Police say wanted man may be in Harrogate

North Yorkshire Police is appealing for information to find a wanted man with links to Harrogate.

Andon Llalla, 40, is wanted on recall to prison. It is unclear what Llalla was jailed for.

Police initially asked for information on the whereabouts of Llalla in October. Officers today renewed their appeal to the public to come forward if they have seen him or know his whereabouts.

He also has links to Halifax and Brighouse in West Yorkshire.

A police statement added:

“If you see him or have information for the police, call North Yorkshire Police on 101, quoting reference number 12210179751.

“To report information anonymously call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”

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Ripley primary school seeks to join academy after ‘inadequate’ rating

A primary school in Ripley rated ‘inadequate’ by Ofsted this week is in negotiations to join an academy.

Ofsted’s report said parents valued Ripley Endowed C of E Primary School but was highly critical of the quality of education, leadership and early years provision.

The government schools inspector added that pupils were often distracted because work is too easy or too hard and “achieve far less than they should”.

North Yorkshire County Council, the local authority responsible for education, said today it was working with the school governors and interim school leaders to make improvements at the 49-pupil school.

The council also revealed that it was talking to the Diocese of Leeds and the regional schools commissioner to find an academy sponsor.

Academies are funded directly by the government and are run by an academy trust. Academy sponsors work with the trust to improve the performance of the school.

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Ripley is currently part of a federation of three schools, along with Kettlesing Felliscliffe Community Primary School and Beckwithshaw Community Primary School.

Putting in place improvements

Amanda Newbold, the assistant director for education and skills said:

“We are currently working with governors and interim school leaders to put in place the necessary improvements.

“The county council is working with the Diocese of Leeds and the regional schools commissioner to find an academy sponsor and to ensure the school has strong governance in place during this period of transition.

“We will work closely with the school, the wider community, parents, carers and pupils as we approach the next chapter for the school.”

Ofsted inspectors visited the school over two days in November 2021 when they observed lessons, spoke to pupils informally and met parents at the start of the day.

Here is how the inspectors came to the overall ‘inadequate’ rating:

Harrogate business groups call for Station Gateway vote to be delayed

Business groups in Harrogate have called for a vote on the town’s Station Gateway to be delayed after an economic case for the project was published just days before the key vote takes place.

In a letter to Cllr Carl Les, leader of North Yorkshire County Council, Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce, Harrogate Business Improvement District and Independent Harrogate said there was a “lack of opportunity” to comment on the paper.

The report, which is due before the county council’s executive next week, argues that the gateway will tackle “some of the economic challenges facing the Harrogate economy”.

The 18-page report goes on to cite various case studies and figures from the Office for National Statistics to support its case.

However, the three business groups said  they have had no opportunity to comment on the paper and called for a vote on the scheme to be delayed until they have had chance to scrutinise it.

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They also criticise the council for releasing the report just a week before the vote on the project.

The letter says:

“Because of this lack of opportunity to comment on the economic impact study, we are now asking that the vote on the project is postponed until your next executive meeting, allowing us, and others, time to digest its contents.

“However, having had a cursory glance through it, it appears the authors have looked to cities for case studies and not towns comparable to Harrogate. Also, they give examples from as along ago as 2007. The world has moved on a lot since then.

“It fails to take into account the impact of covid, out-of-town shopping centres with acres of free parking, and online shopping. And again, we say what of those residents living in our surrounding villages whose only way of getting around is via their car, or the tens-of-thousands of visitors who live outside the district?”

Station Gateway designs

Some of the proposed changes to Station Parade.

The letter also questions whether the study takes into account the effect of construction of the project on businesses who are “already on their knees through to the ongoing impact of covid”.

The letter comes at the same business groups accused the county council of ignoring their views and the opinions of residents during the Station Gateway consultation.

The Stray Ferret revealed this week that the county council is set to give the £10.9m project the green light at a meeting on Tuesday next week — even though the latest consultation revealed the majority of respondents feel negatively towards the scheme.

Earlier this week, Cllr Don Mackenzie, executive county councillor for access, described the scheme as the biggest investment in Harrogate “in decades”.

He said:

“These proposals represent the biggest investment in Harrogate, Selby and Skipton town centres in decades.

“We want to encourage more people to travel by foot, bike and public transport because it is good for health and the environment by promoting fitness and reducing congestion.

“The spending will also provide a welcome boost for our town centres after two difficult years of trading during the pandemic.

