Live: Harrogate district traffic and travel

Good morning and Happy Friday, welcome back to the traffic and travel blog, it’s Leah with you today to help make your journey as smooth as possible.

Keep checking our blog every 30 minutes for full updates on the roads and public transport. I’ll let you know about any delays, traffic hotspots or roadworks.

You can get in touch if you spot anything, and it’s safe, on 01423 276197.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group.

9am – Full Update 

That is it from me this morning, I will be back with you on Monday with regular updates to help keep the district moving.


Sutton Bank is closed due to an accident. Watch out for Standing water at Plumpton Rocks on the A661.

Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Watch out for Standing water at Plumpton Rocks on the A661.

Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




8am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Watch out for Standing water at Plumpton Rocks on the A661.

Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




7.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Watch out for Standing water at Plumpton Rocks on the A661.

Traffic is building here:

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




7am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Watch out for Standing water at Plumpton Rocks on the A661.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




6.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Watch out for Standing water at Plumpton Rocks on the A661.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:




Public inquiry threat revealed for James Street pedestrianisation plans

The threat of a public inquiry has been revealed as a reason why plans for a full-time pedestrianisation of one of Harrogate’s busiest shopping streets have been dropped from the £10.9 million Station Gateway project.

North Yorkshire County Council received strong support when it consulted on the idea of removing traffic from James Street.

But it now wants to see only Princes Square to Station Parade pedestrianised, with loading vehicles still allowed to use the street at limited times. This partial pedestrianisation was the least supported option.

Karl Battersby, corporate director of business and environmental services at the council, said this option was being pursued because the authority believes it could face objections which would trigger a public inquiry if a full-time pedestrianisation is progressed.

He said: 

“A traffic regulation order is required to pedestrianise a street.

“In certain circumstances, including where vehicles are excluded at all times, if an order is made and objections are raised that cannot be resolved, a public inquiry could result.

“If that were to happen, it could delay the scheme.”

Read more:

Mr Battersby also said a full-time pedestrianisation “remains possible” in the future after the completion of the gateway project, which requires government cash to be spent by March 2023.

He added the council’s preferred option of part-time restrictions would still retain many of the changes to the look of James Street that would be included under a full-time pedestrianisation.

He said: 

“The selected option provides the opportunity to pedestrianise the street at most times of the day, except for a period to allow deliveries, with access controlled through rising bollards.

“This creates the ability to pedestrianise the street at any time of day in future subject to the outcome of a legal order.

“We believe this strikes an appropriate balance between the wishes of respondents and risks to delivery of the scheme.”

Contentious plans

The detailed plans were first revealed in February when residents and businesses were also consulted with.

It is only now – eight months on – that the council has spoken of the potential threat of a public inquiry.

This could be in part due to negative feedback from some business owners and residents, however, the council’s own consultation results show a full-time pedestrianisation would be well supported.

Of the 1,101 respondents to the consultation, 45% were in favour of this option, while 32% said no changes should be made to the layout of James Street.

Meanwhile, just 17% supported a part-time pedestrianisation – the option that the council is now pushing ahead with.

Although James Street has proved to be one of the most contentious parts of the gateway project, it is only a small part of the overall plans.

There are also proposals to reduce Station Parade to a single lane of traffic to create room for a cycle lane, as well improvements to Station Square and the One Arch underpass.

The latest consultation on the entire project is currently underway and residents and businesses have until November 12 to have their say before more detailed proposals are drawn up and a final decision is made.

If approved, it is anticipated that construction will start in spring 2022 for approximately 12 months.

For more information and to have your say, visit the West Yorkshire Combined Authority website.

Harrogate council leader confirms he will stand down

The leader of Harrogate Borough Council has announced he will stand down after more than 20 years of service as a councillor.

Cllr Richard Cooper, who was first elected as a Conservative councillor in 1999, said he will not seek election to the North Yorkshire unitary council but will continue in his role until the new authority is created in 2023.

Multiple senior political figures in the Harrogate district told the Stray Ferret earlier this month that the Conservative council leader would not be standing when voters head to the polls in May 2022.

Cllr Cooper has now confirmed the news. He said: 

“I have been a councillor now for 22 years and leader of the council for eight. That’s a long time and it is time for me to do other things and for others to have the opportunity to serve our communities at a senior level.

“Although I am not standing for the new council in May 2022, Harrogate Borough Council continues until April 2023.

“So although I am not standing for that new council it isn’t quite goodbye yet.”

Read more:

Cllr Cooper was first elected when he took the Liberal Democrat seat of West Central in 1999 and has since held several cabinet positions, as well as being deputy leader and serving on North Yorkshire County Council.

