Masham gin company making hand-sanitiser makes plea for plastic bottles


The Spirit of Masham has tweeted an urgent call for plastic bottles after it switched production from gin to hand sanitiser to help prevent the spread of  coronavirus.

We URGENTLY need more of these plastic hand sanitiser bottles to provide to the @NHSuk & other #KeyWorkerJobs
Can you help? 50cl or 100cl@BootsUK @superdrug
We have the product ready, just need more bottles. PLEASE HELP 🙌🏼🙌🏼

— Spirit of Masham (@spiritofmasham) March 28, 2020

The Masham distillery is not the only gin company in the district that has turned from making gin to hand sanitiser. Harrogate Tipple in Ripley which makes Harrogate Gin lobbied the Treasury to remove duty from alcohol so it could make the sanitiser cheaply and provide it at-cost to health workers, the emergency services and community care organisations. It too has struggled to source plastic bottles.

The Harrogate Tipple distillery production manager Andrea Natiello and co-founder Sally Green, Ripon

WATCH: Harrogate residents mess up their first online shop


For a little light relief this Sunday here are two Harrogate residents who have tried online shopping for the first time.

As many people will experience as they start to get to grips with online deliveries, they didn’t quite receive what they thought they’d ordered……



Long queues form outside Harrogate district supermarkets

Long queues are appearing outside supermarkets in Harrogate as the number of people shopping at any one time  is being restricted. The new social distancing measures at Waitrose in the town centre (pictured above) meant people were waiting outside for around half an hour before they could get into the store.  A similar situation was reported to be happening at other supermarkets.

The queue at Waitrose in Harrogate, which snaked around the car park, was organised and patient 

In a statement on it’s website Waitrose said the measures were to protect both staff and shoppers .These include:

Harrogate district salutes its NHS workers

Fire fighters from Harrogate’s Blue Watch joined people from all over the district this evening saluting NHS workers and “Clap for our Carers”.  Across the district people clapped from windows, front doors  and balconies.

The fire fighters parked outside Harrogate District Hospital — their fire engine lights flashed and sirens sounded.  Hospital staff came outside to clap and cheer too.


If you took some pictures or video of your family thanking the NHS please send them to us at contact@thestrayferret . We’d love to publish  them.


Opening of £10m Ripon retail park delayed

The opening of a new £10m Ripon retail park featuring an M&S food store is to be delayed due coronavirus. The development on the edge of Ripon was due to open on 29th April.

New recruits, who were due to start working at the M&S store in Rotary Way just off the Ripon bypass, have been advised that the opening date has had to be put back and the timescale for the opening is not currently known, because of the uncertainty that the coronavirus crisis has caused.

The St Michael’s Retail Park scheme, which was first granted planning permission by Harrogate Borough Council in 2017, is being developed by Marshall CDP and the M&S unit, is currently at the fit out stage.

When fully open, it will feature a number of retailers, including Pets at Home.

M&S, the anchor store within the development, is due to provide 80 new jobs, including people who have been recruited locally. A spokesperson for M&S said:

“Due to the current unprecedented situation we have had to unfortunately postpone the opening of our Ripon store. We will keep the community updated with more information on the opening as soon as we can.”



Harrogate council leader and MP criticised for being “invisible” during crisis

In a letter to the Stray Ferret, Paul Baverstock, a former Director of Communications for the Conservative Party, who lives in Harrogate accuses the council’s conservative Leader, Richard Cooper, and local MP, Andrew Jones, of a lack of leadership and poor visibility during the coronavirus crisis.

Mr Baverstock, who now works  at a senior level in the health sector, says he contacted Mr Jones to put himself forward to help after the MP announced he wanted to create “an army of volunteers” but says he received a generic email response. Mr Baverstock argues that the MP is well meaning but out of step with the urgency of the situation and how local people feel.

Since the advent of Covid 19, both Harrogate’s MP Andrew Jones and the leader of our borough council Richard Cooper have been nigh on invisible and practically silent. ..Andrew Jones, our MP, needs to take the lead and grab the council by the scruff of its neck and get it moving. The people of Harrogate are crying out for it.

