Business Breakfast: Harrogate business announces first Chinese Board of Directors

Belzona which manufactures polymeric repair and protection systems and has a base on Claro road in Harrogate, has announced the appointments of Charli Yu Walton as Corporate Development Director (China) and Fred Lu as Technical Director (China).

The appointments follow the creation of Belzona Molecular Technology (Nanjing) Ltd in 2019 and mark a significant next step in the company’s international expansion strategy.

Mrs Walton originally from Harbin, China, joined the company’s Harrogate-based marketing team in 2011.  She will be responsible for creating and implementing marketing strategies to consolidate and accelerate Belzona’s growth plans in China.

Speaking of her new appointment, Mrs Walton said:

“I am delighted and proud to be appointed to the first Board of Directors of Belzona’s new Chinese company. China has, for many years, been a significant market for Belzona and the formation of the new company demonstrates Belzona’s commitment to growth in the region.

“Through our great brands, products, and distributorships, we bring cutting-edge solutions to our customers in China. We have set an exciting growth agenda for our brands, where innovation, digital marketing excellence, sustainability and collaboration play a crucial role.”

Mr Lu will continue to lead Chinese business from the technical perspective and will head up the development of Belzona’s training programme and technical service support in the region.

He said:

“I am proud to be a member of the Belzona family and am honoured to take on this new role. Belzona has unrivalled experience and expertise globally. Our new Company is a technical hub, providing extensive and customised training programmes to our Distributors and customers in China.

I will keep working hard and do my best to ensure that we achieve our goals and fulfil our great potential in the Chinese market.”

Belzona’s technical support centres based in Harrogate (UK), Miami (USA), Chonburi (Thailand), Ontario (Canada), and now Jiangsu, provide a worldwide presence, enabling the organisation to support its customer and distributor network.

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Knaresborough Business Park goes carbon negative 

Rabbit Hill Business Park in Knaresborough has announced that it is now a carbon negative business.

The park has been mapping its carbon footprint to develop and improve its carbon reduction strategy and has been working with Mark Thwaite from CarbonNow on an audit.

The report highlighted:

“Rabbit Hill has already made great strides to reduce their carbon footprint, for example using solar panels. Our report reflects the excellent work that they have done and acts as a benchmark so that they can continue to set their fine example as a beacon for other low carbon businesses.

“Rabbit Hill has also invested in sources that contribute to offsetting carbon. They have a solar panel grid on their premises from which they sell generated electricity back to the grid and onto their clients. They also have a very well landscaped site, with trees and hedges that contribute to carbon sequestration.”

Richard Kay, MD of Rabbit Hill Park, said:

“Working with Mark has been very inciteful. We now have several strategies to help reduce our carbon footprint even further, which we will implement over the next 12 months. I would recommend the services of Mark’s team at and get your carbon mapping journey started.”


Column: I discovered the close personal interest Charles takes in those charities he is involved with

This column is written for the Stray Ferret by the Chair of The Royal Hall Restoration Trust, Russell M Davidson. 

There is huge national grief at the passing of a much loved Queen, yet as the mourning period gradually passes, thoughts will increasingly turn to her successor.

The Royal Hall Restoration Trust has been privileged to have the new King, in his capacity of Prince of Wales, as its patron for some fifteen years. I had twice met the Prince before I got involved in the trust, but those meetings were at formal events and while he was affable and friendly, I had no knowledge about Charles beyond the ups and downs one reads in the press, including the negative stuff following the death of Diana.

It was not until I met Charles again, with my predecessor, the late Lilian Mina, at the 2008 reopening of the refurbished Royal Hall that I first saw the kindness of the man. Lilian was gravely ill and had difficulty standing and walking, yet the Prince never left her side, helping her up and down stairs, while constantly letting her hold onto his arm for support. I succeeded as Chair of the trust after Lilian’s death and the trustees set about a range of further projects. I discovered the close personal interest Charles takes in those charities he is involved with.

It is not just a case of having a grand name on the notepaper – in contrast, regular contact is maintained with each charity via the private secretaries. The relationship is very much a ‘How can we help you?’ one. When the trust needed assistance developing a future project for the rear of the Royal Hall, we sent our initial designs to the Prince and were immediately invited to visit his architectural foundation in London. We discovered an impressive set-up, housing a school training young woodworkers and designers (beautiful examples of work on display) and were greeted by a friendly American architect who had led the scheme to restore Dumfries House and who provided further expert help without charge. I learned from him that Charles personally, and regularly, reviews the work undertaken by each of his charities and draws on his extensive contacts to find ways of making useful introductions to assist.