“We have listened to feedback from the public consultations and are confident people will be pleased with the results.”

Missing teen sighted at Harrogate train station this morning

Police are searching for a missing teenager who may be in the Harrogate area.

Benjamin Robert Leach, 16, has been reported missing after leaving a property in Selby on Wednesday, January 19.

Officers carried out enquiries and believe he is in the Harrogate area after a sighting at Harrogate train station in the early hours of this morning.

A North Yorkshire Police statement added:

“Benjamin is described as 5ft 5in tall, with short dark brown hair and brown eyes.

“Any immediate sightings should be reported to North Yorkshire Police via 999 quoting reference 12220010596. Any information which would assist officers to locate Benjamin should be reported via 101 quoting the same reference number.”

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Traffic and Travel Alert: Numerous Harrogate bus cancellations on the 36, 1A and 1C routes

Harrogate Bus Company has had to cancel numerous buses this morning due to driver availability.

Those affected include:

For updates from Harrogate Bus Company, follow it on Twitter @harrogatebus.

The Stray Ferret has changed the way it offers Traffic and Travel alerts.

We will now notify you instantly through app notifications and flash tweets when there is an urgent alert. This could include heavy traffic, dangerous weather and long delays or cancellations of public transport.

The alerts are sponsored by The HACS Group.

Improved Harrogate to London train service delayed

Concerns over infrastructure and rolling stock have delayed the introduction of improved direct train services between Harrogate and London.

A new timetable, with an earlier direct service to London King’s Cross, was due to be implemented in May 2022.

The shake-up was announced by LNER in June last year as part of wider changes to services on the east coast main line.

LNER said times between Harrogate and London would be about 10 minutes faster as part of the new timetable, which included:

In the opposite direction, from London direct to Harrogate:

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However, the improved services will now not be introduced after Network Rail recommended that the Department for Transport, which has the final decision on the timetable, delays the implementation.

The organisation said it had “concerns around infrastructure, rolling stock and performance and stakeholder feedback” with the changes.

Simon Leyshon, industry programme director for Network Rail’s east coast route, said it hoped to implement the changes as soon as possible.

He said:

“Postponing the new timetable change for the east coast main line allows us to dedicate more time to considering the views passengers and stakeholders shared with us during the consultation process last year.

“We’re now working closely with train operating companies and the wider rail industry to develop a timetable that meets passenger’s changing travel patterns and makes the most of the increased capacity on the East Coast main line following the £1.2 billion East Coast upgrade.”

Network Rail also pointed out that Harrogate had already seen an additional Northern service introduced on the Leeds to York line in December 2021.

Harrogate set for colourful fountains and WiFi-charging benches

Harrogate town centre is set to get water fountains and smart benches where people can charge their phones as part of the £10.9 million Station Gateway scheme.

North Yorkshire County Council is expected to approve the controversial gateway project next week.

Most of the focus has been on how the scheme will reduce traffic to single lane on a stretch of Station Parade and part pedestrianise James Street to encourage cycling and walking.

But documents sent to councillors ahead of next week’s executive meeting also reveal proposed changes to the public realm close to the train station.

They include creating a dry plaza water jet feature surrounded by new trees and seating at Station Square, where the Victoria monument is located.

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One of the documents says:

“The fountain jets can be switched on and off by the council to cater to year-round events in the plaza. Lighting can also be controlled by visitors using a smart phone to connect.

“Smart benches are proposed in the plaza to allow visitors to enjoy the space whilst charging their devices. These smart benches can also have built-in WiFi and lighting so you can enjoy your time in the plaza.”

Other proposals include new lighting columns with built-in insect hotels for wildlife along with other green measures. The documents says:

“We want to celebrate how green Harrogate is by adding in new colourful planting and new trees along streets and in the new plaza at the station.

“Some areas of planting will be rain gardens. These are special planting areas that love collecting rain water to reduce the likelihood of floods around the town.”

Ofsted rates Ripley primary school as ‘inadequate’

Ofsted has rated Ripley Endowed C of E Primary School as ‘inadequate’ for the first time in the school’s history.

The 49-pupil school had a ‘good’ rating in 2011 but subsequently received ‘requires improvement’ ratings in 2015, 2017 and 2019.

The latest report, published yesterday, says pupils feel safe, safeguarding arrangements are effective and parents value the school. It also says pupils are polite and well mannered and there is no bullying in school.

