Harrogate district has highest covid rate in Yorkshire

The Harrogate district now has the highest covid infection rate in Yorkshire after another rise in cases beyond record levels.

The district’s weekly rate per 100,000 people currently stands at 630, according to the latest Public Health England figures.

The rate is the 19th highest in England and well above the country’s average of 366.

It equates to almost 150 new infections each day. However, hospitalisations and deaths remain stable when compared with previous waves.

As of last Tuesday, there were 13 covid patients at Harrogate District Hospital.

Patient numbers there previously peaked at 67 in January.

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The last time the hospital reported a covid-related death was on September 30 when its toll since the pandemic began reached 189, according to NHS figures.

The Harrogate district’s latest weekly infection rate of 630 cases per 100,000 people is another record for the district, which has seen cases climb steadily since mid-September.

Prior to this period, the previous record was 534 on 18 July.

Speaking recently, Louise Wallace, director of public health for North Yorkshire, said the rise in infections in Harrogate and across the county was being “driven by school-age children”.

The latest figures for Harrogate show infections are highest among five to 19-year-olds, although cases among 40 to 49-year-olds are also high.

Live: Harrogate district traffic and travel

A very good morning to you today on this autumnal Tuesday. It’s Connor returning to the traffic and travel desk hoping to help with your commute.

There are a few road closures and temporary lights in place across the district, make sure you check our lists in case you need to leave a few minutes earlier.

Give me a call on 01423 276197 or get in touch on social media if you spot anything on the roads or are waiting for a delayed bus or train.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group.

9am – Full Update 

That is all from me this morning. I will be back tomorrow bright and early from 6.30am with all your traffic and travel news. Have a good day.


Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update 


Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8am – Full Update 


Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



6.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



Image gallery: Knaresborough Camera Club showcases its work

Some of the Harrogate district’s most famous scenes and landmarks have been captured by members of Knaresborough Camera Club.

The club, which meets weekly and welcomes new members, sent us a selection of photos to showcase to a wider audience.

They capture everything from an aerial view of Oakdale Golf Club in Harrogate to Ripon Canal to sculptures at the Himalayan Garden and Sculpture Park at Grewelthorpe.

We love showing great photos of the Harrogate district. If you would like us to consider yours for publication, please email details to contact@thestrayferret.co.uk.

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oakdale golf course Harrogate aerial view by Mike Morley

Oakdale golf course in Harrogate by Mike Morley.

Ripon Canal 1 by Mervin Straughan

Ripon Canal by Mervin Straughan

Ripley Castle deer by Mervin Straughan

Ripley Castle deer by Mervin Straughan

Himalayan Gardens, Grewelthorpe, by Mervin Straughan

Newby Hall 1 by Mervin Straughan

Newby Hall, by Mervin Straughan

Harrogate cycle group accuses Tesco of greenwash

Harrogate District Cycle Action has accused Tesco of greenwash over claims that its proposed new supermarket will reduce car journeys and CO2 emissions.

A Tesco online consultation about its plans to open a supermarket on Skipton Road closed yesterday.

The consultation website claims the new supermarket would reduce car journeys across Harrogate because residents in all the new homes on Skipton Road and Killinghall would have less distance to travel for shopping.

It adds:

“This new supermarket will help create more sustainable shopping patterns in Harrogate and reduce the number of long car journeys across the town.

“We anticipate a reduction in CO2 emissions from the shorter trips customers will be making.”

But HDCA, which campaigns for better cycling provision in the district, said on its website:

“That is greenwash, and based on nothing more than a far-fetched hope, or the desire to say something about sustainability without doing anything about sustainability.

“While some people might make shorter trips to Tesco, it is equally likely that other people will drive to Tesco from the other side of town, going further than before.

“The plans put forward by Tesco are totally car-centric. Doing the same as before will get the same result as before: ever more traffic.”


How the site would look

Read more:

Better cycling access

Plans for the new store include a petrol station, 200 parking spaces, 24 cycle spaces and a new roundabout on Skipton Road. Tesco says 100 new jobs would be created.

HDCA said segregated, protected cycle tracks on either side of Skipton Road, linking up to the new housing estates, would improve cycle access to the supermarket. It would also like to see the number of car parking spaces reduced.

The Stray Ferret asked Tesco to respond but we did not receive a response by the time of publication.