He must work incredibly hard, for our trust is only one of many that he is patron of.  We learned that the drawings and letters we sent, via the private secretaries, were actually looked at and discussed by him. Suggestions as to how to alter the presumably not so liked aspects of our designs were made so very tactfully too! And when we have asked for a visit to help with fundraising, there have always been efforts to find a diary slot, difficult though his schedule makes that. We have never had a ‘no’.

It is evident the new King cares passionately about our country, its community and the environment, both built and natural. I am confident, based on my personal experience of dealing with him as patron, that Charles will prove to be a good and kindly King.

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Sunday services and books of condolence across the district

The district’s churches have been open with books of condolence for people to sign. Tomorrow prayers for Her Majesty The Queen, the new King and the Royal Family will be held across the district. Some parishes have changed their normal orders of service.

Sunday 11th September 

Ripon Cathedral

The cathedral will be open throughout the day for people to sign the book of condolences and pray.

8am – Holy Communion

9.30am – Morning Prayer

10.30am – Eucharist with the Bishop of Ripon. The service will include prayers for Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III

3.30pm – Choral Evensong to mark the death of the sovereign Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Cathedral open until 7pm

A tribute to the Queen at St Peter's Church

A book of condolences has been opened at St Peter’s Church in Harrogate


St Peter’s Church  

A book of condolences has been opened at St Peter’s Church on Cambridge Street in the town centre.

8.30am Holy Communion

9.30am Family Communion

11.00am Choral Matins

4.15pm Stepping Stones Service

6.30pm Choral Evensong

St John’s Church on Bilton Lane is open between 9am and 5pm today for “people to be quiet, reflect and pray as they remember and give thanks for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”


St John’s Knaresborough:
Open daily for prayer with opportunity to sign the books of condolence and lighting of candles
8am Service of Communion -Book of Common Prayer with prayers for the Royal Family
10:30am Service of Holy Communion with prayers for The Royal Family
Holy Trinity
10:45 am service of Communion with prayers for the Royal Family
St Mary’s, Goldsborough
The church will be open each day between 9am and 4pm as a place of prayer and reflection,  to light a candle and to sign the book of condolence.
Holy  Communion with prayers for the Royal Family
St Paul and St Margaret’s Church, Nidd
10:30am Service of Holy Communion with prayers for the Royal Family

Read more

Pateley Bridge

A book of condolences has been open at St Cuthbert’s Church in Pateley Bridge.

Vicar Darryl Hall invited people to “feel free to light a candle and say a prayer.”

Prayer stations in Holy Trinity Dacre Banks, St Jude’s Hartwith, Christ Church Darley and St Saviour’s Thornthwaite have been set up where people can light a candle reflect, remember and pray.

Sunday Services:

9:30am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Dacre Banks

11am Holy Communion at St Saviour’s, Thornthwaite

6:30pm Holy Communion at Christ Church, Darley


St Andrew’s

A parish-wide service of commemoration and thanksgiving for the Queen will be held at St Andrew’s on Sunday, September 18 at 10am.

Roecliffe Church and St James’s 

Both churches, as well as St Mary’s in Dunsforth and St Andrew’s in Aldborough, will remain open as much as possible during the week for people to visit and to sign books of condolence.


Healey, Masham North Stainley, Well with Snape and West Tanfield 

There are changes to the services for 11 September to enable communities to pray and reflect on her life, reign and contribution to our nation and to pray for the new monarch, King Charles III and all the family.

8.00am         Masham                        BCP Holy Communion
9.30am         West Tanfield               Simple service of Prayer and Reflection remembering her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
10.45am       Masham                         Baptism
11.30am       Masham                        Simple service of Prayer and Reflection remembering her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
10.45pm       Snape                             Holy Communion
4.00pm                                                 Telephone Service
6.30pm        Healey                           Evensong



LIVE: A day of mourning and respect for the Queen in the Harrogate district

Churches have opened their doors and put out books of condolence; flags across the Harrogate district were lowered to half mast and flowers laid as the district begins to mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

The 96-year-old Queen, who was the country’s longest-serving monarch, died yesterday at Balmoral.

This blog has followed the days events as they unfolded across the district:

4.00pm: Mourners lay flowers by Harrogate’s War Memorial

Around ten bouquets have been laid by mourners by the War Memorial in Harrogate.

