The Harrogate school providing children with additional support

In September, the Harrogate district will have a new secondary school — but it won’t be anything like the current ones.

Strive for Education‘s roll will have just 33 students who struggle in mainstream schools and require additional support. Many will have been referred for two or three days a week by other schools in the district.

Strive was set up three years ago by former Harrogate Grammar School assistant headteacher Andy Brown and his wife Sonja, who felt students requiring additional support were under-served locally.

Education inspector Ofsted paved the way for it to transition from an alternative education provider to an independent school, and potentially expand its provision, when inspectors published a report this year concluding it “is likely to meet all the independent school standards”.

Ofsted recognition means Strive will be able to provide a full-time curriculum from September and be eligible to take on students who receive education, health and care plans from local authorities full-time.

Based on North Park Road in Harrogate and with a workshop in Starbeck, Strive classes have no more than six pupils to ensure students get enough support.

The hairdressing area

There is a hairdressing studio and a calm room with bean bags where students can relax, as well as a kitchen and a pool table.

Mr Brown says:

“I identified a huge gap that wasn’t being met locally. A lot of kids were travelling out of the area for this kind of provision.

“Put kids in the right environment with the right support and they feel safe. The big difference is they know we care. Of course all schools care – but it’s different level here.”

Students, who stay for between 12 weeks and two years, have special educational needs, including social, emotional and mental health issues. Autism and ADHD are common.

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Mr Brown admits it can be difficult to pitch the teaching given the wide range of needs and abilities. But he adds:

“If anyone asks me what the greatest challenge has been it’s not the kids — it’s getting the right staff in. They have to be able to relate and provide the right education.”

If the school expands, its main Harrogate site on a residential street might not be able to cope and the Browns are keeping an eye out for a new school – although they have ruled out Woodfield Community Primary School in Bilton, which closed last year. But change isn’t imminent. Mr Brown says:

“The plan is that next year we will be open as an independent school and see how it goes for the first year and take stock.”

strive for Education

Andy Brown

For now though, the timetable and staffing are in place for September.

Mr Brown says his education background and his wife’s business and HR experience makes them a “perfect combination”.

But such specialist education isn’t cheap. Annual fees for full-time places start at £27,000 and vary depending on the needs of the young person, the extra support they require, and any additional professional services needed such as speech and language therapists and educational psychologists.

Strive’s educational offer also depends on whether young people are placed as part of alternative provision or full-time on-roll places.

The school will be holding a drop-in open day on April 28 at which people can meet staff and look round.

The Harrogate district councillors saying goodbye

As Harrogate Borough Council draws to a close, the move to scrap the authority also sees 24 councillors lose their roles.

The brand new North Yorkshire Council will have 16 elected representatives from the Harrogate district.

However, only 12 of those councillors will move on from seats on the borough council.

Some have successfully sought reelection to the new council.

Among those stepping down include council leader, Cllr Richard Cooper, and deputy leader of the authority, Cllr Graham Swift.

Members of the cabinet Cllr Phil Ireland and Cllr Stanley Lumley have also departed.

In this article, we take a look at the 24 councillors who will no longer represent the district.

Rebecca Burnett

The former chairman of Harrogate Borough Council’s planning committee.

She represented Harrogate St Georges since 2018. 

Trevor Chapman

Mayor Trevor Chapman and wife Janet

Mayor Trevor Chapman and wife Janet

Cllr Chapman, who represented Harrogate Bilton Grange, was mayor of the Harrogate borough last year.

The Liberal Democrat was on the council since 2018.

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Richard Cooper

Richard Cooper

Leader of the council since 2014, Conservative Cllr Cooper represented Harrogate central on the authority.

He announced in October 2021 that he would not seek election to North Yorkshire Council.

Ed Darling

Conservative Cllr Darling was chair of the licensing committee on Harrogate Borough Council and represented Knaresborough Castle ward.

John Ennis

John Ennis, Conservative.

John Ennis, Conservative.

Cllr Ennis, a Conservative, represented the Harrogate Stray ward on the authority.

Sam Green

Sam Green, who was the youngest councillor on Harrogate Borough Council.