Tesco previously said:

“Our new proposals will deliver a much-needed new food store for the north of the town. This will reduce the number of long car journeys across Harrogate and we anticipate a reduction in CO2 emissions from the shorter trips customers will be making.”

Consultation ended 

A public consultation on the new Tesco ended yesterday. A full planning application is expected to be submitted before the end of the year.

Despite opposing Tesco’s bid to build a new supermarket on the site in the 2010s, Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce told the Stray Ferret the housing landscape in the area has now changed and the supermarket could reduce traffic across town.

The Stray Ferret also spoke to Claire Lewis, who has run Number One Shop on Electric Avenue, near the proposed new supermarket, for the last seven years with her husband. She opposes the plan and fears the new supermarket, which would be built behind her small shop, could destroy trade.

Work starts on controversial Harrogate Starbucks

Diggers have moved in to demolish a former dental surgery and make way for a Starbucks drive-thru on Wetherby Road in Harrogate.

Construction workers have been clearing overgrowth and moving out leftover furniture from 1st Dental Surgery before the site is levelled.

When complete, there will be a coffee shop with 19 car parking spaces close to the Woodlands junction on the busy road.

Developer Euro Garages has spent almost a decade trying to win permission for the work, which Harrogate Borough Council rejected three times.

The council turned down the latest bid back in 2019 on air quality and highways grounds.

Read more:

Euro Garages appealed and government planning inspector Helen Hockenhull overturned the decision in July and ordered the council to pay costs for the hearing.

The move comes despite fierce opposition from some local residents, who warned traffic on the road was already at “breaking point”.

Ms Hockenhull said in a decision notice:

“I recognise that my findings will be disappointing to the local residents and ward councillor who gave evidence at the hearing.

“With the proposed mitigation measures secured by planning conditions, I am not persuaded that the development would cause significant harm.”

The Stray Ferret has approached Euro Garages and Starbuck for comment.

Harrogate’s visually impaired showcase their sculpture

Visually impaired people from a Harrogate charity are showcasing their art alongside professional sculptors at an exhibition in Leeds.

Nine members of Vision Support Harrogate District’s ceramics class will join other sculptors displaying their work at the Sculpture Show North this month.

The show, at the Corn Exchange in Leeds from October 22 to 31, includes work by 16 local, national and international sculptors.

Members of Vision Support Harrogate District have created sculptures of animals, teddy bears’ picnics and heads.

Their tutor, sculptor Kay Latto, is also exhibiting at the show. She said:

“The class is really excited to be able to show their work to a wider audience, and we are very grateful to Sculpture Show North for giving us this opportunity.”

Vision Support Harrogate District president Pauline Nolan (left) holds her sculpture alongside Kay Latto.

Besides ceramics classes, Vision Support Harrogate District members are offered a variety of other arts and crafts classes as well as IT.

The charity works with over 300 visually impaired people regularly and is a point of contact for 400 more.

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The charity’s director, Tanya Stimpson said:

“Art can make a real difference to people experiencing sight loss, giving them a creative outlet and helping them to understand their capabilities and build their confidence for independent living.

“As a charity that depends on the support of our volunteers and trustees, we can’t thank Kay enough for her commitment to providing such enjoyable and valuable art classes for our members alongside her own work as a sculptor.”

Live: Harrogate district traffic and travel

Good morning it’s Leah back with you today. I’m here to give you all the road and rail updates you need this morning.

There are a few road closures and temporary lights in place across the district, make sure you check our lists in case you need to leave a few minutes earlier.

Give me a call on 01423 276197 or get in touch on social media if you spot anything on the roads or are waiting for a delayed bus or train.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group.

9am – Full Update 

That is it from me this morning, Connor will be back with you tomorrow. Have a lovely day!


The roads are starting to look busier so far this morning. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update 


The roads are starting to look busier so far this morning. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Traffic Hotspots:

Traffic is building:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




8am – Full Update 


The roads are starting to look busier so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Traffic is building:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




7.30am – Full Update 


The roads are starting to look busier so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Traffic is building:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




7am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




6.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Spotted something? Give me a call.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




Thai restaurant set to make Harrogate debut

A Thai restaurant chain is set to make its Harrogate debut after taking over the former Las Iguanas restaurant on John Street.

Giggling Squid started in the basement of a fisherman’s cottage in Brighton but has since developed into a business with more than 40 restaurants.