3.15pm: Historic Harrogate hotel remembers Queen’s visit

DoubleTree by Hilton Harrogate Majestic Hotel & Spa has posted a photo from the time Princess Elizabeth visited the hotel, four years before she became Queen.

Elizabeth and her husband Philip visited The Majestic for a banquet in 1949 on the same day they visited the Great Yorkshire Show.

They couple was greeted at the hotel by Mayor Mary Fisher. Following the event, the Princess and Duke made a balcony appearance, waving to the crowds on the Majestic grounds

Credit: DoubleTree by Hilton Harrogate Majestic Hotel & Spa

2.30pm: Stonefall Cemetery tours cancelled

Commonwealth War Graves Commission has cancelled free Stonefall Cemetery tours that were set to take place tomorrow as well as on September 15, 17 and 18.

Around 200 people were booked on tours to learn about the men and women of the Commonwealth forces who are buried there.

However, as a mark of respect for Her Majesty, the events have been cancelled.

1.45pm: Businesses pay unique tributes to Queen

Harrogate district businesses are paying their unique tributes to Elizabeth II.

Everyman cinema on Station Parade has replaced its usual notices that tell cinemagoers what films it is showing with a single somber quote. It says:

“Every thank you will never be enough 1926 – 2022”

The Harrogate Tea Rooms in Westminster Arcade has baked some special cupcakes inspired by the former monarch.

Seemed fitting to make Queen Cupcakes today, flavoured with Rose ( one of her two favourites.. think Rose & Violet creams) and vanilla; topped with pastel flowers.

In Union Jack paper cases.


— The Harrogate Tea Rooms (@HarrogateTeaRms) September 9, 2022

1.00pm: Boroughbridge

St James church in Boroughbridge has joined other Anglican churches in the district in setting up a book of condolence for mourners to sign.

12.30pm: Church bells ring out for the Queen

The Stray Ferret had reporters at St Peter’s Church in Harrogate, St John’s Church in Knaresborough and Ripon Cathedral from 12pm.

Most of the country’s 16,000 churches haven’t rang bells muffled since the death of the Queen’s father in 1952.

Watch videos below of the bells ringing below:

Leather mufflers were attached to the bells at St John’s Church in Knaresborough so they can make the muffled sound

12.10pm: Earl of Harewood issues personal tribute

The Earl of Harewood David Lascelles has issued a personal statement that remembers his relative Elizabeth II.

His father, the late George Lascelles, was the Queen’s first cousin.

David Lascelles

The Earl’s tribute includes an anecdote of when the Queen visited Harewood in 2002 and watched Emmerdale being filmed.

The statement also highlight’s the Queen’s appreciation of Yorkshire’s different faiths and communities.

Mr Lascelles said:

“Queen Elizabeth was my first cousin once removed, Cousin Lilibet, the name she was called by all her family. Though we were related, I only really met her on formal occasions during my adult life, so have less personal memories of this remarkable woman. But I do remember the last time she was at Harewood, in July 2002 for her Golden Jubilee. 

“It was a gloriously sunny day and the first stop was at the long-running TV soap opera Emmerdale, the village set for which is on the southern edge of Harewood Estate, where my wife Diane and I greeted her. The Queen met and shook hands with the cast and crew and watched the Post Office being set on fire, a stunt staged in her honour and not part of their regular storyline.

“The main event of the day was in front of Harewood House, where, accompanied by my father and step-mother, an hour long pageant was staged for her and for Prince Philip and an enthusiastic crowd. This was Yorkshire at it most culturally diverse: on a smaller scale, but not unlike the parades along the Mall for the Platinum Jubilee celebrations in 2022, still fresh in everyone’s memory. 

“There was music from many different traditions and performers representing all Yorkshire’s different communities. There were spectacular costumes from Leeds’ West Indian Carnival, brass bands from the mining villages of South Yorkshire, Indian dancers from Bradford, operatic arias from Lesley Garrett and guest appearances from Mel B, Brian Close and Terry Venables (who had just been appointed as Leeds United’s new manager) on the steps of Harewood House.

“The Queen’s enjoyment was clear for all to see. These were the rich, mixed, varied, sometimes contradictory cultures of 21st century Britain, a Britain very different from the country she knew when she came to the throne in 1953 but one with which she continued to identify and one which she continued to represent with grace and with great dignity.