Sam Green, who was the youngest councillor on Harrogate Borough Council.

Cllr Green, who was only elected in May last year, was the youngest borough councillor at 26-years-old.

He was elected to the Wathvale ward on the council.

Sid Hawke

Cllr Hawke was one of two Ripon Independent councillors on the borough council.

Phil Ireland

Conservative Cllr Ireland was one the authority’s cabinet. He held the carbon reduction and sustainability portfolio.

He also represented Knaresborough Aspin and Calcutt ward.

Steven Jackson

Cllr Jackson was a Conservative councillor who represented the Harrogate Saltergate ward on the council.

Sue Lumby

Cllr Lumby was the Conservative councillor for Harrogate Coppice Valley. She also chaired the council’s human resource committee.

Stanley Lumley

Knaresborough Leisure and Wellness Centre (October) 02 (1)

Councillor Stanley Lumley (pictured left)

Conservative Cllr Lumley was the authority’s cabinet member for culture, tourism and sport and oversaw the creation of Brimhams Active, which now runs council leisure centres.

He unsuccessfully stood for election to the new North Yorkshire Council. He also represented Pateley Bridge and Nidderdale on the borough council.

Stuart Martin

Photo of Councillor Stuart Martin and his wife April

Conservative Cllr Martin was mayor of Harrogate borough in 2020.

He represented Ripon Moorside on the authority.

Pauline McHardy

Cllr McHardy, who represented Ripon Minster, was a Ripon Independent on the borough council.

Nigel Middlemass

Cllr Middlemass was a Conservative councillor who represented Harrogate Kingsley ward.

Ann Myatt

Conservative Cllr Myatt represented Ouseburn ward on the borough council.

Tim Myatt

Cllr Myatt was part of the council’s cabinet and held the portfolio for planning.

He also represented Harrogate High ward.

Victoria Oldham

Mayor of Harrogate Victoria Oldham with RFCA chairman and chief executive (1)

Conservative Cllr Oldham is the current mayor of the Harrogate borough. She chaired full council meetings this year.

She also represented Washburn ward.

Alex Raubitschek

Cllr Raubitschek was a Conservative councillor who represented Oatlands ward.

Matt Scott

Matt Scott, Conservative candidate for Bilton and Nidd Gorge.

Conservative Cllr Scott represented Harrogate Bilton Woodfield on the borough council and chaired the authority’s general purposes committee.

Nigel Simms

Cllr Simms, who represented Masham and Kirkby Malzeard, was vice-chair of the council’s planning committee.

Graham Swift

Conservative deputy leader of the council and portfolio holder for resources, enterprise and economic development, Cllr Swift was among the senior councillors on the authority.

He unsuccessfully stood for election to North Yorkshire Council. He also represented the Duchy ward on the borough council.

Tom Watson

Liberal Democrat Cllr Tom Watson represented Nidd Valley on the borough council.

Matthew Webber

Cllr Webber, who was a Liberal Democrat, represented New Park on the authority.

Christine Willoughby

Christine Willoughby, mayor of Knaresborough.

Liberal Democrat Cllr Willoughby sat on the council for Knaresborough Eastfield.

4,000 people attend sold out Springtime Live in Harrogate

A total of 4,000 people attended Springtime Live at the Great Yorkshire Showground in Harrogate today.

The event, which showcases food, farming and the countryside,  featured pigs, goats and sheep brought by local farmers including Ian’s Mobile Farm and the Yorkshire Lamb Orphanage.

Peppa Pig and Peter Rabbit also entertained the youngsters while Diggerland was at the event for the first time.

Ripon Farm Services donated mini tractors which youngsters could ride around in an indoor circuit.

There were also cookery workshops and a climbing wall as well as alpacas, reptiles, Ferretworld’s Roadshow, Rare Breeds Survival Trust and forest crafts.

Springtime Live is organised by the Yorkshire Agricultural Society, a farming charity that also organises the Great Yorkshire Show.

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Harrogate hospital £9m spend on agency staff ‘necessary’, says trust

Hospital bosses in Harrogate have said a £9 million spend on agency staff this year was “necessary”.

