New Year search for Ripon’s Community Diamond

In the New Year, the Stray Ferret will begin the search for an outstanding individual who has gone the extra mile to help others during the coronavirus crisis, with an incredible prize from The Vintage Room in Ripon.

The winner will receive a 25 point diamond that they can have put in a gold or white gold setting to create their own customised piece of jewellery, a prize worth up to £1,000.

The Ripon Community Diamond Award was the idea of Mike and Liz Cooper, who run Red Buttons jewellers in Queen Street, Ripon, and supported by Hedley Hall, whose antiques and collectables business is run from the same Vintage Room premises.

Liz said:

“We are delighted to be partnering with the Stray Ferret in the search for the man or woman, living or working in Ripon, who has really made a difference through their selfless service to the community. Because of the community spirit that we know exists in Ripon, we are sure that there will be numerous suitable candidates who can be nominated for the award.”

Hedley pointed out:

“Since March, we have been reading, on a regular basis, stories on the Stray Ferret website about acts of kindness and compassion from people in the Ripon area who have come to the aid of those stuck in isolation, or in need of other kinds of assistance.”

Mike said:

“In the eight years that we have been in business in Ripon, we have seen its community spirit. We wanted to find a way to recognise those who are the beating heart of this city.”

Nominations for the Ripon Community Diamond Award will open in January.

‘Independent shops will lead Ripon’s revival’, says ex-Wrens owner

Philly Butler firmly believes there is a bright future for independent retailers in Ripon.

For eight years, she and husband Mark provided a base at Wrens department store for fledgling businesses — more than a dozen of which grew and set up their own shops in the city.

‘The house of independent retailers’, as Wrens was known, closed this month after the cumulative effects of lockdown lost trade in the crucial summer and pre-Christmas periods took its toll.

Among 52 Wrens’ occupiers that had to look for a new location to sell their goods was Philly’s own fashion and accessories business Daisy Clover Boutique.

She told the Stray Ferret:

“Mark and I hoped above hope that we could continue with Wrens, but lost business along with the shut down of our tea room because of social distancing requirements were killer blows.”

But despite the disastrous impact of covid on retailers large and small, Philly remains confident of a post-coronavirus comeback for the high street in Ripon. She said:

“I think that the ‘shop local’ message has finally resonated with people who realise that independents are an important part of the community and you are being served by your friends and sometimes neighbours.”

Photo of winter hats at Daisy Clover boutique

A selection of winter hats at the Daisy Clover boutique

She added:

“Before I could find new premises, I received dozens of calls from customers asking where they were going to be able to get their winter hats.

“These are people who ask and care about my children and the family pets and these type of relationships have been built by retailers right across Ripon.”

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Ripon’s vacant shops are smaller than those in bigger retail centres, such as Harrogate and Leeds.

Smaller units are likely be much easier to fill than large units vacated by the likes of Debenhams, which could be to Ripon’s advantage.

Philly said:

“Units of this size don’t remain empty for long in Ripon, because in normal times, small businesses with something special to offer can rely on footfall all year round, from summer tourists, to market day visitors and loyal local customers.”

Her niche is an ever-changing display of one-off hand-selected womenswear made mostly from cotton, silk or cashmere and imported from Europe.

Philly also has another string to her bow as a perfume designer who helps people create customised aromas for themselves or as personalised gifts. She said:

“At times like these, it’s amazing how the smell of a lovely scent can raise your spirits.”

Pateley Bridge hamper competition boosts Mayor’s Fund

A Christmas hamper competition supported by businesses and residents in Pateley Bridge has given a timely £1,000 boost to the town’s Mayor’s Fund.

The fund awards small grants to local organisations and events that promote cultural, sporting, heritage and community activities in Pateley Bridge and the surrounding area.

Andrew and Pat Waite, who own and run The Sandwich Box takeaway in Back High Street, originally hoped to gather enough donated prizes for one hamper, but ended up with three.

The hampers contained more than 40 prizes, ranging from fine food, champagne and wines to a £40 voucher for winter fuel.

Pat told the Stray Ferret:

“The response to our call for donated goods and services was incredible and that enabled us to create a hamper full of food and drink items, a second including gifts and vouchers and a third containing pamper and wellbeing products.”

