Stray Views: Memories of Harrogate’s St George Hotel

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I was very sad to read of the recent closure of the St George Hotel in Harrogate. My father, Bill Pritchard, worked there for around 40 years, starting as a hall porter and later acquiring the grand title of front of house manager. I think he would certainly have agreed with Mr Donkin that hospitality was ‘the best job in the world’. 

The hotel changed a lot over the years, but the front desk, as it was then (see photo taken in 1954) has long gone. However, at the time, it was the first thing you saw as you went through the rotating doors into the lobby and it was where guests checked in and out and collected their room keys, messages etc. There was also an old-fashioned switchboard where each call had to be put through to a room or the office. 

Though my father’s job changed over the years he still maintained customer contact and no more so than when a trade fair was taking place in the town. Toy Fair, for example, was held in Harrogate and I recall being the lucky recipient of a very nice doll or two – thanks to my father’s hard work assisting the sales representatives staying at the hotel.

from L to R: Bill Pritchard, May Barker, Eddie Jack (Head Porter) and Jack)

(From left to right) Bill Pritchard, May Barker, Eddie Jack (head porter) and Jack pictured on New Years 1954.

My mother sometimes worked at the hotel too, as what I think was called at the time an extra duck. My understanding of this is that they were brought in as extra waitresses for big events, such as banquets and balls. I will always remember how smart both my parents looked for work. My mother wore a black skirt and top with white cuffs, collar, hat and apron. My father always dressed smartly; I never saw him looking scruffy. He never owned a pair of jeans or a T-shirt and always polished his shoes.

When The Kinks were staying at the hotel, my father came home with Ray Davies’ autograph for me. Other famous people were guests and he often mentioned that he had met Sir Laurence Olivier.

I don’t recall a car park at the hotel but there may have been some limited parking at the side. My father sometimes mentioned assisting guests by instructing them as they manoeuvred into a space. I’ve always wondered how he did that, as he couldn’t drive and never owned a car.

Kathleen Mitchell

Further blow for Kingsley area

Thank you for giving us residents in the Kingsley area a voice with all that is going on with all the houses being built in the Kingsley Road and Bogs Lane junction area. To read that a sixth housing plot has now been agreed was a further blow as the area can’t even handle the other five – and five that are not even fully populated yet.

Although the infrastructure is not set up in the area for nurseries, schools, hospitals, doctors, dentists etc. (and in my opinion never will be) I am currently more concerned about the effect of the “normal” day to day basics that impact the “everyday person”. Such as getting to their destinations or commute to work, the impact on air quality because it’s just one constant traffic jam, the impact when ambulances can’t get through and the danger to pedestrians crossing.

The through road access between Kingsley Road and Bogs Lane has now been closed several times over the last couple of years which we have had to put up with. Why? So us pesky residents in our cars going about our day to day business in the area that we have brought houses didn’t get in the way of the construction vehicles, so the amenity suppliers could dig the road up over and over again because a long term housing plan hadn’t been thought of by council “planners”? 

But we put up with this. Then they resurfaced Bogs Lane – but not Kingsley Road or the bridge that has been wreaked by the lorries – to the point of being dangerous.

Dee Downton, Kingsley

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Harrogate drivers to lose out under new regulations

I have just read the information on your website about the new taxi regulations and find myself surprised as to the lack of detail on the impact on Harrogate taxi drivers.

You have failed to mention that prior to the WAV revolution some two years ago, Hackney carriage plates were sold privately amongst interested parties.

These plates were valued at somewhere in the region of £15,000, and often sold for more. Their value now will be nothing, resulting in all Harrogate taxi drivers to lose £15,000 immediately as the new North Yorkshire merge is completed.

Once again, unqualified decision makers with a lack of common sense and knowledge of the taxi trade are failing both local taxi drivers and their loyal passengers.

I dread to think the number of complaints which will arise for OTT taxi fares, when “out of town drivers” fail in their capacity to be able to navigate the numerous roadworks which cause chaos in our day to day operation.

The list is endless as to why not employing local taxi drivers is beneficial.

Peter Brown, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Who deserves a pay rise? Councillors? Nurses?

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. Send your views to

Nurses pay

18 January 2023  -today I have just come out of Harrogate District Hospital after a stay of 6 days.

Every single member of staff deserve better treatment from Government by receiving wages for the hard work, long hours, caring and patience they have for all patients.

The additional hours the majority of members of staff work deserve to be paid in the correct manner and not by someone fiddling figures because of the departments budget.

Additional time off to cover any overtime does not put food on the table or pay the bills.

Margaret Beckingham, Harrogate

Councillor’s pay

What sort of message does a pay hike of 50% for councillors send to public sector workers who are struggling to live on their present wages and being told that 10% is too much to ask for?