Earlier this week, the Stray Ferret reported that the hospital had spent £4.1 million more than its target spend for agencies this year.

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust set a target to spend no more than £473,000 each month on agencies — the equivalent of a maximum of £5.7 million over the year.

The figure covers staffing in areas such as nursing, dental and clinical support staff.

In response to the spend, a spokesperson for the trust said:

“When we experience workforce challenges in our clinical and non-clinical services we will use our bank of nursing staff or the services of relevant recruitment agencies to support staff gaps where necessary. This is an issue faced by all NHS foundation trusts across the country.

“The workforce challenges can be for a variety of reasons, such as when we have vacancies due to colleagues leaving the Trust or being promoted, or staff illness.

“It is important that we maintain a safe level of staff to care for our patients, and this can fluctuate due to circumstance – for instance, over the winter months we generally see a rise in patients with respiratory infections, such as the flu or covid-19, and an increase in the number of patients who cannot be discharged. This will lead to the trust opening more beds to meet demand, which in turn requires additional medical and nursing staff to care for those patients. In such instances, we may need to call on agencies, which can be expensive, but enables our services to continue.

“Whilst the current spend on agency staff across our services is higher than we expected, this has been necessary to ensure we can continue to provide the safest and best possible levels of health care service for our community.”

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It comes as Alex Sobel, Labour MP for Leeds North West and the party’s shadow environment minister, described Harrogate hospital’s reliance on agencies as “a disgrace”.

He told the House of Commons in February that a constituent called Marjorie Dunn spent just over seven weeks at the hospital last year.

Mr Sobel said:

“In that time she saw NHS nurses leave the service and she was treated predominantly by agency staff — mistreated, I have to say, by agency staff. It is a disgrace.

“When she was eventually moved to a recovery hub run by Leeds City Council she got excellent treatment there.

“She had broken her pelvis and been told she would never walk again, but it was the council physiotherapist who got her up and walking again. Is it not right that we should be supporting local authorities such as Labour-run Leeds to get such facilities as well as the NHS?”

Harrogate’s youngest councillor says unaffordable housing threatens future of villages

The youngest councillor on Harrogate Borough Council has said the “critical issue” of young people not being able to afford a home where they grew up could lead to a decline in the district’s villages and rural areas.

The Harrogate district is the most unaffordable place to buy a house in North Yorkshire with a recent report saying a resident needs on average nine times their salary to purchase a home.

The problem is particularly felt by younger people who may have low-paid jobs in agriculture or in the district’s many tourist and hospitality venues.

This week, Sam Green, former Conservative councillor for Wathvale, sent a letter to Cllr Simon Myers, North Yorkshire County Council’s Conservative executive member for housing, that called on the new unitary council to take steps to ensure housing is more affordable for young people.

Cllr Green, who is 27, shared the letter with the Local Democracy Reporting Service. 

It said: 

“I know first-hand from my peers that many young people, first-time buyers and those on low incomes simply cannot afford to remain in the rural villages and settlements they have grown up across the Harrogate district — in many instances due to the high cost of housing or lack of suitable supply.

“If our young people are then forced to move out of the district to meet their housing needs in lower value areas, this creates a brain drain and will have knock on effects across the district which can only then lead to further decline.”

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Cllr Green proposed in the letter that the new council adds additional affordable housing policies to the council’s Local Plan that will open up smaller sites for affordable housing developments.

He also said the council should take advantage of a government planning policy called Rural Exception Sites that permits the delivery of affordable housing on the edges of villages.

He said failure to take these steps would be a “dereliction of duty” on the part of councillors.

Cllr Myers responded to Cllr Green and he shared his response with the LDRS.

He said: 

“As you know, I am wholly committed to delivering affordable housing across North Yorkshire and to addressing what is a crisis for many of our residents and for the sustainability of our communities. I hope that the new North Yorkshire Council will be able to achieve more and to build on the successes of the districts and boroughs.

“I think Harrogate Borough Council has achieved great things of late in delivering housing but I agree that we must not lose sight of our rural areas, not least the national parks. Rural Exception Sites are not necessarily easy, but there is a real commitment in the new council to bring them forward where possible.

