Stray Views: has Marilyn Stowe heard of climate change?

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Does Marilyn not know about climate change?

Does Marilyn Stowe really not understand? The growth in cycling provision in Leeds or Harrogate is not to provide for the few people that already cycle.

The intention is to persuade a lot more people to cycle. Does she not know about climate change and melting polar ice?

Her article on Stray Ferret is just so incredible.

Andrew Willoughby, Knaresborough

Why prioritise cyclists when Harrogate needs parking?

I wrote to North Yorkshire County Council twice last year about the experiences of towns that have installed harmful, counter-productive cycling lanes and low-traffic neighbourhoods.

I wrote that the planners of those towns might be forgiven for not anticipating how damaging the reality of their schemes was going to be – because there were no precedents. Our councils here have no such excuse, not with the evidence from other towns writ large since 2017.

Throughout five different journeys by car, in and out of town, Monday to Friday last week, I counted 12 cyclists — in mild and sunny weather. We really don’t have many homegrown cyclists – for good reason.

The hills on Harrogate’s town-centre access routes, together with wet and windy weather, discourage cycling for local residents. Dedicated cycling lanes will never change that.

It is different for hobby cyclists. They are mostly the ones to be seen on high days and holidays, often grouped on the roads, identifiable by their distinctive apparel and indifferent to bad weather. They are rarely spotted using our shops and cafes or services.

Are we really going to make changes that prioritise cyclists over our entire population, when our town is in dire need of footfall, residents and visitors to shop and pile goods into their cars, or to drive into town to enjoy cafes and restaurants again? Surely we should be welcoming all comers and that means providing plentiful parking if we are to support the prestigious services and the famous retail heart of Harrogate.

On account of working-from-home there are already fewer cars coming into town, and perhaps fewer cyclists – a trend that may progress. Changes are coming and I think we should wait and see.

Jacky Little, Harrogate

Ripon people have chips on both shoulders

The attitudes expressed by both Harrogate borough councillors Swift and McHardy are insulting to the Scottish Nationalist Party, which exists to promote and advance the people of Scotland, and have nothing at all to do with Harrogate or Ripon.

Councillor McHardy’s response is quite typical of the constant whinging from people in Ripon, which is completely unwilling to accept that in 1974 Ripon was absorbed into the Harrogate district. We fail to see any similar grouses from other towns in the district, such as Knaresborough, Boroughbridge or Pateley Bridge, who seem prepared to work with Harrogate Borough Council to get the best deal for their locality.

Ripon seems to live in the past and many Ripon city councillors, who incidentally are often Harrogate borough councillors and North Yorkshire county councillors too, seem to regularly be elected on the basis of their anti-Harrogate Borough Council attitudes.

It’s often said that Ripon people are well-balanced because they have a chip on both shoulders.

John Edmonstone, Ripon

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Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.


Harrogate Hospital Radio takes to the air for 24-hour fundraising marathon

From noon today, Harrogate Hospital Radio’s team of presenters will broadcast non-stop for 24 hours to kickstart its fundraising activities.

Coronavirus has had a huge impact on the station’s finances and it is hoped this broadcast can start to raise some much-needed funds.

Normally, the station would be broadcasting live from major events across the district such as the Great Knaresborough Bed Race and the Great Yorkshire Show.

The annual running costs for Harrogate Hospital Radio, including insurance, public performance licence fees and broadband charges, are in the region of £5,000. On top of that, new music needs to be purchased and equipment updated or replaced.

Harrogate Hospital Radio chairman Mark Oldfield said:

“Covid has had a major impact on our finances, and the sponsored broadcast marks the start of a post-pandemic fundraising campaign.

“Now, with lockdown easing and the vaccine being rolled out, we are in a position to relaunch our fundraising, starting with our presenting team participating in this 24-hour broadcast.

“We have also launched a JustGiving page, making it easier for supporters to make a donation.”

The station is offering potential sponsors the chance to add their name to a show, for 12 months, for a reduced fee of £150.

It is all in aid of raising as much money as possible. You can donate here.

Mr Oldfield added:

“I’m incredibly grateful to our fantastic team of volunteers. Without them, there would be no Harrogate Hospital Radio.

“I’d also like to thank Harrogate District NHS Foundation Trust for their continued support of us, and our sponsors.”

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This is the running order for the marathon taking place from noon until 12pm tomorrow, bank holiday Monday.