“The length of her reign and the many changes she witnessed during those years are unprecedented in our history. Her death is truly the end of an era, the end of the Second Elizabethan Age.”

11.45am: Harrogate’s Muslim community pays its respects

Whilst the district’s Anglican churches have led the tributes to Elizabeth II, Harrogate’s Muslim community has also paid its own respects.

Harrogate Islamic Association said:

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un (“To God we belong and to Him we return”)

We are united in sorrow for, by all measures, a remarkable woman

— Harrogate Islamic Association (@HarrogateIA) September 9, 2022

11.30am: Harrogate Town game called off

Harrogate Town’s game against Carlisle United tomorrow has been called off. It was due to kick off at 3pm at the EnviroVent Stadium but the English Football League has decided to postpone all fixtures as a mark of respect to Elizabeth II.

Leeds United’s game against Nottingham Forest on Monday night has also been postponed by the Premier League.

Saturday 10th September's fixture against Carlisle has been postponed as a mark of respect by the National Sport to the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II

— Harrogate Town AFC (@HarrogateTown) September 9, 2022

11.00am: Harry’s tours to focus on the Queen

Tour guide Harry Satloka will continue with his free Harrogate walking tours today with a special focus on Harrogate’s connection with Elizabeth II.

He said he will be wearing black as a mark of respect until after the funeral.

Harry Satloka this morning by the War Memorial

10.30am: St Peter’s Church plans special services

St Peter’s Church on Cambridge Road will be holding special services to remember the former Queen over the weekend.

The church’s bells will ring today from 12pm for one hour.

Vicar Alan Garrow said:

“The church will be open as a focal point for people to express their grief. For flowers we recommend people leave them at the garden of remembrance, which is on the Cambridge Street side of St Peter’s. 

“We have eight bell ringers and they are going to ring all of the bells for the full one hour from 12pm.”

Mourners signing the book of remembrance at St Peter’s

10.15am: Flags at half-mast in Knaresborough

Knaresborough House. Credit: Charlotte Gale

The Union Flag is flying at half-mast outside Knaresborough House.

The town has proud links to the Royal family dating back centuries.

Knaresborough Castle is still owned by the Duchy of Lancaster Estate (although currently leased to Harrogate Borough Council).

It’s a former Royal summer residence and was also the administrative centre for the  Forest of Knaresborough, an administrative area and royal hunting ground that covered 45 square miles.

The Mayor of Knaresborough Kathryn Davies said:

“For a lot of people in Knaresborough Queen Elizabeth II will be the only monarch they have known. The loss of her calm and constant presence in their lives will be felt keenly. They are not alone in their grief. As well as the rest of the United Kingdom, many across the world will also miss her greatly.

“When the news of her death was announced, I was with a party of Americans, Canadians, New Zealanders and Australians. Without exception they had been following her progress in the last few days and were immediate in their expressions of condolence and their own sense of loss.

“She was a great monarch who steered us through some exceptional times in the 20th and early 21st centuries. Good luck and best wishes to our new King Charles II. God save the King.”

10.00am: Betty’s closed until 11am

Betty’s Cafe Tea Rooms on Parliament Street is closed until 11am. A notice has been posted on the window that includes its own tribute to the former Queen.

9.30am: Yorkshire Agricultural Society pays tribute

Yorkshire Agricultural Society, the organisation that runs the Great Yorkshire Show, has issued its own tribute to Elizabeth II. She had long standing links to the show and visited four times as Queen (1949, 1957, 1977 and 2008).

The Queen at the Great Yorkshire Show in 1957. Credit: YAS

The statement said:

“We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of Her Majesty The Queen and send our sincere condolences to the Royal Family at this sad time.

“The Royal Family and Her Majesty The Queen have been an integral part of the Society’s heritage since it first formed in 1837.

“The Queen was the first female Patron of the Society and remained so for 45 years from 1952 to 1997. TRH Prince of Wales has been the Society’s Patron since 1998.

“Her Majesty first visited the Great Yorkshire Show in 1949, before becoming Queen, and went on to visit a number of times over the years before a final visit in 2008 with The Duke of Edinburgh. During the visit, The Queen unveiled a plaque to mark the start of the construction of Fodder and the adjoining Yorkshire Agricultural Society offices.

“The Society is honoured to have had the privilege of The Queen supporting the work it does for agriculture as both our Patron and as our guest.”