“As you know I am always happy to have input on this and look forward to more discussions with you in the future.”

Cllr Green stepped down as a councillor yesterday due to the abolition of Harrogate Borough Council.

In his letter, Cllr Myers added: 

“I would like to thank you for your contribution to public life as a borough councillor and for your dedication to addressing the issues which affect our residents.”

Voice of the Great Yorkshire Show retires after 38 years

A long-serving and high-profile member of the Great Yorkshire Show team is standing down after almost four decades.

Christine Barber has been working on the main ring at the show since 1985 – and while most people are unlikely to recognise her face, thousands will certainly know her voice.

She has been the commentator in the main ring every year, starting at 8am and going on into the early evening each day.

After almost 40 years, she has decided to retire. However, she won’t be missing out on the fun this summer: for the first time, she hopes to enjoy the show as a visitor and have time to walk around its attractions.

Show director Charles Mills said:

“Christine has been synonymous with the Great Yorkshire show for 38 years and her wonderful commentary will be sorely missed.

“But we look forward to welcoming Christine as a visitor, where she can soak up the magic of the show for the first time ever and we thank her for all of her support and hard work over the years.”

Christine Barber, right, in the commentary box. Photo: Simon HillChristine Barber, right, in the commentary box. Photo: Simon Hill

Christine’s association with the Great Yorkshire Show goes back to her youth, when she competed in eventing, show jumping and dressage.

She first began working in the commentary box in 1985, but commentated on the prestigious Grant Cattle Parade from 1989 after her predecessor stepped down.

Among her highlights were commentating during royal visits: the late Queen and Duke of Edinburgh in 2008, and in 1994, Princess Alexandra, who requested to meet “the voice of the commentator”.

The Yorkshire Agricultural Society said she was known for her “smooth, calming and distinctive voice” and said it was sad to say goodbye to her after so many years.

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North Yorkshire Council £252m saving target ‘massively tougher’, say council bosses

The new leaders of North Yorkshire Council have said making £252 million worth of savings in the next five years as part of local government reorganisation has become “massively tougher”.

Chief executive Richard Flinton and the authority’s political leader, Cllr Carl Les, said almost two years after using large-scale savings as a key plank in its case for creating a single unitary authority for North Yorkshire that “the world is in a different place”.

In 2021, auditors’ analysis of the county council’s unitary found it could save £30m a year by cutting red tape and reducing senior management and elected member costs.

In addition, by using the new council as a springboard for change, the auditors concluded savings could rise to between £50m and £67m a year, netting up to £252m at the end of the first five years, saving of up to £185 a year for households.

However, on the eve of the new authority launching, Mr Flinton said the council was instead looking at needing to cut £70m over the next three years just to balance its books and achieving savings had become “massively tougher”.

He said: 

“Since those predictions were first made the councils have made a lot of savings themselves that would have been in that territory.

“Lots of demand pressures have changed. Austerity has come around the cost of living pressures, the price we are paying for things has increased massively.

“The world is a different place from two years ago where people were making projections using consultants around the art of the possible. The reality against more people having problems looking after kids, more people presenting wanting adult social care, more of the housing challenges such as mould, the world doesn’t stand still.

“Against that backdrop we’re saying we need to save £70m over the next three years. We are going to be honest with people and say that’s not going to be a breeze.”

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The county council has stripped £200m from its annual spending since austerity hit in 2010, partly by relying on volunteers to help run services such as public libraries.

Mr Flinton said: 

“As we come under more and more financial stress that type of innovative dealing with the public is probably going to be more and more.”

“One of the new unitary council’s early cost-cutting programmes will be to sell some of the former district, borough and county council properties, which equate to more than 3,500 bits of property excluding schools.”

When selling the properties Mr Flinton said the council would have regard to the interests of the community and in some cases the property could be used in a regeneration scheme, but in the majority of cases it would be “good old fashioned case back into the bank and value for money.”

The incoming council aims to bolster its online offer, but has pledged face to face contact with residents would continue with a council office kept in each of the former district areas.

Cllr Les said: 

“As soon as we put any one of those properties up for closure you can bet your bottom dollar there will be a campaign to save it.”