Andrew Jones MP

He offers Mr Jones some communications advice:

He should work with local radio station Stray FM to comment immediately – “down the line” – following the PM’s daily briefing. This could become an opportunity for local residents to dial in and discuss their concerns with their elected representative. Mr. Cooper, the leader of the council should join him too. They could live stream these from their respective isolations so we can see them, as well as hear them, becoming truly accountable.

He urges both Cllr Cooper and Mr Jones to start bring together local experts to provide clear and free advice, use technology and social media to connect people and get their messages out. He ends with:

So come on Mr. Jones and Mr.Cooper.  Get up and onward, get brave, get visible, get creative and give us the energetic leadership and accountability you were both elected to provide, for Harrogate in Westminster and for Harrogate Borough at home. This is not a time for business as usual. Nothing will ever be the same again. We need and deserve better, now and tomorrow.

The Stray Ferret asked both Cllr Cooper and Andrew Jones MP to respond to Mr Baverstock’s letter. Neither has yet done so.

Paul Baverstock’s letter to The Stray Ferret Editor in full

This is the full version of the email letter sent to the Stray Ferret’s Editor:

Dear Madam,

In splendid isolation I look forward to today’s 5pm televised press conferences held by the Prime Minister, flanked by his impressive scientific and medical experts. Like millions of Brits I am anxious for knowledge, for guidance and for reassurance in the daily battle against the silent killer, Covid 19.

Our economy, society and the communities that comprise it are faced with Britain’s greatest peacetime challenge. A situation in which poor decisions and confusing communication will…not might…but will cause thousands of deaths and untold human suffering. A time, if ever there was one, for individual leadership, serious communication and bold example from our elected politicians in order to bring people together in common action and common cause.

Many of the measures announced in parliament and at the Prime Minister’s daily press conference to tackle Coronavirus are to be implemented by our local councils, in this case Harrogate Borough, working with their respective MP’s.

Since the advent of Covid 19, both Harrogate’s MP Andrew Jones and the leader of our borough council Richard Cooper have been nigh on invisible and practically silent.

Andrew Jones, our MP, needs to take the lead and grab the council by the scruff of its neck and get it moving. The people of Harrogate are crying out for it. No time now for limp lettuce consultation and back room intra-party squabbles. We need a local leader to match the energy, clarity and accountability being shown by our national leader, Boris Johnson.

Mr. Jones’ efforts so far appear to be a “Be the best neighbour you can be” round robin email asking the people of Harrogate to volunteer their ideas and help by email or by phoning his office. For those who respond to his office with an offer of help, a second generic email arrives saying thank you for your offer and we are working on matching these individual offers of help with the need for help and we’ll be in touch again. This is well meaning but seems oddly out of step with the scale, urgency and impact of the challenges we all face.  So, in the absence of leadership here are a few ideas offered in helpful spirit. All practical, all costing virtually nothing but time and effort.

Mr. Jones could and should provide a daily briefing for the people of Harrogate, this to join the dots between national government policy and local government implementation.  By so doing, he will energise and amplify our local efforts.

He should work with local radio station Stray FM to comment immediately – “down the line” – following the PM’s daily briefing. This could become an opportunity for local residents to dial in and discuss their concerns with their elected representative. Mr. Cooper, the leader of the council should join him too. They could live stream these from their respective isolations so we can see them, as well as hear them, becoming truly accountable.

Following Boris Johnsons’ lead, Andrew Jones and Richard Cooper could and should bring together relevant local experts, such as the Chief Executive of Harrogate Hospital, the Head of Mental Health charity Mind in Harrogate, or local employment lawyers or employee representatives, to provide clear and objective information and advice, free from partisan political concerns.

Using virtual meeting technology such as Zoom or Houseparty, Andrew Jones should be calling together the local Church, Third Sector and business leaders of Harrogate to place himself visibly at the head of a volunteer army to help deliver care, food, virtual conversation, to provide a loudspeaker for the myriad of local initiatives, Facebook pages and support groups springing up around town. Jones’ army should be morning briefed and tasked everyday with an urgency worthy of the consequences of Covid 19.

So come on Mr. Jones and Mr.Cooper.  Get up and onward, get brave, get visible, get creative and give us the energetic leadership and accountability you were both elected to provide, for Harrogate in Westminster and for Harrogate Borough at home. This is not a time for business as usual. Nothing will ever be the same again. We need and deserve better, now and tomorrow.


