Lowest coronavirus deaths since lockdown as Harrogate hospital reports one more

England’s hospitals have reported the lowest number of coronavirus deaths since before lockdown as Harrogate District Hospital records one more.

The Harrogate patient died yesterday and was among 28 coronavirus deaths in today’s NHS figures, the lowest since March.

It means that Harrogate District Hospital has now reported 76 coronavirus deaths since the start of the pandemic.

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Hospitals across the North East and Yorkshire recorded five deaths today. The East of England did not report any coronavirus deaths.

The patients were aged between 59 and 100 years old. All patients had known underlying health conditions.

WATCH: Shoppers feel like “we’ve been let out of prison”

Today, non-essential shops pulled up their shutters for the first time since lockdown began.

By mid-day, Harrogate town centre was filled with shoppers, many saying they were grateful to see the return of ‘some sort of normality.’

Queuing lanes have been erected outside stores to ensure customers are kept several metres apart, and customers are being asked to use the hand sanitisers provided when entering and leaving each shop.

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One shopper told the Stray Ferret:

I feel like I have been let out of prison, although I have never been in prison, it’s just absolutely lovely to be back. I have been shopping online but nothing compares to being able to see what your buying.

But not everyone feels the need to return to the shops just yet, one woman said:

 I feel no desire to go into the shops just yet, I possibly think it’s too soon, another couple of weeks then maybe.

It will be a welcome relief to those whose jobs and livelihoods rely on the retail sector as they look to start rebuilding their businesses once again.




Cedar Court Hotel in Harrogate reopens to key workers

Cedar Court hotel in Harrogate has reopened to key workers as they prepare to fully re-open to guests on July 4th.

From today (June 15th), guests are asked to bypass the traditional hotel reception and check-in themselves using a screen or an app. Electronic keys are available to download via guest’s mobile phone.

A one-way system has also been introduced inside the hotel to encourage social distancing and staff are now wearing face coverings and gloves.

Speaking to the Stray Ferret, Wayne Topley, Managing Director of Cedar Court Hotels, said around £25,000 has been spent on coronavirus safety measures to “create confidence for staff, guests and suppliers.”

He said:

“There will be far more visible cleaning.  How a hotel was cleaned and maintained used to be all part of the mystery and the housekeeping efforts were pretty much hidden from view; you will now see our Housekeepers with the confidence to be able to explain to our guests the efforts and procedures that they are undertaking to make their stay safe and Covid-Clean.”

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Cedar Court was one of the first hotels in Harrogate to close on March 20th. The government is yet to formally announce the reopening of the sector but hotels in the district including Cedar Court and the White Hart expect to be allowed to welcome all guests from July 4th.

Mr Topley added: “We are extremely confident in our new procedures and we now look forward to welcoming guests back again who can stay and dine with us with complete peace of mind.”

Local bus company sell face masks to travellers

The Harrogate Bus Company is selling colourful face masks in order to raise money for NHS Charities Together.

The bus operator is making it easier for people to get their hands on a face covering. Masks are being sold in the shop at Harrogate Bus Station for £2.50 with all proceedings going to NHS Charities Together.

As of today face coverings are compulsory when entering hospitals and travelling on public transport.  It’s part of the next stage in easing lockdown restrictions set out by the government.

Face coverings designed by The Harrogate Bus Company

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The Harrogate Bus Company’s CEO, Alex Hornby said:

“The latest Government guidance is a simple ‘ask’ of our customers, so everyone can travel with peace of mind. Our buses are clean, safe and ready to go, and we want everyone to travel in comfort and confidence.

The Harrogate Bus Company is also giving away free face coverings to key workers who have been riding buses to get to work during lockdown – to claim, email: keyworker@transdevbus.co.uk with either your bus pass number, or the email address registered to your mobile ticket account.

The Harrogate Bus Company’s Operations Director Vitto Pizzuti (front left) and CEO Alex Hornby (front right.)