1200-1300:    Launch & Welcome

1300-1400:    Live Lounge with local artist Stan Smith

1400-l5OO:   Dolly Mixtures and All Sorts

1500-1600:    Harrogate Hospital Radio’s Presenter Challenge

1600-1700:    The 60s Show

1700-1800:    G&T Name that Tune – Adele Vs George

1800-1900:    Head 2 Head – Wilson Vs Wright

1900-2000:    The School Disco Hour

2000-2100:    Club Classics

2100-2300:    HHR’s Pride Festival – Celebrating LGBTQ

2300-0000:    Kylie in Concert

Midnight:       Midnight Rock

0100-0200:    Soul Show

0200-0500:    HDFT Top 40 Feel Good Chart Show

0500-0600:    Night Shift Request Show

0600-0700:    The Early, Early Breakfast Show

0700-0900:    HHR Big Breakfast Show

0900-1000:    Woodlands Ward Hour

1000-1100:    Chart Show Rewind – 1977

1100-1200:    The 24th Hour

Harrogate man’s 40-year love affair with Leeds United

Harrogate-born Dave Rowson has seen it all at Leeds United.

After following the club home and away since the 1970s, he’s travelled the length and breadth of the country and followed United to the capitals of Europe.

He came up with the idea to write his book “We’re Not Leeds, We Are Leeds” after 10 years of travelling with the club from 1992 until 2002.

Dave’s friends suggested he write the book to show what it’s really like as a fan to support the team abroad.

But, a decade of United playing in European competitions is only a snapshot of his dedication to the club.

What does it take to follow a football team around the country week in, week out and how did he do it?

‘Life revolved around watching Leeds’

After his dad took him to Elland Road in 1967, Dave was hooked on football and Leeds United.

Despite being just four years old, his first game was against West Bromwich Albion at a time when the club was on its way to success under manager Don Revie.

While his memories are fleeting of that time, Dave can still picks out the European cup nights against Celtic at Elland Road as the most memorable.

He said:

“I have fleeting memories of being in the ground and certain games, but the one I can absolutely remember is Celtic at home in the European Cup semi-final because it was awash with green and white outside the ground.

“I just remember a Scottish lad came up and wanted to swap scarfs with me. I had been about seven years old and I just said ‘no, b*****r off mate’ because it was a Leeds scarf.”

As a kid, Dave would catch the bus from the bottom of Montpellier to Elland Road with his Dad.

When his dad stopped going in 1977, Dave kept the tradition going despite the decline of the great Revie side.

“I was about 14 then and I started going everywhere even though they were not the team that they quite were, but I had grown up with them as my team.”

As an adult, he could have gone onto to university but decided to take up a job as clerical officer as part of a training course at the regional health authority in 1982.

Dave pictured away at Stoke City in the 1980s.

Dave pictured away at Stoke City in the 1980s.

Dave took the job deliberately as he wanted to follow Leeds home and away.

“I started earning so I could fund to go to Leeds away games, because that’s what I wanted to do.

“As daft as it sounds, life revolved around watching Leeds.”

The decision started a love affair with the club that has spanned decades.

From the club being at its most successful in the 1970s and 1990s, to the wilderness of lower division football in the 1980s, the doldrums of League One and recent rise under Marcelo Bielsa, Dave has been there.

When asked how he managed to balance his life supporting the club with work and family life, he said a lot of it came down to commitment.

As for the European nights, that required balancing leave from work and moving it to where he could fit it with games abroad.

“I just had to take it as I can and bring some leave forward.

“I don’t think I took any unpaid leave, but I would have done if I had to do.”

The highs and lows

Most of the trips across the country have come with the Harrogate and District Supporters Club.

Dave, who initially organised the bus trips under the then Knaresborough branch in the 1980s, said the days out with the supporters were one of the reasons for dedicating so much time to the club.

Harrogate and District Leeds United Supporters group.

Harrogate and District Leeds United Supporters group.

The camaraderie and joint experience of both low and high moments kept him coming back.

Among them was the chaotic game at Bramall Lane against Sheffield United in 1992, which clinched Leeds’ first title – and the last team to win it before the Premier League – since 1974.

But that year was not without its hiccups and Dave had to convince his fellow supporters that United had not blown it with five games to go.

After a surprise 4-0 defeat to Manchester City at Maine Road, Dave was convinced that the title was still within the club’s grasp.

He went as far as to write to then manager, Howard Wilkinson, outlining their final fixtures alongside Manchester United’s, who were also vying for the top spot, and explaining why the opposition would not get maximum points.