Council leader since 2014

He was elected as leader of Harrogate Borough Council in 2014 and will be the longest-serving holder of the position if he is re-elected next May.

Among his achievements, Cllr Cooper said he will remember increasing funding for homelessness, defeating the Nidd Gorge relief road proposal, raising the profile of sustainable transport and leading on the construction of the new Harrogate Civic Centre.

Cllr Cooper added: 

“I would like to take this opportunity to thank the voters who have elected me to represent them over the past 22 years, my fellow councillors for having trusted me with leadership roles throughout that time and the amazing people in our community groups who I have been privileged to meet and support.

“We are fortunate to have many young and talented councillors in our district alongside those with many years of service. It is a great combination which will serve our district well on the new council.

“I wish them all, of every political persuasion, luck and success as they continue to champion sustainable transport, carbon reduction, support for the homeless and funding for our local voluntary groups among the many other brilliant things Harrogate Borough Council does.”

Racist graffiti sprayed in Harrogate playground

Racist graffiti has been sprayed onto playground equipment in Harrogate.

Two instances of the graffiti were found in a play area in Panhandle Park, just behind Sherwood Drive in Hookstone Chase.

It was reported to North Yorkshire Police between Saturday, October 23, and Tuesday, October 26.

The graffiti has since been removed but required specialist attention to do so by Harrogate Borough Council.

Sergeant Alex Sellars, of Harrogate neighbourhood policing team, said:

“We take hate crime very seriously and it has no place in society. We would urge anyone who knows anything about these incidents to get in touch with us to assist with our investigation.”

Read more:

North Yorkshire Police added in a statement:

“Anyone with information is asked to report it on our website or call 101.

“You can also provide information anonymously via independent charity Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111 or through their website.

“Please quote 12210229225 when providing information.”

Parents vow to fight closure of ‘fantastic’ Woodfield primary school

A group of parents has vowed to fight plans to close Woodfield Community Primary School in Bilton.

North Yorkshire County Council said this week the school would ‘technically close’ in September under plans to merge it with Grove Road Community Primary School.

Woodfield has been unable to find an academy willing to take it on since it was rated inadequate by Ofsted in January last year.

A joint statement signed by the headteachers and chairs of governors at both schools hailed the move as “an exciting opportunity to enhance our educational offer”.

But several parents were shocked and angered by the news when they met the Stray Ferret yesterday.

They said Woodfield had made tremendous progress since it was rated inadequate — a view supported by an Ofsted monitoring visit in June, which said ‘leaders and managers are taking effective action towards the removal of special measures’.

Kerry Bartle and son Tyler Woodfield School

Kerry Bartle and her son, Tyler

Kerry Bartle, who has had six children at the school over 23 years, said the proposed merger was a “devastating blow” to families that had stuck with the school and worked hard to improve it when others had left.

The number of pupils has roughly halved to 56 in recent years due to the poor Ofsted and a rapid turnover of headteachers. But Ms Bartle said it had improved significantly in the last 18 months, despite covid, and closure was being rushed into disturbingly quickly. She added:

“No child should be worried like ours are now as to what is going to happen to them next.

“My son is in year 4 and has mobility issues. He would struggle at the Grove site

“Woodfield is such an amazing community. We can’t fault the school as it is today.”

‘They will build on it’

Mike Fryer, a grandparent, thinks the council is using merger as a stepping stone towards closing the large Woodfield site and using it for housing.

“Within two years they will close it down and build on it. This has been on the cards since the start. They have made the school unviable, and since when should schools be all about money?”

There are also fears the Woodfield site will provide early years education and a nursery for Grove Road, forcing some families with more than one child to have to drop off and collect from both schools.

Louise Newport said she would look for another school altogether if this happened. She said:

“My son is autistic and his summer holiday will be horrendous if he has to move. Woodfield school has done so much for the children.

Read more:

Naomi Tomlinson, who has two children at Woodfield, also said she would look for another school, adding:

“Ask any kids and they will say it is a fantastic school. As far as we were aware it was doing well so this is a real shock.”

The parents also questioned whether such swift action would be taken to close a school in a better-off part of Harrogate.

The council’s response

The Stray Ferret put a series of questions to North Yorkshire County Council, including whether it could reassure parents that no children would have to move from either site.

We received the following response from Amanda Newbold, assistant director for education and skills, said:

“Woodfield Primary School became eligible for intervention by the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) having been judged inadequate by Ofsted at inspection in January 2020. Subsequently the school was issued with a Directive Academy Order but the RSC was unable to secure an academy trust to sponsor the school due to viability concerns.

“We have supported the school through the provision of successful temporary leadership since the inspection. The latest Ofsted monitoring report of Woodfield in July states that “leaders and managers are taking effective action towards the removal of special measures” and it is important to recognise the efforts of all those who have been involved in this improvement journey.