9am: RHS Harlow Carr remaining open today

The Royal Horticultural Society will be opening RHS Harlow Carr today but it will close on the day of the funeral, which has not yet been announced, as a mark of respect.

The RHS said in a statement:

“Her Majesty became Patron of the Society on accession to the throne in 1952. From an early age, The Queen regularly accompanied her parents to RHS Chelsea Flower Show, visiting the show more than 50 times during her reign, and always took great pleasure in touring the gardens and plant displays and speaking with exhibitors.

“We were extremely grateful and proud to have Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as our Patron and we are immensely saddened by yesterday’s news.”

8.45am: Bilton church opens book of condolence

St John’s Church on Bilton Lane is open until 5pm for people to pray and give thanks for the life of the former Queen. There will be candles to light and a book of condolence to sign.

8.25am: Pateley Bridge

We’ve been in Pateley Bridge this morning to see how the town has responded to the death of the Queen. Below is a picture of St Cuthbert Church with the St George’s flag flying at half-mast.

The police station and council offices:

8.10am: Ripon pays its respects

Reporter Tim Flanagan is in Ripon this morning where the Union Flag is flying at half mast over Ripon Town Hall.

The building is still decked in the banners put in place to celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee year. Her Majesty and the Duke of Edinburgh visited the historic building in May 2004 when the city celebrated the 400th anniversary of the granting by James I of its Royal Charter.

Some 19 years earlier in April 1985, The Queen was at Ripon Cathedral for the Royal Maundy Service.

8am: Harrogate district MPs issue statements

Our three Conservative MPs, Andrew Jones, Julian Smith and Nigel Adams have all issued statements following the death of the Queen.

— Andrew Jones MP (@AJonesMP) September 8, 2022

— Julian Smith MP (@JulianSmithUK) September 8, 2022

Such heartbreaking news.

HM Queen Elizabeth II served our nation and the Commonwealth selflessly for 70 years.

May she rest in peace.

God Save The King.

— Nigel Adams (@nadams) September 8, 2022

Church Bells will toll

Church bells across the district will toll at noon today to mark the Queen’s death. The bells will be muffled and toll for one hour.

The Church of England has sent out guidance to parish churches, chapels and cathedrals encouraging them to toll their bells or open for prayer or special services.

The North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe has issued a statement:

“Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has been the figurehead of our nation for over 70 years, a loyal servant who has provided stability and support to so many for so long. It is impossible to imagine life without her, and I know many will find the fact we now have to face that reality very difficult.

“Our emergency services will play a key role in the coming days in supporting our communities, and their commemorations and celebrations of Her Majesty’s life.

“My thoughts today are particularly with the Royal Family who have not just lost a leader but a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. No matter who you are or when it happens, the death of a loved one is incredibly hard, and my respects and condolences go to them.”

The Royal Hall this morning with the flag lowered at half mast

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Watch: Bells toll across district to mark the Queen’s death


At midday today, bells at several of the Harrogate district’s churches rung out to mourn the Queen.

Churches including Ripon Cathedral, St Peter’s in Harrogate and St John’s in Knaresborough rung throughout the hour.

They joined with churches across the country such as Westminster Abbey and St Paul’s Cathedral to pay their respects to the Monarch.

Janet Hurst was one of the bellringers in Hampsthwaite. She explained the process of ‘muffling’ the bells as part of the tribute.

“The bells are fully muffled, which only happens for the Monarch, normally it’s half-muffled… so that people can pause and pay their respects to Her Majesty.”

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Harrogate district churches open for tributes, reflection and mourning

Churches across the Harrogate district are opening so people can pay tribute to the Queen and sign books of condolence. We report on what each parish has planned to allow people to mourn, reflect and celebrate her life.


Ripon Cathedral will be the main focal point for the mourning of the Queen in the Harrogate district.

A book of condolence for the Queen opened at 10am this morning.

The cathedral will be open throughout the day for people to sign the book of condolences and pray.

There will be a special Evensong service at 5.30pm and a vigil service at 8.30pm. A specific place has also been designated outside the cathedral where people can lay flowers.

The Dean of Ripon, the Very Revd John Dobson, said on the cathedral’s website:

“We are very sorry to hear of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth ll.

“She was one of the world’s greatest figures of our time, one who dedicated her life as monarch to the wellbeing of the people of this nation, the Commonwealth and the wider world.”