Many councillors still have jobs or businesses. Those who don’t are by and large comfortably retired.

As most of the premises and staff of Harrogate Council are apparently being kept on after North Yorkshire take over, where are the savings we were promised coming from?

Diane Stokes, Harrogate

Station Gateway consultation

You have now reported on two Station Gateway consultations. Who are these people who have been consulted? Apparently 2,044 people this time, and about half that number last time, chosen (how?) from over 150,000 residents of Harrogate District.

I am one of those never invited to give an opinion. Had I been asked I would have strongly supported the proposal which would give a much more welcoming appearance to those arriving by train or bus, and would enhance the east end of James Street.

Incidentally, why is no “Welcome to Harrogate” sign together with relevant information displayed in either the train or bus station?

Emeritus Professor Tony Wren, MA, DSc, DEng, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Concern over Harrogate’s expansion and healthcare

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I refer to your recent article entitled ‘GPs ‘extremely concerned’ about new housing in Harrogate’. I have accessed the planning application mentioned and have read the letter from the NHS in detail.

The more I read the more concerned I have become over the existing and future healthcare provision in Harrogate.

If the NHS is advising that the primary care and community services are already in crisis when considering an application for just 49 dwellings then what of the future and the many large housing developments currently under construction in Harrogate and those remaining within the Local Plan.

Clearly, this is a major admission by the NHS that it cannot cope with the rate of expansion of new housing developments yet the planning authority is continuing to grant planning permission for more and more housing in Harrogate.

The NHS letter specifically states:

“Primary Care and Community Services within the area are already running at, or far beyond their existing capacity.”

Furthermore, it goes on to state:

“In conclusion it is difficult to envisage any rationale for Harrogate Borough Council to consider recommending this application without taking into consideration the impact of further residential development in Harrogate on the delivery of local Primary Care Services.”

The letter also refers to capital funding from developer contributions but these are normally made when planning permission is granted. It is highly unlikely that the building of new facilities will commence when the funding is available and it may be years before these facilities come into operation due to land acquisition and the planning process.

At the time of the public consultation for the Local Plan, numerous comments were made regarding the lack of health infrastructure to support this large increase in population not only for doctors but for the availability of NHS dentists and the lack of capacity at the general hospital.

The NHS has highlighted a very serious ongoing problem and the HBC must act now to put healthcare provision as a major priority ahead of any further large scale planning applications. It must ensure that adequate healthcare infrastructure is in step with the number of new dwellings being permitted. 

Roger Jestice, Harrogate

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Daughter’s concert one to remember

I am writing to thank you for reporting my daughter Jo’s concert at the Wesley Centre in the Stray Ferret.

Jo was delighted to see so many there. We still haven’t quite come down to earth. We were all totally overwhelmed by the support on a Monday lunchtime in January.

To have Jo’s 93 year old primary school teacher who taught her recorder, as well as Stephen Price, her first horn teacher, and Brian Hunt, the ex-head of music at Harrogate Grammar School there to hear her was quite emotional for us all.

Brian Hunt, the one who got her started on the French horn (she was originally a violinist) was someone we had lost touch with.

He retired 17 years ago and when I phoned the school they were unable to give me contact details. However another teacher saw the article in the Stray Ferret and told Brian about it.

I think both Jo and our elder daughter Sarah have only recently come to realise how loved they were by those they were fortunate to come into contact with while growing up, and who influenced their lives so much.

A day to remember forever.

Maureen Greenberg, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Knaresborough gyms should provide ‘human-powered energy’

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As Knaresborough is now to have the Pure Gym, as well as the existing gym in the old town hall, and the new leisure centre on Fysche Field, isn’t it time that the machines in these gyms were attached to electricity generators to provide human-powered energy for the town?

Shan Oakes, Knaresborough

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Nidderdale ‘poorly served’ by buses

This letter was submitted prior to leak fix

Nidderdale is poorly served by buses as it is, they are every two hours. But now, until the burst pipe is fixed there’s no bus running through Darley.

It’s not good enough just to cut out a huge chunk of the bus route and provide no alternative. It’s a four mile walk from Darley to Birstwith to pick up the bus there before and after it’s diversion. 

I have been quoted £30 for a taxi on Saturday morning at 7.30 am to get to Harrogate from Darley. The same to return is £60. They are having a laugh.

Helen Staniforth, Birstwith

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Stray Views: Harrogate’s Wetherby Road crossing ‘poorly thought out’

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I walked or cycled along Slingsby Walk for several years on my way to and from work at Harrogate District Hospital. 

While it was sometimes difficult to cross Wetherby Road at that point, there is an existing crossing within about 100 meters. 