“However, the current arrangements can only be temporary and the absence of an academy sponsor means the school faces an uncertain future. Therefore, work began earlier this year to assess how education provision within the Woodfield community could be preserved.

“The current proposals have been developed by members of the school governing bodies and our officers. The two governing bodies carefully considered the proposals before half term, and both agreed to ask us to start a consultation.

“Families, staff, and other members of the local community will have opportunities to consider the detail of the proposals during the consultation period.

“The proposed amalgamation would be achieved through the technical closure of Woodfield School, and the enlargement of Grove Road CP School through future use of the Woodfield site.

“This would provide an exciting opportunity to enhance the facilities of Grove Road School, organising sustainable education across both sites aiming for the best possible provision for all pupils, and importantly ensuring that the Woodfield site continues to be used for education of the wider community.

“The governing bodies and our officers believe that these proposals would be the best way of achieving their joint aims of improving local education provision at this time.”



Stray bonfire organisers appeal for more donations

The organisers of the 50th anniversary charity bonfire and fireworks on the Stray have appealed for more donations to ensure a successful event in nine days time.

An online gofundme page set up by Harrogate and District Round Table has so far attracted £1,220 in donations towards a goal of £8,000 with just over a week to go until the event on Saturday, November 6.

There will be a bucket fundraising collection on the night and people will be encouraged to text to donate £5. But with the current total being so short of the goal, the organisers have appealed for a flurry of online donations over the next week.

The event is organised by volunteers, who try to keep costs low but they have to spend money on fireworks, transportation of pallets and road traffic management.

Read more:

The £8,000 figure is how much the event costs to put on, and the Round Table always donates any profits to charity. This year’s charity is the Friends of Harrogate Hospital.

John Carter, who is in charge of organising the bonfire for the Round Table this year, told the Stray Ferret:

“We are going to put on a big bonfire and fireworks display. We hope people will enjoy the event after a pretty miserable 18 months.

“There is the online fundraiser but we will have lots of bucket shaking on the night as well as the text to donate. It is the first time we have done the online fundraiser.

“Over the years the amount we have raised on the night has dwindled as people don’t tend to carry cash so we are encouraging donations in other ways.”

Harrogate addict jailed after stamping on head of ‘defenceless’ victim

A mature student has been jailed after repeatedly kicking and stamping on the head of a man at his home in Harrogate, knocking him unconscious and breaking his jaw.

Matthew Childs, 39, a heroin addict and heavy drinker, kicked and stamped on the victim about 12 times, York Crown Court heard.

The victim was just leaving his friend’s flat when he bumped into Childs and told him: “Mind where you’re going, mate.”

This enraged Childs, who followed the victim to his home in Grove Avenue a short distance away, said prosecutor Gareth Henderson-Moore.

When the victim reached his front door and was about to put his key in the lock, Childs attacked him from behind and pushed him across the threshold.

The victim tripped over a step and fell to the ground in the communal hallway whereupon Childs began kicking and stamping on his head and body “repeatedly”.

Fractured jaw

A neighbour came to the aid of the unconscious victim and an ambulance was called. He was taken to hospital with a fractured jaw, multiple bruises to his head and body, extremely sore ribs and black eyes.

He discharged himself from hospital because it was the height of the covid pandemic and “he thought others would need hospital more than him, and he wasn’t thinking straight”.

Childs, of Dalby Avenue, Harrogate, was arrested and admitted causing grievous bodily harm. He appeared for sentence on Wednesday.

Read more:

Mr Henderson-Moore said the victim had been drinking at a friend’s house just before the attack at about 10pm in June last year.

The victim, who only had a passing acquaintance with Childs, said:

“I was laid on my back and without warning I was kicked and stamped on. I believe it was about 12 times.”

He said the kicks were “very forceful” and “repeated over and over”.

“I didn’t think he was going to stop.”

He said he had been in “a lot of pain” since the attack and struggled to walk and do activities with his daughter.

He said he remembered coming round when his neighbour came to his aid and then ending up in hospital.

The court heard that Childs had 10 previous convictions for offences including violence.

Troubled childhood

Philip Standfast, mitigating, said there was “clearly a long history of drink and drug abuse arising from (Childs’) troubled childhood and adolescence”.

He said Childs had recently started a course at Askham Bryan College in York but had not re-enrolled for the coming academic term due to these court proceedings.

Judge Simon Hickey said:

“This was a prolonged and persistent assault on that man on the floor when he was defenceless.”

Jailing Childs for 16 months, he said that only an immediate prison term could be merited for “attacking a man without warning and without provocation when he’s on the floor”.