“Our heartfelt thanks go to everybody who helped us.”

Flashback to 2019 and a photo of late night Christmas shopping in Pateley Bridge

The hamper contest has brought festive cheer to Pateley Bridge after covid caused the cancellation of the popular late night Christmas shopping event.

The winners were Mark Richards, Judy Grange and David Issitt.

Their names were drawn out of a hat by the Mayor of Pateley Bridge, Councillor Mike Holt, who said:

“I am finding it quite difficult to put into words how overwhelmed I am by the results of the raffle, so brilliantly organised by Pat and Andrew. They have shown a generosity of spirit to plan and put into effect the raffle on behalf of the Mayor’s Fund.

“The £1,000 raised shows great generosity from not only the people and businesses who donated to the hampers, but also the number of people who in these difficult times bought the raffle tickets.”

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In a normal year the fund would have benefited from fundraising events such as the mayor’s charity ball, but covid prevented it and many other civic and social activities taking place.

Since its inception the fund has raised almost £30,000 for local organisations and clubs, including Nidderdale Community Choir, Wilsill Luncheon Club, Nidd Art Trail, the Friends of Pateley Bridge Cemetery and the local scouts.


Pupils send festive greetings to Ripon’s elderly

Ripon Grammar School is bringing festive cheer to elderly residents in the city’s care homes.

Hundreds of pupils from Year 7 and Year 8 are aiming to spread joy and laughter by creating hand-made cards and sharing poems, drawings, jokes, riddles and stories about their festive celebrations.

Arnav Kasireddy, 12, from Ripon, said he would be thinking of the elderly when he opened his Christmas presents:

“They may not be able to see family and may be lonely. I hope my letter brings someone some happiness.”

Head of Year 7, Arwen Hoskins, said the pupils had been inspired by The TES Classroom to Care Home campaign.

The campaign urges schools to send messages to local care homes, in the hope that this will forge connections not just for Christmas but beyond.

Photo of Annabelle Crossland's Christmas card

Twelve-year-old Annabelle Crossland, from Ripon, whose Christmas card is pictured above said:

“It’s important they feel loved and happy and that someone will reach out and be a good friend to them.”

Ethan Kendrick, also 12, from Ripon, added:

“It’s a good thing to do because Christmas will be a lonely time for many elderly people.”

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Teacher Miss Hoskins said:

“Given the restrictions we have faced this year, we are aware many residents in care homes have had very few visits from friends and family members and may be feeling lonely.

“We hope that by writing letters to residents in our local care homes, we can spread a little Christmas joy and cheer by letting them know that our school community cares for them and is thinking about them at this difficult time.”

Pupils will be writing to residents in care homes including Borrage House, Caxton Lodge and the Moors Care Centre

Lesley Carter of the charity Age UK welcomed the initiative:

“Older people have really missed the visits from young people. Every older person would be able to recognise something that has been made by a child and it will bring back memories. Seeing lots of happy festive cheer from their local community will also give staff in care homes a boost.”

Ripon should be ‘meeting place of choice’ says Civic Society

Ripon Civic Society (RCS) has welcomed the move by Harrogate Borough Council to appoint consultants who will draw up a masterplan for the city.

RCS chair Christopher Hughes told the Stray Ferret:

“As one of the founder signatories of the Neighbourhood Plan for Ripon, we look forward to sharing our thoughts with the selected consultants.”

The society believes that people with an informed knowledge of the city, its planning issues and opportunities, should play a key role in guiding Ripon’s future direction.  The city has suffered this year with the pandemic, with both the Ripon Spa Hotel and the Old Deanery closing down. 

With a fee of £85,000 for a 12-month contract, consultants will be tasked with devising an “inspiring and innovative” vision that will be at the heart of the Ripon Renewal Project.

The contract is due to start on January 10.

Photograph of Ripon Civic Society plaque

Ripon Civic Society believes heritage attractions can help make the city a meeting place of choice

The move to develop a masterplan for the city comes at a time when future growth is on the horizon.

The major Barracks scheme known as Clotherholme will see Homes England deliver 1,300 homes in a number of phases on the outskirts of Ripon.