Paul Baverstock

Former Director of Communication for the Conservative Party




Anger as crowds still descend on district’s reservoirs

Louise Pullan, Owner of The Flock and Fold cafe near Thurscross Reservoir

Louise Pullan pleads with people to stay at home comes after almost record numbers visited Thruscross yesterday and walkers returned again today. After yesterday’s crowds at Thruscross and Fewston amongst others, Yorkshire Water said it was shutting its reservoir car parks and urged people to be responsible and stay away.

Louise and her husband Richard run the Flock to the Fold cafe at Breaks Fold Farm -they followed the governments advice and closed the cafe but were astounded at what they witnessed yesterday and again today . Over the weekend, Louise said, so many cars arrived that they had to shut and padlock the farm gates to stop people parking in their yard.  North Yorkshire County Councillor, don Mackenzie tweeted:

Sorry @YorkshireWater to report that residents telling me Thruscross reservoir car park full of cars again this morning. This may be because there is no gate or other means to secure the area in which case please post ‘closed’ notice at very least. @JulianSmithUK @northyorkscc

— Don Mackenzie (@Mac1Don) March 23, 2020

Yorkshire Water responded by saying it was doing everything it could but it had 29 car parks and only a small team that was able to shut them.

Sunday Update: Large weekend crowds force garden and reservoir closures


Today it was the turn of the district’s parks and gardens to close after large visitors numbers over the past few days.  The RHS announced it was shutting Harlow Carr in Harrogate today saying it was not able to ensure people adhered to social distancing measures.  This follows a similar announcement yesterday from the National Trust that all its parks and gardens ,including Brimham Rocks and Fountains Abbey, would close from today.

In a Statement the RHS said:

After careful consideration, it is with great regret that the RHS has taken the sad decision to close our four RHS Gardens from today, Sunday 22 March.
Our online plant shop, continues to offer a wide selection of edible and ornamental plants.
Our utmost responsibility and concern is for the health and safety of our staff, members, visitors and volunteers. Yesterday was a very busy day at our gardens, and we felt we were no longer able to guarantee the Government’s requirement for social distancing.

Yorkshire Water also announced this afternoon it’s shutting its reservoir car parks due to large number of visitors.

Unprecedented numbers of people have been out and about at our reservoirs this weekend. To help keep everyone safe and maintain social distancing, we’re shutting our reservoir car parks and asking everyone to stay away for a little while

Elsewhere church services across the region were streamed for people who stayed at home.

A cameraman films this morning’s Eucharist in Ripon Cathedral

Some stores in Harrogate town centre cleared out stock last night as they took the decision to temporarily close.

Staff were clearing out stock at LK Bennet on James St yesterday evening





Amy’s 100th Birthday celebrations not stopped by coronavirus

The bells rang out in Pateley Bridge yesterday for Amy Derrick’s 100th Birthday – the bell ringers at St Cuthbert’s Church decided to ring them for the last time especially for Amy, before they temporarily stop because of social distancing.

Amy has lived in Pateley Bridge for more than 70 years. She has been alone in her bungalow since losing her husband in 2000. Amy though, is far from lonely – most of her family of 3 children, 5 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren live nearby.

The plan for Amy’s big birthday had been for family and friends to drop into her bungalow throughout the day and celebrate with cake and sandwiches. Her daughter, Joyce, said that coronavirus and social distancing meant they had to adapt:

“We realised it wasn’t a good idea so it was decided I would spend the day with her. Under the circumstances I think it went really well. She really enjoyed it. I took Mum to the doorstep and opened the door so she could hear the bells”

Amy and her daughter Joyce at the front door

Her immediate family came to the house and stood outside her house to wish her Happy Birthday. Friends and neighbours dropped cards off and knocked and waved at Amy through her front window. She received 54 cards (including that very special one..) and a birthday pork pie was sent as a gift by Weatherheads the Butchers.

A very special pork pie…

Prior to coronavirus, her two daughters, Joyce and Ann had taken it in turns to cook her dinner, but recently the family took the decision that only Joyce would care for her.  Joyce set up Facetime so her mother could connect with family members further afield.

Coronavirus may be changing the way we lead our lives but, it seems,  nothing was going to stop one centenarian from enjoying her big day.