This is used by many people who are going to and from the hospital every day. The traffic is already often at a standstill in that area and it is pointless to have yet another crossing. 

This scheme seems poorly thought out, much like the pointless Beech Grove one.

Ralph Amsby, Harrogate

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Slow deterioration of Harrogate phone box

I have lived in Harrogate for three years and during this time l have watched the slow deterioration of the phone box at the top of Otley Road.

Whose responsibly is it? Other towns and villages take care of theirs. They have many uses such as free book donation, plants etc. if this phone box is not restored soon. It would be a shame to lose it.

Christine Weldon, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Dangerous takeaway drivers and exclusion zones for pro-lifers outside abortion clinics

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I was in town this afternoon and witnessed 3 different takeaway drivers, easily identified by the large insulated food bags they carry, completely disregarding all traffic signs.

They regularly drive down pedestrian areas, park in disabled spaces and in double yellow lines.

I heard another couple remark about it. Where are the police or traffic wardens? The town was very busy this afternoon and these drivers are a danger waiting to happen.

John Franklin, Harrogate

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Ferreters may be interested to know that local Tory  MPs Andrew Jones (Harrogate and Knaresborough) and Julian Smith (Skipton and Ripon) voted recently in the Commons to jail for up to two years volunteers offering alternative help to women approaching abortion clinics. It is believed the pro-lifers have saved  hundreds of unborn children’s lives at the very doors of the clinics.

The MPs’ vote was widely criticised across the House of Lords.

Lib Dem peer Lord Beith said: “[I]  cannot support a clause which criminalises a person who ‘seeks to influence, provides information or expresses opinion’m.”

He added: “This is the most profound restriction on free speech I have ever seen in any UK legislation.”

Similar sentiments came from Lord Frost (Con), a former government minister and Brexit negotiator.

The peers were debating  the Second Reading of the Public Order Act, controversially amended by a Labour MP to impose throughout England exclusion zones banning  pro-life actions of any kind  within 150 yards of an abortion clinic.

Lord McAvoy (Lab), quoting the grateful personal testimony of a woman helped by volunteers outside a clinic, said: “If we make it illegal to hand out a leaflet with offers of housing or support, we embark on a slippery slope to bans on other leaflets with which we disagree.”

Baroness O’Loan (crossbencher), a former Police Ombudsman, warned the proposed blanket ban was unnecessary and could even be harmful.

Home Office Minister Lord Sharpe, closing the debate, described the clause as a disproportionate response to pro-life vigils outside abortion clinics and not human rights compliant.

Jones and Smith were supporters earlier this year of making pills by post abortions permanent. This was despite repeated assurances to constituents that the practice was a temporary expedient because of the Covid pandemic–and despite many doctors’ fears of the dangers of coercion of girls and women by boyfriends, partners and relatives.

Both also voted in the past against an explicit ban on sex-selective abortion and against independent abortion counselling. In their 12 years in Parliament, abortions have soared in England and Wales  from 196,109 in 2010  to last year’s record of 214,256.

Tony Flanagan, Kirkby Malzeard



Stray Views: Harrogate’s most deprived area needs a school

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You will be aware that the downfall of Woodfield School started when the Conservative controlled county council allegedly dumped two or three boys from Leeds into the school.
Their behaviour was such that parents started to remove their children from the school.  Was Andrew Jones MP involved supporting the parents, staff and governors at that point?
When I visited the school as Mayor, we were greatly impressed by the dedication and commitment of all the staff.
They had a large group of European families and poorer families at the school.
This, the most deprived ward in the Harrogate and Knaresborough constituency, is an area that needs a local school.
John Fox, Harrogate

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When will the council clear the leaves? 

When will harrogate Council begin clearing all the autumn leaves from the pavements and gutters? We live on a tree-lined road but to date Harrogate Borough Council have not cleared any of the leaves from the pavements and the gutters.

The pavements are impacted with wet leaves which is a hazard for elderly residents and all of the gullies are blocked causing water to accumulate at the bottom of the road. Many neighbouring councils publish start dates for clearing leaves, some of which began at the end of October, and detail the roads which are to be cleared.

Harrogate Borough Council does not publish any  information which raises concerns as to when they are going to address the problem of clearing the leaves on pavements and blocked gullies on the many tree-lined streets in the area.

Jane Hill, Harrogate

Stray Views: How long will the A59 roadworks take?

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How long will the A59 roadworks take?

In reference to the ongoing roadworks at the A59 junction with the A658 near Goldsborough.

It is clear that the deadline is just being extended again and again. Earlier this week it was due to finish this Friday, now it is November 27. 

Yorkshire Water must know how long the whole project will take – why can’t they just say and then we can all be clear what is going on or not.