In the city centre, Ripon’s ancient Cathedral is planning its most significant development in centuries, with a £6 million extension, designed to provide modern facilities and additional space.

Mr Hughes pointed out:

“The society has always believed in adopting an holistic approach, which takes account of the things that make Ripon special, such as its heritage assets, Market Square and spa quarter.”

He added:

“There is also a need to look at how people arrive in Ripon – and how they move around when they get here in this very walkable city.

“If we get it right, there is the opportunity to position our city as the meeting place of choice.”

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The appointed consultants will have to set out “clear and robust” delivery timescales, funding options and a business case for Harrogate Borough Council to use to bid for money for projects.

The contract brief says:

“The aim of this project is to maximise the opportunities within Ripon which will regenerate the city and boost the local economy.”

Councillor’s petition criticism infuriates Knaresborough and Ripon traders

Market stallholders and Knaresborough Chamber of Trade have reacted angrily after a councillor discredited a petition they raised about increased charges.

At the online full meeting of Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) in October, Steve Teggin, president of  Knaresborough Chamber of Trade, presented a ‘save your market’ petition with 4,000 signatures, raised during the summer at the town’s Wednesday market and Ripon’s Thursday market.

Following the meeting, Councillor Andrew Paraskos, HBC’s cabinet member for environment, waste reduction and recycling, contacted individual signatories, saying in a letter sent by post to their homes, or to email addresses:

“The statements made in the petition were misleading and incorrect.”

Photograph of the entrance to Harrogate Civic Centre

Harrogate Borough Council has an uneasy relationship with stallholders at its markets in Knaresborough and Ripon

The petition said:

“Harrogate Borough Council is increasing the cost of rent and stall assembly to traders by over 25 per cent. This will mean that it will not be financially viable to continue trading for several market traders.

“Other local councils helped market traders who could trade during lockdown providing essential food products. This was through charging no rent or discounting rent.

“When non-food traders were allowed to return, after not being able to trade for 3 months, full rent was charged (by HBC), despite other local councils providing financial assistance.”

Twenty non-essential traders applied for local authority discretionary grants and each received payments of £10,000 in two instalments – the first in the summer of £2,000 and then £8,000 in October. At the time the grant money was welcomed by those who had received it.

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However, the stallholders are unhappy about an increase of £5 plus VAT from August 1 for the supply and assembly of stalls by the council. Traders who erect their own stalls have not had to pay the additional fee.

The bid to get a council u-turn on increased charges failed, but Cllr Paraskos’s letter has reignited feelings of distrust between the traders and the council and the relationship has deteriorated.  A statement on the letter was given by HBC:

“It is not unusual for an elected member to correspond with the electorate on a range of different issues, whether related to their cabinet responsibilities or ward matters.

“In this case, it was important to set out in clear terms the council’s position on Knaresborough and Ripon markets after much mis-reporting and false claims circulating.

“There were only 747 unique names and addresses among the signatories on the petition.”

Mr Teggin told the Stray Ferret:

“I speak on behalf of stallholders, when I say attempts to undermine the petition is an insult, not only to the people who signed it, knowing it was factually correct, but to the market traders in Knaresborough and Ripon who have played an important role throughout the coronavirus crisis.

“We have already lost traders who have found the increased cost too much to bear and we cannot understand why Harrogate Borough Council treats us with such disdain.”

Brian Murphy, who represents Ripon’s stallholders, pointed out:

“The monthly invoice for rental and assembly of stalls that I paid the council in June was £550 including VAT and in August it shot up by £156 to £706 – that’s an increase of more than 25 per cent.

“I feel that with his letter, Cllr Paraskos was calling me and other market traders liars, but he has failed to substantiate in what ways the wording on our joint petition was ‘misleading and incorrect’.

“Attempting to cast doubts over a petition signed freely by the people who visit and value the markets in Ripon and Knaresborough, is yet another kick in the teeth from a council that is completely out of step with neighbouring authorities, who genuinely support and have a good relationship with stallholders.”

Ripon Elf Hunt brings festive family fun

Ripon and Nidderdale Mumbler has teamed up with nine sponsors to create a free, family-friendly, city centre Christmas trail.

Some of Santa’s hard-working elves are taking a break from working at the North Pole to make their way to the city to hide in the windows of shops, cafes, an estate agents and the library.

