Oct 2024
Readers’ Letters is a free weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to letters@thestrayferret.co.uk.
Nothing gets our readers’ blood pressure rising quite like the conditions of local roads. On the topic, this reader writes about her frustration at the amount of roadworks in operation across Harrogate at the moment.
How many sets of roadworks are currently in Harrogate at the same time?
Residents in the Pannal Ash area are boxed in on all sides: four-way lights on Otley Road, ones on Pannal Ash Road and Leadhall Lane. They’re literally around every corner.
Pedestrians are dodging cars and it’s even worse during school times. Three secondary schools and two primary schools are all affected.
Other areas are just as bad, it’s an absolute mess. There’s no communication, lights are out of sync and queues everywhere.
Helen Nash, Harrogate
This reader feels relevant infrastructure needs to be delivered in line with the increasing number of housing developments.
I have also noticed the developments moving the goal posts. No health centres, no schools, no community centres and no charging points. Who allows this?
It is obvious that it needs to be stopped. When planning permission is granted it should not be altered to accommodate more houses and no infrastructure, like schools etc.
For example, when is a hospital being built to accommodate all the new residents?
Anita White, Harrogate area
This comment was left on last week’s Readers’ Letters column. It responded to a letter about reducing the speed limit on the A658.
In terms of the speed limit comments, I completely agree.
Speeding and aggressive driving blights all our lives. I live in Knaresborough and have these same issues.
However, even if speed limits are put in place they will be ineffective if there is no enforcement. North Yorkshire is virtually unique in the country in having no speed cameras. The current administration seems happy for this to be the case.
What we need is safe speed limits and proper enforcement with installation of speed cameras. We need this now to stop further injuries and deaths.
Ian Brown, Knaresborough
Do you have an opinion on the Harrogate district? Email us at letters@thestrayferret.co.uk. Please include your name and approximate location details. Limit your letters to 350 words. We reserve the right to edit letters.
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