“I actually wrote to Wilkinson and said ‘have you seen their run in?’

“They had these four games and were playing Forest twice and I wrote to him and said ‘they are not going to get 12 points, I reckon they will get seven max’.”

Not content with waiting for the Lancashire side to slip up, Dave decided to go and see it for himself.

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Ahead of a meeting in Peterborough for work, he realised that he could make it to the City Ground for Man United’s clash with Nottingham Forest the night before.

Despite not having a ticket and the game being sold out, he managed to convince the ticket staff that they had misplaced his ticket and was handed one from a no-show for the game.

“I got to the ticket office and I said ‘I’m a Forest fan from Harrogate’. I had bought from a stand a little Forest lapel badge and I said I had ordered some tickets.

“I gave her a name and she was looking through and she said ‘they’re not here’ and I said ‘what? I’ve ordered the tickets. I guess I’ll just go to the pub then’. Anyway, she said ‘actually I’ve got this envelope here, I don’t think these people are going to turn up’.”

Nigel Clough got the winner for Forest that night and Dave’s prediction came to fruition.

But, the forty years supporting the club has not been without its lows.

Dave pictured with friends in Edinburgh for Leeds' pre-season in 1983.

Dave pictured with friends in Edinburgh for Leeds’ pre-season in 1983.

Dave recalls the 1987 season when Leeds reached the FA Cup Semi Final and a play off final replay against Charlton Athletic at St Andrews in Birmingham.

The game went to extra time and Leeds took the lead through John Sheridan, but conceded twice in the last seven minutes to confine themselves to another season in the second division.

Dave said he had never heard a supporters’ bus so silent after a game.

“To go from seven minutes from promotion, there is only Leeds that can let two in to Peter Shirtliff.

“I don’t think I’ve ever been on a bus where not one person spoke after the game.

“We got all the way from Birmingham to Harrogate, got off and six of us went to the Blue Pot which was the drinking place at the time. We ordered the drinks and stood around the table and nobody had spoke.

“All of a sudden, someone who had not been to game came and asked if we had been to the game and it was like someone had click their fingers and we could suddenly talk again.”

‘We’re not Leeds, We are Leeds’

The European nights bring further focus into what it takes to follow the club as a fan.

From Italy to Ukraine, Dave juggled his personal life to fit in those games and to be there among the travelling Leeds support.

In his book, We’re Not Leeds We Are Leeds, Dave aimed to tell the stories of what it was like being there when United mixed it with the elite of European football.

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Rather than a review of what happened on the pitch, the book highlights the people, the situations and the “daft things that happen” following your team abroad.

As part of his book, Dave has also donated £500 to Alzheimers Research UK – which the Harrogate District Supporters Branch continues to fundraise for.

Some of the journeys in Europe were memorable, such as the trip to CSKA Moscow in 1999 and the famous Champions League run in 2000/2001.

Others were memorable for things other than football.

In April 2000, Leeds travelled to play Galatasaray in Istanbul in the UEFA Cup semi final. 

The game would come second to what happened before the match when two supporters, Chris Loftus and Kevin Speight, were murdered.

Dave was in Istanbul and remembers the aftermath:

“We didn’t know what had gone on until probably the next morning.

“The next day we were not allowed out of our hotel, the police were like ‘you’re a bunch of Leeds fans, you’re not allowed out of your hotel’. We didn’t know if the game was going to go ahead.

“In the end, they said the game was going ahead and we’re going to bus you to the ground. They bussed us to the ground and there was tanks there, it was surreal.”

‘It gets in your blood, it gets in your system’

Forty years later, Dave still follows his club home and away and says he will continue to do so when fans are allowed back into stadiums.

Last season was bittersweet for Leeds fans, who witnessed a return to the top flight after 16 years from home due to the covid pandemic.

Much like the rest of the fanbase, Dave was at home when promotion was sealed following Huddersfield Town’s defeat of West Brom and supporters flocked to Elland Road in their thousands.

“I’m just hoping that it will be like clicking your fingers and you’re back at it again.”

Until then, Dave awaits like all football fans for the moment when the government signals the long awaited return to stadiums and live games.

He will return to his habits of meeting up with lifelong friends, having a drink and taking the well-trodden journey to Elland Road week in week out.

But, why and how does he do it?

“I grew up doing it and it is what I do. It gets in your blood, it gets in your system.

“I can almost imagine never not doing it. A lot of my best mates I have met through the football and it’s like a community and a family.