Saturday 10th September 

Hourly prayers taking place on the hour

8.30am – Morning Prayer

12 noon – Holy Communion

5.30pm – Special Choral Evensong with prayers to mark the Proclamation of the King

Cathedral open until 9pm

Sunday 11th September 

8am – Holy Communion

9.30am – Morning Prayer

10.30am – Eucharist with the Bishop of Ripon. The service will include prayers for Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III

3.30pm – Choral Evensong to mark the death of the sovereign Her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Cathedral open until 7pm

A tribute to the Queen at St Peter's Church

A book of condolences has been opened at St Peter’s Church in Harrogate


In Harrogate, a book of condolences has been opened at St Peter’s Church on Cambridge Street in the town centre.

St John’s Church on Bilton Lane is open between 9am and 5pm today for “people to be quiet, reflect and pray as they remember and give thanks for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”


St John’s Knaresborough:
Open daily for prayer with opportunity to sign the books of condolence and lighting of candles
Saturday 10th September 4:30pm – a Service of Prayer and Reflection
Sunday 11th September
8am Service of Communion -Book of Common Prayer with prayers for the Royal Family
10:30am Service of Holy Communion with prayers for The Royal Family
The muffled bells are rung at noon today
Holy Trinity
Sunday 11th September at 10:45 am. A Service of Communion with prayers for the Royal Family
St Mary’s, Goldsborough
The church will be open each day between 9am and 4pm as a place of prayer and reflection,  to light a candle and to sign the book of condolence.
Friday 9th September 2:30-4 pm the church is open for those in the village to come and reflect on their experience together
Sunday 11th September: Holy  Communion with prayers for the Royal Family
St Paul and St Margaret’s Church, Nidd
Friday 9th September: The church is open for prayer and  reflection today at noon.
Sunday 11th September:10:30am Service of Holy Communion with prayers for the Royal Family

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Pateley Bridge

A book of condolences has been open at St Cuthbert’s Church in Pateley Bridge.

Vicar Darryl Hall invited people to “feel free to light a candle and say a prayer.”

Prayer stations in Holy Trinity Dacre Banks, St Jude’s Hartwith, Christ Church Darley and St Saviour’s Thornthwaite  and been set up where people can light a candle reflect, remember and pray.

Sunday Services:

9:30am Holy Communion at Holy Trinity, Dacre Banks

11am Holy Communion at St Saviour’s, Thornthwaite

6:30pm Holy Communion at Christ Church, Darley


Roecliffe Church will hold a short prayer service at 7.30pm Friday tonight.

St James’s in Borougbridge will hold prayers for the Queen and the new King on Monday morning at 9.30am.

Both churches, as well as St Mary’s in Dunsforth and St Andrew’s in Aldborough, will remain open as much as possible during the week for people to visit and to sign books of condolence.

A parish-wide service of commemoration and thanksgiving for the Queen will be held at St Andrew’s on Sunday, September 18 at 10am.


St Mary’s Church in Masham is open between 10am and 6pm today for people to light candles and say prayers.

A book of condolences will be opened on Saturday.

Elsewhere in the district

Nidd Church will be open for an hour today from 12pm.

A book of condolences has also been opened at the church in Hampsthwaite.

Craig Marshall, the rector of North Rigton, Weeton and Kirby Overblow, said:

“May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth rest in peace and rise in glory.

“Our prayers are with King Charles and the royal family.”

He said books of condolences would be opened in each church alongside an image of the Queen.

The churches opened at 9am there will be prayers at 12 noon today in St Barnabas, Weeton and 7pm tonight in All Saints’ Kirkby Overblow.

Mayor leads Harrogate tributes to Queen’s ‘constant source of courage’

Harrogate’s mayor has led tributes to the Queen’s “constant source of courage and inspiration” following the announcement of her death today.

Buckingham Palace announced the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest-serving monarch, this afternoon. She died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years.

Councillor Victoria Oldham, mayor of the Harrogate district, said in a statement:

“It is with great sadness to hear of the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

 “Her Majesty The Queen has been a constant source of courage and inspiration throughout the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and across the world. 

“Throughout her 70-year reign, she has touched so many of our lives and led us through many dark but also many positive times.

“On behalf of everyone across the Harrogate district, I would like to offer our deepest condolences and sympathy to the Royal Family during this time.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.”

Other leading figures in the Harrogate district have also begun paying tribute to the Queen, including the leader of North Yorkshire County Council.

Councillor Carl Les said:

“The Queen’s reign has already been noted as the longest ever of any of the country’s monarchs, but she will be remembered for so much more than the length of her time as the Sovereign of our nation.