The Great Ripon Elf Hunt has been designed to be safe, fun and completely free.

It will start on Saturday, running each day through to Christmas Eve – Thursday 24  December

There will be nine different elves in the windows of participating city centre businesses and Ripon Library.

Once all of the elves have been found, families can go into any of the participants and pick up a reward left by Santa – or simply do the trail for fun.

Phot of an Elf in Kirkgate

Just one of the nine elves that are ready to go into hiding

Families are being asked to download and print their own answer sheets from the Ripon and Nidderdale Mumbler website and bring pens or pencils.

A limited number of answer sheets will be available at all business premises and the library.

Organiser Niki, from Ripon and Nidderdale Mumber, told the Stray Ferret:

“It has been a difficult year for everyone. I was inspired by the amazing trails happening in other cities and towns, but wanted to create something a bit closer to home for Ripon!

“My hope is that the trail will encourage people into Ripon to finish their Christmas shopping and that it will increase footfall for lots of businesses around the centre whilst also being a fun afternoon for all the family!”

The Great Ripon Elf Hunt is COVID-secure and does not require entrants to go into premises, as all window displays will be visible from the street.

Those taking part are asked to do the trail in groups of no more than 6, or within their household or support bubble.

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Niki, added:

“We hope this will encourage families to visit Ripon, use the wonderful range of shops we have and be a great afternoon of entertainment for the family.”

To spread the word, families are requested to tag Ripon and Nidderdale Mumbler in any social media posts and use the hashtag #GreatRiponElfHunt

The  supporting businesses and organisations are: Appleton’s, Caffe Tempo, Cathedral View Cafe, Davis & Lund Estate Agents, Karma, Oliver’s Pantry, Ripon Library, Solemates, and The Easy Learning Shop.

Former Wrens retailers relocate to new Ripon base

It’s business as usual for two independent retailers, following the closure of Wrens department store in Ripon.

Mike and Liz Cooper and Hedley Hall have made the short journey from Fishergate to Queen Street, after Wrens’ owner Mark Butler helped them find new premises.

Mike and Liz sell jewellery, watches, fine porcelain and furniture at their Red Buttons business; Hedley specialises in antiques, collectables and vintage models.

They had traded together at Wrens for seven years.

Photograph of Mike and Liz Cooper

Mike and Liz Cooper at the newly-opened shop premises they share with Hedley Hall

With some swift action and negotiation with the landlord, the two businesses were able to make their move.

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They look forward to successful trading in the crucial Christmas period and beyond.

Mike told the Stray Ferret:

“Liz and I have always got on very well with Hedley and it’s great that we are still working together.

“Mark was very helpful in letting us know about the vacant shop and putting us in touch with the landlord.”

Among its services, Red Buttons transforms jewellery into custom-crafted pieces.

Mike, who learnt his skills during 30 years at Goldsmiths jewellers, following 12 years in the Royal Navy, said:

“Our business at Wrens just grew and grew, alongside a good mixture of other independent retailers.”

Liz, added:

“It was a real shame when Mark reached the point where he could no longer make it work after two periods of lockdown. We thank him for what he has done for us.”

Hedley expressed similar sentiments:

“Mark is an absolute gentleman and has played a major role in helping numerous small businesses in Ripon – my own included.

“It is important for Ripon to have vibrant, independent shops and other businesses, which add to the attraction of the city for residents and visitors alike.

“We all have a part to play in its success as a retail destination.”

Additional construction costs of Ripon swimming pool ‘confidential’

Harrogate Borough Council has said additional costs caused by the delay in completing Ripon’s new swimming pool and leisure centre refurbishment, cannot be revealed due to commercial confidentiality.

Construction firm Willmott Dixon was awarded a £10.2 million contract last year to build the pool and refurbish the leisure centre.

The scheme involves creating a six-lane pool, a health suite, two dance studios, a spin studio and new play areas outside.

The council approved the initiative in June 2019.

Concerns about sinkholes

16 months before the council approved the swimming pool development a sinkhole opened up in the leisure centre car park.

