

“It’s been very noticeable over the last few years that there’s been an increasing interest in this. Ever since the 100th anniversary of the First World War — it brought people’s mind back into focus.

“As another part of my role, I will be up at the war graves at the crematorium. Young people are buried there — a lot from Canada. Something like that hits home. They were really little kids who died all those years ago.”

The Royal British Legion will formally launch its Poppy Appeal on Thursday. To donate click here.

Remembrance Sunday is on November 13.

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Business Breakfast: Raworths renews Harrogate Literature Festival sponsorship

Business Breakfast is sponsored by Harrogate law firm Truth Legal. 

Law firm Raworths has renewed its sponsorship of the Harrogate Literature Festival for the next five years.

This year marks a decade of Raworths association with the annual event, which is produced by Harrogate International Festivals.

Festivals Managing Partner, Simon Morris said:

“We are very proud to have supported the Harrogate Literature Festival since its inception a decade ago. Over that time it has grown from strength to strength, bringing a diverse array of speakers to Harrogate, enriching the community and promoting the region.

“We are delighted to be committing to the next five years and look forward to working alongside the festival team in continuing to develop this cultural keystone.”

Sharon Canavar, Harrogate International Festivals Chief Executive, said:

“This month sees us celebrating ten years of an amazing partnership with Raworths, and I’m thrilled it’s to continue for another five years.

“We are incredibly proud of our relationship, and delighted that the firm has put its faith in us to continue to produce an exciting programme of events as part of our literature festival.”

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The General Tarleton at Ferrensby has been awarded an AA Rosette for culinary excellence after a recent inspection.

The restaurant was recognised for culinary excellence and also achieved a five-star Inn rating for accommodation.

General Manager, Silviu Hasna, said:

“We are delighted to have been awarded two such important awards.

“It’s been a difficult journey out of the pandemic and to be recognised by the AA is an incredible achievement indeed.

“Whilst the hospitality market is constantly evolving, what remains a constant for me is the need and desire to provide the best possible overall guest experience… Whilst quality is key we also recognise customers demand value at the same time.

“I know it’s cliché but as a team we work really hard to source the very best quality ingredients Yorkshire has to offer. Even the toiletries are from H2K in Harrogate.”

The General Tarleton 

Kirkby Overblow celebrates new playground

A new playground in the village of Kirkby Overblow, south of Harrogate, was officially opened this weekend.

The play area now boasts a giant tractor, climbing frame, nest swing and roundabout – all on astroturf.

Local mum Katie Fox told the Stray Ferret that she started to look into how to renovate the area two years ago:

“It was not very nice. It was run down and the equipment was really old.

“It was lacking colour and modernisation and needed a good update. There were also no disability facilities and it was all muddy.”

Katie said she’d spotted that the play area at Ripley had been funded by a government community grant so she contacted Harrogate Borough Council which supported the application. Soon a village committee was formed to work through the application process – part of which required the villagers to raise 10% of what was required.

So, while the committee worked to complete the form, it started fund raising.

It held quizzes at the Shoulder of Mutton pub and took contributions from village’s summer arts festival. There were also generous donations from locals and the playground’s fence was supplied and built by the Moortown Group.

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Finally they heard that the scheme had been awarded £70,000, the village had raised what it needed to and work could start.

Katie thinks the result has transformed the village:

“Life is so expensive nowadays – it is so nice to walk or bike and go to the local park and sit on the benches and have a picnic.

“We want to include a nature area – it is such a big space so there is loads of potential to add more to it and fund raise more.

“We want to involve the local school more. It’s a nicer, prettier place to be and the different play equipment means it is more suited to wider age groups.”

The ceremony this weekend was attended by villagers, councillors and the mayor of Harrogate, Cllr Victoria Oldham.

New high tech gritters to operate on major routes in Yorkshire

National Highways has said new high-tech gritters will be in operation across major routes in Yorkshire this winter.

Thirty-seven new vehicles have joined National Highways’ winter fleet this year as part of a national £44m investment.

Motorways and trunk roads in the county are gritted by government-owned National Highways, which was formerly Highways England.

North Yorkshire County Council, which has a winter maintenance service budget of £7.5 million, is responsible for gritting other local routes.

Earlier this year NYCC rejected a call to expand the network of Harrogate district routes it grits each winter.

In addition to the new gritters, National Highways has created two new winter maintenance depots, one just off the A64 at Malton in North Yorkshire and another off the A63 near Newport in the East Riding of Yorkshire.

From Newport, the gritters will salt more than 70 miles of the M62 and A63 from Hull docks to Ferrybridge in West Yorkshire.

Malton will treat 61 miles of the A64 from near the coast at Scarborough to York.

The highways agency says the new gritters:

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Senior Network Planner for Resilience Gordon Thackeray, who heads up National Highways’ winter operations in the region, said:

“We are delighted the rollout of our new state-of-the-art gritting vehicles is complete, with every machine in position and ready for the winter season ahead to help keep our road users safer on the roads, whatever weather conditions we face.

“National Highways always strives to explore and embrace innovation to benefit our road users. These vehicles are environmentally friendly, have cutting-edge technological features and can treat the roads at a higher speed than older models. 

“We now have a total of 58 vehicles ready to be deployed across Yorkshire and the North East and all of them will play their part in helping our autumn and winter operations team, including our drivers, to carry out their vital work over the next few months to treat the road surfaces whenever and wherever it is needed.”

True grit – key North Yorkshire facts