“You have some right laughs and it takes you away from everything. Whatever troubles people have had, they go to the football and it gets it out of their system.

“I’ve known some people for 50 years watching football. There’s nothing better than it for me, a day out with the lads and a laugh.”

You can donate to the Harrogate Leeds United Supporters’ Branch fundraiser for Alzheimers Research UK here. Dave Rowson’s book, We’re Not Leeds We Are Leeds, is available to buy here.

Harrogate Town given go-ahead for new ticket office and turnstiles

Harrogate Town have been given the go-ahead for a new ticket office and turnstiles at the EnviroVent Stadium.

The proposals, which were submitted last December, will see the current ticket office demolished and replaced with a new two-storey facility.

New turnstiles would also be in place at the north and wes of Wetherby Road.

Now, Harrogate Borough Council has given the club permission for the development to go-ahead.

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It comes as Town have had a successful past year on the pitch with a historic promotion to the English Football League.

As a result, the club have had to put measures in place to abide by the EFL admission criteria. They include a new pitch and increased capacity at the ground.

Harrogate Town grounds

The current view of The Envirovent Stadium, Wetherby Road.

In documents submitted to the council, the club said the new planning application was necessary because of an increase in office staff and the need for a better flow of supporters on match days.

The club has also submitted plans for a new two-storey club house and corporate suite.

Meanwhile, Town are set for another Wembley appearance on Monday in the FA Trophy Final against Concord Rangers.

The club have announced a new all-black kit which the players will wear for the game. It will also be used as a third kit for the 2021/22 League Two season.

The Stray Ferret social media accounts will not be posting any updates this weekend about the FA Trophy Final in solidarity with football clubs withdrawing from platforms in protest against online racial abuse.

Harrogate district bucks UK trend with empty shops in decline

Across Britain the number of empty shops has risen again, but the Harrogate district has enjoyed a boost in businesses opening over the past 12 months.

In March 2020 8.6% of the district’s retail units were empty, but in March 2021 this had dropped to 6.8%.

Research by the British Retail Consortium published by the BBC found that one in seven shops in Britain were empty, with the north of England said to be the most affected.

But the Harrogate district is bucking this trend – despite the repeated lockdowns to tackle the pandemic.

Tina Parker opened a French furniture store, Once Upon A Time, in Killinghall in September and said she would never look back:

“We did feel like we were a little crazy at the beginning but we thought people would go back to supporting local after the pandemic and they have!

“It’s been fantastic, people have been really supportive.

“Of course it has been difficult having to close twice but luckily we did get some grants so it worked out well.”

watermark gallery owners

Liz and Richard Hawkes with Anna Martola (left) from the Watermark Gallery.

Liz Hawkes, owner of the Watermark Gallery on Royal Parade in Harrogate, opened her premises just as the first lockdown was imposed last March. She said:

“We had already signed the lease and done the refurb just as lockdown was enforced but I’m glad we did open then otherwise I never would have done it. The independent scene in Harrogate is really strong and getting stronger.

“It’s been a positive experience for us and encouraged use to be more creative with our space, windows and how we serve our customers.”

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David Lombardi opened his music shop, The Music Bank, in Knaresborough in October and said although he has not been open as much as he would like, the local support has been great. He said:

“We kind of thought it was an opportunity and prior to the pandemic people were moving online so it was risky then too.

“I think we are stronger than we would have been if we stayed open because we had the time to work on the business.”

Time running out for Stray dining as debate rumbles on

Time is running out for Harrogate bars hoping to use the Stray for outdoor dining as the debate rumbles for another week.

Andrew Jones MP reignited hopes two weeks ago by sending a letter to the Duchy of Lancaster, the land owners, but the outcome has left the bar owners disappointed.

The Blues Bar, The Empress and Fashion House Bistro were all hoping to capitalise on the Stray space outside their businesses from April 12.

However, indoor dining is returning on May 17 so Trish Campbell, manager at the Empress, feels that they will likely miss out on the outdoor dining window.

She told the Stray Ferret today:

“This has completely missed the point. We have still got another three weeks but we are really missing out on a good opportunity.

“For some reason we have not had any help. So we are extremely disappointed and upset.”

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In a letter to Andrew Jones MP, the chief executive at the Duchy of Lancaster Nathan Thompson said:

“If the proposals are not permitted by the Stray Act, Harrogate Borough Council would be in breach of its management obligations in implementing them.

“We therefore suggested to the council that they might seek advice regarding compliance before finalising its proposals.