But it is highly critical of the quality of education, leadership and early years provision. It is also critical of behaviour and attitudes and personal development.

Pupils, says Ofsted, are often distracted because work is too easy or too hard and “achieve far less than they should”.

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‘Inadequate’ is the lowest of four possible ratings. The report says:

“Ripley Endowed Church of England School is a warm and caring school. Pupils feel safe here. They support, help and care for each other.

“Parents value the school and the staff that work here. The quality of education that pupils receive is inadequate.

“Despite the teachers wanting the pupils to achieve, the curriculum is not designed or planned well enough to support them to do this.”

Ofsted inspectors visited the school over two days in November 2021 when they observed lessons, spoke to pupils informally and met parents at the start of the day.

Here is how the inspectors came to the overall ‘inadequate’ rating:

The Stray Ferret approached Ripley Endowed C of E Primary School for its response to the Ofsted rating. We were directed to North Yorkshire County Council, the local education authority, but it did not respond by the time of publication.

Ripley is part of a federation of three schools. The other two schools are Kettlesing Felliscliffe Community Primary School and Beckwithshaw Community Primary School.

Persistent vandalism threat to shops on Harrogate’s Bower Street

Two shop owners on Harrogate’s Bower Street have said they feel a sense of helplessness in the face of anti-social behaviour and vandalism that is blighting trade.

Doe Bakehouse and Jarfull have both called the police multiple times to report vandalism, fighting and anti-social behaviour.

They say the empty shop in between their premises is often full of people drinking, playing music and sometimes getting violent. Litter is common too.

Doe Bakehouse had its front seating area covered in mud and concrete last weekend.

The shop has previously had its door smashed and often has litter thrown into the seating area.

Owner Evie Jackson said after the incident it had become a “frequent target” and that she planned to close the shop and just fulfil online pre-orders from the premises. She said:

“We deal with antisocial behaviour constantly due to issues on the street and we are at a loss with what can be done.”

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The shops are situated between the One Arch tunnel and Harrogate Homeless Project.

Rebecca Lodge, who owns Jarfull, which promotes sustainable shopping, said she had called the police many times to report fights and anti-social behaviour. She said:

“Next door is empty so people just hang around, drinking and being a bit rowdy. I’ve not had any issues as such but it’s caused issues in that people are put off coming because it can be quite intimidating having eight people sat there drinking. I’ve had to call the police a few times for fighting but generally it’s just drinking.

“Being in here can be intimidating and it’s tricky because sometimes I think it would be better off if we had the shop somewhere else because I’m in no doubt people are put off coming this end of town but then customers love that they can park right outside.”

Talks today about 4,000 new homes in west Harrogate

Harrogate Borough Council officers will meet residents groups and parish councils today to discuss the long awaited West of Harrogate Parameters Plan.

The plan describes the infrastructure requirements associated with up to 4,000 new homes due to be built in the western arc of Harrogate.

A draft version of the delayed plan has now been published and circulated by the council to groups including Harlow & Pannal Ash Residents Association, North Rigton Parish Council, Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council and Zero Carbon Harrogate. The Stray Ferret has also been sent the document.

At over 100 pages long, the document paints a broad brush vision of how the area will be transformed by new housing.

It includes proposals for two new primary schools and a possible new GP surgery — which have been previously announced.

Howard West, chair of Pannal and Burn Bridge Parish Council, told the Stray Ferret the plan lacked detail on addressing traffic and congestion.

He added:

“The parameters plan draft is in nice developer-speak but there’s no answer to the problems arising from building 4,000 homes around Harrogate’s western arc.”

Hapara and Zero Carbon Harrogate both said they would comment on the plan after today’s meeting.

Hapara previously said it was unhappy about the level of consultation offered to residents by the council during the process.

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Beset by delays

The council initially said the parameters plan would be published in October 2020. But it was delayed until March 2021, then September 2021.

The draft plan is still to be ratified by the council.

A council spokesperson said:

“The development of west Harrogate provides an exciting opportunity to deliver quality place-making, a wide-range of private and affordable homes to meet the current housing demand, while also ensuring we have the necessary infrastructure to support these future communities.

“Once approved, the West of Harrogate Parameters Plan will create clear goals and objectives by identifying what infrastructure is required. For example, first-class community facilities, school provision, green infrastructure and sustainable travel opportunities.

“A number of suggestions have already helped shaped the WHPP and I’d like to thank those local residents groups and parish councils for their valuable feedback.”