Police criticise ‘disgraceful actions’ of Harrogate officer convicted of sex assault

A senior North Yorkshire Police officer has criticised the “disgraceful actions” of a Harrogate officer who was convicted of sexual assault.

Joseph McCabe, 27, was found guilty of one count of sexual assault following a trial in February and appeared for sentence at York Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

McCabe was given a six-month jail sentence suspended for two years. He was also placed on the sex-offenders’ register for seven years.

District judge Tan Ikram told McCabe that he had given “no credible explanation as to why (the victim) would make up such a serious allegation”. 

Following the outcome of the case, Deputy chief constable Mabs Hussain commended the victim for coming forward.

He added that McCabe’s actions were “disgraceful”.

Mr Hussain said:

“Our communities need to know that they can have complete trust in their police, and that we demand the highest level of integrity from our officers and staff.

“McCabe’s disgraceful actions fell far below that standard. I commend the victim for her courage in coming forward so we could take action. I also hope the case sends a clear message that there is no place for this behaviour in policing – and that we will secure justice against perpetrators, no matter who they are.”

McCabe is currently suspended from North Yorkshire Police. He will appear before a misconduct hearing at a later.

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Commissioner rules out Harrogate fire engine rethink despite faulty data

North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe has ruled out reconsidering plans to reduce the number of nighttime fire engines based in Harrogate.

Ms Metcalfe’s three-year fire service blueprint last year decided the number of overnight appliances at the Skipton Road fire station would be cut from two to one.

One of the main concerns during consultation was this could lead to life-threatening delays at Starbeck level crossing if a second fire engine were required in an emergency.

Ms Metcalfe allayed fears by telling councillors firefighters knew the train times and could ring ahead to Network Rail if they needed to cross urgently.

But her office admitted last month this information, which it said had been “relayed in good faith by the commissioner”, was incorrect, which heightened concerns.

Ms Metcalfe, a Conservative, responded by saying concerns about Starbeck level crossing had been “the subject of limited media coverage”.

She added there was “misunderstanding on the part of the media and therefore also local stakeholders and the public” about the significance of Starbeck level crossing in her Risk and Resource Model 2022 to 2025, which outlines how fire service resources should be deployed.

She added:

“I want to reiterate that the Risk and Resource Model proposals were subject of a detailed modelling and consultation process undertaken in support of the review of North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service provision.

“The nature of the misunderstanding does not warrant a reconsideration of the resource proposals and statutory planning process that is now complete.”

But Ms Metcalfe added:

“Nonetheless, I recognise that local concerns about this misunderstanding should be addressed and I propose to offer a meeting with myself and North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service, should any local councillor wish to avail themselves of that opportunity.”

‘Gates down for five minutes’

Cllr Pat Marsh, a Liberal Democrat on North Yorkshire Council who raised concerns about Starbeck level crossing with Ms Metcalfe last year, said the issue “cannot be batted away” and called for a meeting at the level crossing. She added:

“I have major concerns when the gates are down for a long period of time and ambulances and fire engines are waiting it can make the difference between life and death as it did in my family.

“The gates are down on some occasions for at least five minutes. If you are having a heart attack or your house is on fire every minute is precious.”

Cllr Paul Haslam, a Conservative on North Yorkshire Council, said he was willing to meet Ms Metcalfe in the hope of putting pressure on Network Rail. He said:

“We have been working round this issue for a long time.”

Heaven knows what Morrissey was doing in Harrogate…

Former Smiths frontman turned solo artist Morrissey was spotted out in Harrogate last night.

The singer-songwriter enjoyed a couple of pints in the Harrogate Arms pub and was happy to pose for photos with a handful of fellow drinkers who recognised him.

Chris Russell, who runs Zombie Clothing in Knaresborough, happened to be in the pub at the time and was surprised to see someone so famous.

He said:

“I was just having a beer and he was gracious enough to pose for a pic.”

The visit was also a surprise to staff at the pub. Manager Pete Murphy said:

“We only had four or five tables in, so it wasn’t busy, but a few people recognised him and had photos with him.

“We get the odd Leeds player in, but that’s the first singer I’ve seen. I’ve been running the pub just over a year now.”

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