Following the incident in February 2018, which saw the car park barriered off and closed, the council issued this statement:

“The sinkhole will not affect the project to construct a new pool for Ripon. We are still waiting for the structural engineer’s report, which will influence the design of the new building. We’ve always known about the potential of sinkholes on the site which is why we’ve been carrying out tests to understand what foundations may be required.”

At the June 2019 planning meeting, three members of the eight-member committee abstained rather than support the project, after ‘deep concerns’ were expressed about the sinkhole risk in an area of Ripon known for widespread gypsum deposits.

Masham councillor Nigel Simms voted against the application because he believed ground stability issues made it an untenable use of public money.

The city’s gypsum problem was highlighted in a major technical report commissioned by the Department of the Environment in 1996, titled ‘Assessment of Subsidence Arising from Gypsum Dissolution (with Particular Reference to Ripon, North Yorkshire)’

Work started on the Camp Close site, at Dallamires Lane, on 25 November 2019 and the 17-month project was scheduled for completion by 21 May 2021. It is now due to be completed in November 2021.

What’s caused the delay? 

Councillor Stanley Lumley, the council’s cabinet member for culture, tourism and sport, said the project had been ‘slightly delayed’ by COVID-19.

Construction on the site was halted for five weeks during the first lockdown and did not stop during the second lockdown.

In May, Willmott Dixon operations director Nick Corrigan told the Stray Ferret that approximately 30 workers, including management, had been back on site since 30 April.

In Cllr Lumley’s 13 November press release, he said: ‘Ground work, known as grouting, is nearing completion.’

Grouting is a method used to stabilise unstable ground.

The Stray Ferret submitted a Freedom of Information request seeking details about the cost of ground works on the site.

The council said it holds the information but it was exempt from disclosure. It did, however confirm that there would be extra cost, saying:

“Additional ‘site preliminaries’ will be payable to the main contractor as a result of the extension of the construction contract.”

The council, added:

“A public authority may refuse to disclose information to the extent that its disclosure would adversely affect the confidentiality of commercial or industrial information where such confidentiality is provided by law to protect a legitimate economic interest.”

Ripon swimming pool opening sign

A sign saying that Ripon’s new swimming pool and refurbished leisure centre will be ‘opening in Summer 2021’ was still in place this week.

Regarding questions about the cost of ground remediation, the council said:

“In this instance, specific information regarding the amount of the contract committed to ground stabilisation could be a disincentive to provide pricing for public sector opportunities which could then lead to a lack of future competition which could increase prices and represent worse value for money within the sector.

“The council therefore considers maintaining the exception outweighs the public interest in disclosing it.”

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£500,000 restoration of historic Ripon church begins

Work has begun on the £500,000 restoration of St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church — one of Ripon’s architectural gems.

Years of fundraising by parishioners and awards from trusts, boosted by a £75,000 grant from Historic England, have made the project possible.

Parishioner and chair of fundraising, Barrie Price, said:

“After all our trials and tribulations of nearly five years, the contractors came on site to commence phase one of our restoration programme.

“This covers the whole of the central area of the church, excluding the rear section, and is expected to be completed by the end of March.”

Photo of St Wilfrid's Catholic Church

St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church on Coltsgate Hill.

The grant from Historic England, awarded after a successful application from the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, will enable the construction of a south porch extension, including toilets.

St. Wilfrid’s, which opened in 1862, is recognised as one of finest parish churches in England.

Its ornate reredos screens designed by Victorian architect Edward Pugin provide dramatic backdrops to the high altar and adjacent side altar, dedicated to St Joseph.

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Both architectural works of art, sculpted from solid blocks of stone, provide focal points within the grade II* listed building.

In 1909 fittings from the private chapel at nearby Studley Royal were transferred to St Wilfrid’s following the death of the Marquess of Ripon — the city’s first mayor since the reformation — who had previously created the Lady Chapel within the church.

These include 10 stained-glass windows installed along the north and south aisles and dating from 1878.

Now, more than 50 years after the church’s last major refurbishment, the reredos, along with other parts of the building’s fabric, will be repaired and cleaned by specialists.

Mr Price, an accountant and former Ripon City and Harrogate district councillor, said:

“We were all ready to go earlier this year,  but the first covid lockdown brought a temporary halt to everything, with the church having to close to meet the government’s social distancing requirements.”