“Given the aftermath of the UCI World Cycling Championships in 2019, the Duchy also requested further clarification of the proposed scale and duration of the proposed temporary licences.”

Andrew Jones MP forwarded the response to the owners of The Empress and Blues Bar and told them:

“The council rejected taking legal advice and doing the required engagement because by the time this costly work had been undertaken it would be well past the return of indoor hospitality.

“The council have assured me that they were ready to licence limited use of the Stray. I wanted to see an equally flexible response from the Duchy of Lancaster.

“Instead they have quoted the Stray Act and declined to give a view on whether they support use of the Stray in this manner.”

New Starbeck bar and cafe granted planning permission

The Waiting Room, a new craft beer bar and cafe/restaurant run by the owners of So Bar and Eats will open this summer on Starbeck High Street.

Harrogate Borough Council granted local pub company Appetite for Life planning permission earlier this week.

The building at 34 High Street was previously occupied by Greenalls and Your Factory Bed Shop, but has been empty for some time. The name of the bar ties into its location near Starbeck railway station.

The company already runs a number of bars in the Harrogate district including the So Bars in Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon, The Hart pub in Knaresborough, and the Tap on Tower Street in Harrogate.

Appetite for Life owner Rob Thompson told the Stray Ferret he hopes to get the venue up and running in about three months.

He added:

“As a local family-run Harrogate company, we are excited to bring Starbeck our new bar, The Waiting Room, in the next few months. Our plan is for a cafe bar, selling local craft beers, amazing wines and the best in premium spirits and gins in a comfy environment.

“We will be serving a variety of food all day, including artisan coffee, pastries, homemade world food bowls, pizza and grazing boards to nibble on while you are enjoying a drink. We plan to trade all day with food and drink available for take-out for those on the go. When we have more details to share we will let everyone know more”.

A logo of the new venue

The Waiting Room will open from 7am Monday to Saturday and from 9am on Sunday, It will close at 11.30pm Monday to Wednesday and 00.30am during the rest of the week.

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Starbeck is currently served by one pub, the Prince of Wales, plus two clubs.

There were plans to open a micropub called the Office Ale House on 67d High Street, but proposals fell through.

Appeal for witnesses to street fight in Bilton

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for witnesses after a group of men began fighting on Knox Chase, Bilton, on Friday April 16.

The incident involved five men, of various ages, physically fighting on the street at around 7.40pm.

The police reported that several residents came out of their homes to try to calm the situation.

Some of the men involved suffered facial injuries.

Police are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to call 101 and quote reference number 12210099520.

If you have already been approached by the police about this incident there is no need to get in touch again.

To remain anonymous, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

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Leeds Road reopens fully after four weeks of resurfacing

Leeds Road in Harrogate has reopened fully after four weeks of evening closures for resurfacing.

North Yorkshire County Council‘s highways team worked on the stretch of road between Beech Avenue in Harrogate and Princess Royal Way in Pannal.

It will come as a relief to drivers who have been forced to use an eight-mile diversion between 6.30pm and 11.30pm since March 29.

This is the third of three phases of resurfacing in Harrogate. Works in The Old Barber area in Bilton and Franklin Road are already complete.

The highways team used 2,500 tonnes of material and cleaned out 105 gullies. As they finished the work today, it was completed on time.

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Cllr Don Mackenzie, executive member for access at North Yorkshire County Council, said:

“The extensive resurfacing scheme on one of Harrogate’s busiest roads is a real success story for our dedicated highways teams.

“In spite of the constraints on working times, it has been completed on schedule with relatively minimal inconvenience.

“It is a great demonstration of working well in collaboration to achieve the same goal. The standard of the road is much improved and is now fit for future traffic demands.

Brian L Dunsby OBE, a local resident and former chief executive of the town’s Chamber of Trade and Commerce, said:

“The highways teams have done a brilliant job in resurfacing to such a high standard and were well-coordinated to get it finished on time.

“The project was very well executed as by carrying out the work overnight it caused little disruption.

“This is a major route in Harrogate so it’s great to see such improvements are a priority for the county council.”

Car crash causing delays on Harrogate’s Leeds Road

A car accident is causing heavy disruption on Leeds Road in Harrogate this afternoon.

Officers from North Yorkshire Police are currently diverting traffic as only one lane remains open.

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Drivers are urged to avoid the area.

An eye witness told the Stray Ferret at 4pm this afternoon:

“Traffic is backed up all the way to and beyond the Prince of Wales roundabout and as far as the eye can see down Leeds Road.”