The restaurant is well known for fresh dishes and bright, floral interiors. It is currently recruiting and has submitted planning permission with Harrogate Borough Council for new signs.

When it opens it will replace Las Iguanas, which failed to open after the initial coronavirus lockdown during which the Big Table Group bought out the previous owners.

Read more:

It is unclear when Giggling Squid will open or how many jobs it will create. The Stray Ferret approached Giggling Squid but it said it was unable to comment yet.

Pranee Laurillard, who founded Giggling Squid with her husband Andy, said on the restaurant’s website of its success:

“We hope you enjoy Giggling Squid, and feel at home in our funny, quirky little restaurants – well some of them are not so little now, but our approach is still the same.

“We love to hear from our guests so please feel free to share your feedback online or drop in to see us at your local restaurant.”

Harrogate district covid rate rises above 600

The Harrogate district seven-day covid rate has risen above 600 for the first time after another 141 infections were confirmed today by Public Health England.

The gap between infection rates in the district and the county and national averages continues to widen. The North Yorkshire rate is 456 and the England rate is 357.

The district with the next highest rate in the county is Craven, at 494.

Harrogate West and Pannal Ash has recorded the most cases within the district in the lasts even days, with 66.

Knaresborough Central has recorded the fewest, with 22.

Read more:


Stray Views: Night time noise in Harrogate makes it impossible to sleep

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to letters@thestrayferret.co.uk.

Night time noise in Harrogate is unacceptable 

The noise at night in the centre of Harrogate is unacceptable. People shouting and fast loud cars until 2am to 3am. Friends of mine from London couldn’t believe how noisy Harrogate is and they live in central London.

I agree so I’m moving. Every weekend it’s the same. I want people to enjoy themselves but the behaviour I hear is antisocial.

Can’t people be decent and realise that people/families have the right to a good night’s sleep? Honestly it’s not acceptable to be kept awake until 2am to 3am in the morning.

I have teenagers but they are aware of their surroundings and wouldn’t dream of shouting or playing loud music in their cars. Can’t something be done?

Annekin Emerson, Harrogate

New Tesco location ‘beggars belief’

I cannot believe that Tesco and the council are considering building a superstore with an entrance so close to one of the busiest junctions in Harrogate.

The thought of two roundabouts within close proximity beggars belief, traffic will back up from the entrance to Tesco and hold up all of Harrogate’s through traffic from the A59 and A61.

Clearly the ideal place for a Tesco superstore is on or near Otley Road, then traffic will head out of Harrogate or have easy access from all of the new estates on that side of town.

The problem at the moment is that ALL of the supermarkets are in town or the opposite end of town to Otley Road (except for Aldi, which is excellent but does not satisfy all requirements), so all the traffic has to go down Skipton Road to get to them causing constant traffic jams.

Why the council/house builders/Tesco cannot get round a table and come to an agreement where the Tesco land at the roundabout can be developed for housing, and more appropriate land on the outskirts of town can be used for the Tesco’s I do not know. Is that not Section 106 agreements are all about?

Stephen Readman, Harrogate

Read more:

Pedestrians needs are being ignored

May I voice support for your correspondent Angela Dicken and her comments on the cycle way on Otley Road?

I am a frequent pedestrian there and can wholly confirm what she says. Yesterday morning, for example, just after 9am, on which occasion I was actually in the car heading for Bradford (try it on public transport if you want to know why) I was waiting at the pelican crossing and saw a cyclist in all the gear absolutely hurtling down the pavement towards Leeds Road.

This at a time when the pavement is always busy with people. At the moment that is illegal, although nothing is ever done about it. Now we are being asked to share space with such people.

Nor was this an isolated incident as many will testify. Later that day I was passed by another equally speedy cyclist whilst walking on the pedestrianised section of Oxford Street. Later still, on East Parade, by which time it was dark, another pair were riding abreast without lights on that road. And so on. It is time certainly to think about the pedestrian and stop indulging a fantasy of responsible cycling.

Paul Jennings, Harrogate

Well done, Harrogate Borough Council

I must thank those at Harrogate Borough Council who have been responsible for removing the weeds from around the base of the Tewit Well’s dome.

In this, the 450th anniversary of the discovery of Harrogate’s first mineral well, it is particularly important to ensure that the Tewit Well appears cared for, in view of the passing visitors the site so regularly sees.

Malcolm Neesam, Harrogate

Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at letters@thestrayferret.co.uk. Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.