Childs will serve half of that sentence behind bars before being released on prison licence.

Live: Harrogate district traffic and travel

Good morning and welcome back to the traffic and travel blog, it’s Connor with you today to help make your journey as smooth as possible.

Keep checking our blog every 30 minutes for full updates on the roads and public transport. I’ll let you know about any delays, traffic hotspots or roadworks.

You can get in touch if you spot anything, and it’s safe, on 01423 276197.

The morning blogs are brought to you by The HACS Group.

9am – Full Update 

That is all from me this week but my colleague Leah will be back with you for the final day of the working week from 6.30am.


Heavy congestion on Ripon Road at the gas line repairs close to the Co-op petrol station. Usual levels of traffic elsewhere in the district according to our system

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8.30am – Full Update 


Heavy congestion on Wetherby Road between Forest Lane and Hookstone Chase. Also heavy congestion on Skipton Road between Dragon Road and the Empress roundabout.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



8am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with schools away for half term but there has been some disruption on the railway.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with schools away for half term but there has been some disruption on the railway.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



7am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Are you stuck in traffic or spotted something? Give me a call.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



6.30am – Full Update 


The roads are looking quiet so far this morning, with no hotspots just yet. Are you stuck in traffic or spotted something? Give me a call.

Road closures:

Temporary lights:



Tensions flare at first face-to-face Station Gateway meeting

Officials representing Harrogate’s £10.9 million Station Gateway plans faced criticism of the scheme at a first face-to-face meeting with residents today.

Around 20 residents turned up for the meeting at the Victoria Shopping Centre, where some raised concerns about the scheme.

Some residents said they feared long tailbacks in the town centre as a result, others questioned if it would have the desired effect of increased cycling and walking.

This was the first in-person public consultation on the Station Gateway scheme. The previous round was held online due to coronavirus.

Matthew Roberts, who leads on the project from Harrogate Borough Council, told the Stray Ferret:

“It has been a busy start. People are very passionate about the town, which is a good thing. We weren’t expecting too many people to come down to say they like it.

“The taxi drivers were very concerned about the taxi rank, which was not represented in the video fly-through. So it was good to tell them that it would not be affected.

“We also made it clear that Station Parade would never be closed, it would be a phased construction so it is positive to great that across.”

Read more:

Peter Mctague, who owns a property near to Station Parade, said:

“I have two concerns. One is that the environment would be more badly damaged by cars spending more time travelling.

“The second concern I have got is that I think it would move a lot of traffic from commercial streets to residential streets.”

Residents were shown the plans at a public meeting at Victoria Shopping Centre today.

Residents were shown the plans at a public meeting at Victoria Shopping Centre today.

Jo Bagley, who lives on Mount Parade, added:

“The scheme is outrageous. To affect all our lives by not being able to access our homes, to put up with increase traffic levels to benefit a few people who want to cycle is unacceptable.

“At the very least this ought to be trialled before the work starts and the money is spent on it. We would also have to put up with a lot of disruption while this is being built.”

There will be another in-person consultation in unit 11 of the Victoria Shopping Centre this Friday between 10am and 1pm and another next Friday between 10am and 3pm.

Harrogate council fines landlords more than £100,000 over safety issues

Harrogate Borough Council revealed today that it has fined seven landlords a total of £109,000 since 2018 for failing to comply with private sector housing requirements.

The council said in a press release it most recently took action against landlord Mr Jamshid Jalali-Ghazaani, who failed to comply with an improvement notice on his property on the High Street in Starbeck.

According to the release, the council found several hazards including excess cold, structural issues and kitchen safety issues. He was fined £25,000.

Mr Jalali-Ghazaani appealed the penalty in September but a property tribunal dismissed it.

The council said it had successfully defended every appeal made by private landlords, including a fine of £15,000 for Stephen Archer’s Providence Terrace property, a fine of £13,500 for Andrew Norman’s Dragon Road property and Kingspark Limited’s £15,000 fine for its property on Electric Avenue.

Read more:

In addition, the council has also issued financial penalties totalling £40,589 against landlords of other properties did not appeal the penalty.

The release was published days after the council was criticised by residents for not taking firmer action against to prevent trouble at the privately-let 38 Mayfield Grove, Harrogate, which has been the subject of 255 police reports since 2008.

Trevor Watson, Harrogate Borough Council’s director of economy, environment and housing, said:

“While there are no doubt many landlords who provide excellent residential accommodation, there will sadly always be those who put the financial gain ahead of the safety of their tenants.

“This is an important reminder for landlords that as the housing authority we have the powers, and where necessary, will use them to protect tenants and residents. And hopefully encourage landlords to improve housing standards in the private rental sector.”