Steve Cove, Boroughbridge

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One fire appliance is ‘not good management’

As one person has stated, cutting down to one appliance at night time is a not good management. 

As a retired firefighter of 30 years of experience, I can state that there are more fatalities at night time by the event that the fire is discovered later than during the day. One reader has made the same comment.

I know what I am talking about as I attended quite a few fatalities during my time as I served in a city fire service.

Leonard Redmond, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Where is green energy in Maltkiln plans?

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Where is green energy in Maltkiln plans?

I read with interest your article regarding consultations over the proposed Maltkiln development. I’m concerned about sustainability, green energy and insulation standards.

With this in mind I went on the council website to see what is planned. I wasn’t able to see any detail about the standards for insulation, provision of solar panels and heat pumps or anything about district heating schemes.

We have thousands of houses being built in this area and elsewhere with no solar panels and they have gas boilers. A new town is the ideal place to incorporate the latest green technology to make new homes more comfortable and affordable to keep warm.

I tried to find a comments section which is not easy so I left my comments in one text box hoping they will be read.

It is awash with jargon and very little explanation or simple key points to aid understanding of what is proposed. I did notice that there is some provision for ‘affordable’ homes which is what we really need and also self build which would be good for those wanting the ‘passive house’ standards of insulation and very low energy costs which should be available to all.

Ralph Armsby, Harrogate

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One fire appliance is ‘useless’ at night

This proposal is sheer stupidity. If there is a nighttime fire to the local Harrogate area and then one breaks out in outlying areas how is one appliance going to cope. Even if an appliance comes from Knaresborough the journey time element means it’s useless.

The fire last night at a caravan storage site and a vechicle had to come from Malton a journey tine of well over one hour, useless.

Nighttime fires are not usually detected as soon as daytime ones so total loss and possible deaths can occur.

I never saw anything about this proposal as I live six miles to the west of Harrogate near Menwith Hill and the distance means that we are at greater risk anyway.

Allan Campbell, Nidderdale

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Stray Views: My dog was banned from church — this is wrong!

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My dog was banned from church – this is wrong

My gorgeous bit of fur, a well behaved six-year-old French bulldog, was asked to leave a well known church in Harrogate this afternoon. She could have stayed if she was an assistance/ guide dog on a lead and wearing a jacket. ‘Ordinary’ dogs are not allowed as their allergens may cause suffering to churchgoers. Do the leads and jackets stop allergens… no!

Belle has been visiting the sessions most weeks this year, to no known detriment to the church community. Has there been an anaphylactic reaction to a person during or after our sessions? Probably not.

Belle is adored by the churchgoers. They love giving her treats, petting and interacting with her. Pat-a-dog activities are a welcome therapy with the elderly and dementia sufferers. As a nurse for over 30 years, and having been a matron/ manager of care homes, I have seen the happiness this interaction brings.

Are dogs not God’s creation like us? Is a house of God not a sanctuary and place of peace? Are all of God’s creatures not welcome?

Although Belle is not officially a therapy dog, she helps me overcome anxiety/panic attacks and kept my mental health and wellbeing from spiralling into a black hole during the covid crisis. She continues to support me and bring joy.

Chrissy Richardson, Scotton

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Politics of Woodfield school closure should not be forgotten

As branch secretary of the National Education Union, it is with great sadness that I have watched Woodfield Community Primary School, in the Bilton area of Harrogate, move towards closure.

The community of Bilton deserves a thriving primary school and over the course of the past decade the school has undergone several traumatic events that led to a lack of parental confidence. Rather than working with the community to help the school re-establish its reputation, it seems that far too many agencies involved have sought to sweep things under the carpet and not give the school staff and the local community the support they deserved to keep the school functioning.

I read with interest Cllr Paul Haslam’s comments in which he argues that the school should not be closing, due to the growth in population in Harrogate. I agree with Cllr Haslam about the need to keep Woodfield school open, but I do take issue with the fact that it is the Tory party, a party he represents, whose policy of forcing schools to become academies that has been the final death knell for the school.

The behaviour of the Department for Education is akin to the school bully who get their own way by any means necessary. Every member of the Tory party, from the Prime Minister to the Andrew Jones MP, to ward councillors are culpable in the decimation of our education system and schools such as Woodfield pay the heavy price for their neo-liberal ideology.

Over the past months the NEU has run a campaign to save Woodfield School. A campaign to which Tory councillors were happy to say they supported in words but then failed to back it up in gestures. When children are having to travel increased distances and crossing over catchment area borders to get the education they deserve I hope those local councillors, and the local MP, hang their heads in shame.

Mostly, I feel for the future generations of children in Bilton who will not be able to attend what was, not so long ago, a thriving, caring and wonderful educational setting.

Gary McVeigh-Kaye

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