“Her tireless and unstinting commitment to the role has been an inspiration throughout the whole of her reign, and her legacy will leave an indelible impression for generations to come.

“I would like to express my heartfelt sympathy to the Royal Family for not only their loss, but the nation’s loss too. God save the King.”

County council chairwoman and Masham councillor Margaret Atkinson also said:

“I have always had a great deal of admiration for the Queen, and she was such a beautiful, kind and remarkable lady who I was fortunate enough to meet at a Garden Party in 1997 due to my charity work for Yorkshire Cancer.

“She had such dignity and humanity and kept to her promise that she would dedicate her life to the people of the UK and the Commonwealth. Which given her age of 96 when she passed away, is an incredible achievement.”

Harrogate and Knaresborough’s Liberal Democrat party added:

“We wish to pay our respects to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. We thank her for her lifetime of dedicated service, our thoughts lie with the rest of the Royal Family today.”

The Royal Family gathered at the Queen’s Scottish estate after concerns grew about her health earlier today.

Charles, the former Prince of Wales, will now lead the country in mourning as the new King.

Read More:


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II has died

Buckingham Palace has announced that her Majesty the Queen has died.

Earlier today the Queen’s doctors had issued a warning that they were concerned about her health. This afternoon the Royal family travelled to Balmoral in Scotland to be at her side.

The Stray Ferret will temporary suspend publishing district news as a mark of respect.

For more news we link to BBC news, as the state’s broadcaster.





Prayers tonight at Ripon Cathedral for the Queen

Prayers will be said at Ripon Cathedral tonight for her Majesty the Queen after her doctors expressed concern for her health.

Early this afternoon doctors issued a statement saying the 96-year-old Queen’s health was a concern and that she was comfortable at Balmoral.  Members of the royal family have travelled to Scotland to be by her side.

This evening at Ripon Cathedral, evensong prayers will be said for her majesty and the royal family.

The Bishop of Ripon, the right reverend Dr Helen-Ann Hartley issued this statement:

With so many others across the world, I send my prayers, thoughts and very best wishes to Her Majesty The Queen and all members of the Royal Family at this time of deep concern about Her Majesty’s health.

Our Cathedrals and churches in the Diocese of Leeds are open for people who want to gather in quiet contemplation, to light a candle if that is your tradition, and simply offer their own words, silent or spoken, and their thoughts.

As Archbishop Justin, the Archbishop of Canterbury has tweeted, ‘May God’s presence strengthen and comfort Her Majesty, her family, and those who are caring for her at Balmoral’.


Harrogate businesses ‘still unable to pay energy bills’ despite PM’s pledge

Harrogate business leaders have warned that Liz Truss’s energy plan is “too little too late” to save struggling firms from closure.

The new prime minister today announced that annual energy bills for households will be frozen at £2,500 until 2024 as part of a huge support package which could cost up to £150 billion.

However, the scheme is less generous for businesses than had been expected as their bills will be capped for six months – a shorter period than many had hoped for.

Sara Ferguson, chair of Harrogate BID, said:

“As the owner of a town centre restaurant, one that uses a lot of gas and electricity, I don’t think the support being offered goes far enough, or long enough.

“It pains me to say this, but even with the energy price cap some business will simply not be able to pay higher bills.

“It is going to be another tough time for the high street.”

Energy prices have soared this year, largely due to the conflict in Ukraine which has reduced supplies of gas.

This has driven up the UK energy price cap which sets the highest amount suppliers are allowed to charge households and had been due to rise from £1,971 to £3,549 in October.

Unlike households, small businesses are not covered by the cap and Harrogate district MPs were last month warned that many firms would soon reach a “tipping point”.

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Speaking in the commons today, Ms Truss said she was “acting immediately” in her premiership and that the support for businesses may be extended for vulnerable sectors after the six-month period.

“Extraordinary challenges call for extraordinary measures, ensuring that the United Kingdom is never in this situation again.”

Reacting to her announcement, David Simister, chief executive of Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce, said it would be “too little, too late” for some businesses.

“Businesses have had it incredibly tough for more than two years, and it isn’t going to get any easier. Surging energy costs are just one of the pressures facing businesses.

“When Ms Truss recently came to Harrogate, members of Independent Harrogate challenged her about business rates.

“Her response was that she would review them. This she needs to do urgently, along with looking at VAT, fuel duty, National Insurance and corporation tax.”