Meanwhile, North Yorkshire County Council is reminding people to dispose of their face masks, gloves, wipes and tissues correctly. These items cannot be recycled and should be disposed of in general waste.

Huge queues outside of Harrogate’s Sports Direct

Harrogate town centre felt less like a ghost town this morning, as people returned for the first day of the shops re-opening after lockdown.

The biggest queues were outside Sports Direct, which is offering NHS workers a huge 50% discount from today.

The line to get into the store ran all the way from Sports Direct in the Victoria Shopping Centre, around the corner and down to WHSmith at the bottom of Cambridge Street.

One shopper told The Stray Ferret:

“We have been waiting for over an hour but we will see how it goes once we are inside… we are here to get some trainers.”

Another said:

“It’s just a case of queueing up and seeing what happens, I am here with my grandson to get him some birthday presents so I’m sure it will be worth the wait… We don’t have anywhere else to be.”

There are signs outside all the shops to remind people of 2m distancing and people are being told to hand sanitise on the way in and out of each shop.”


Army of town centre “ambassadors” to reassure shoppers

Both Harrogate Borough Council and the Harrogate BID group have organised town centre “ambassadors” as they work to allay shoppers’ fears and welcome them back to the district’s town centres.

The council says its ambassadors will be on hand to help welcome people and offer information and advice to shoppers where they can.

The council has organised a toolkit with advice and materials to help businesses across the district open, including a checklist of the measurements required both in and outside shops. It’s also distributed printable posters and directional signs to help shops manage the flow of customers.

Harrogate BID has also organised town centre “hosts”  and distributed leaflets and posters. The hosts will be tasked with giving shoppers peace of mind as lockdown is eased by welcoming them, giving out information and noting hotspots that need to be cleaned.

It’s not clear if both sets of ambassadors will be working in the town centre at the same time.

One of Harrogate BID’s posters for the town centre

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The council says public toilets in the busiest areas will be opened and parking charges have been re-introduced.

Councillor Graham Swift, deputy council leader and cabinet member for economic development, said:

“Monday will be an exciting and anxious day for everyone as we all learn to adapt to a new normal.

“Many of our retail businesses are pulling out all the stops to be ready to open safely and we are doing everything we can to support their efforts.

“Our package of measures are designed to support retailers and their customers to get back to trading and shopping as soon as possible and operate in a safe way to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

“We know we are at the start of a long road, but we are committed to working with businesses to progress the district’s economic recovery in the months ahead.”

Charity shops across the district will not reopen today

Charity shops across the Harrogate district will not be reopening today. This comes as non-essential retail shops prepare to reopen on Monday.

National charities such as Age UK, Barnardos and Oxfam as well as local charities including Martin House and St Michaels, are amongst many who are taking a staggered approach to re-opening.

Yorkshire charity Martin House, who provide care for children and young people with life limiting conditions, is not planning on reopening their Knaresborough and Harrogate shops until July and has suspended all volunteering activities since the beginning of lockdown.

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Stephanie Rimmington, head of retail at Martin House said:

“We are currently working on plans to reopen our shops at the start of July. We are carrying out deep cleaning and installing safety screens and signing to help keep staff and customers safe, and will be limiting the number of people allowed into the shop at a time. Our top priority is the safety of staff, volunteers and customers at all times.”

Many charity shops are unable to open because they’re small which makes social distancing difficult. In addition, all donations made to charity shops have to be quarantined for 72 hours before being put on the shop floor.

Saint Michaels Hospice – Crimple House

Similarly, St Michaels Hospice has confirmed  it plans to reopen its shops from July and is taking precautionary measures around hygiene and social distancing. The charity has encouraged the public to keep clothing donations at home for the time being.

Two more coronavirus deaths at Harrogate District Hospital

Two further patients, who tested positive for coronavirus, have died bringing the total number of deaths at the hospital to 75.

A 125 patients have been discharged by the hospital.

A further 27 people, who tested positive for the coronavirus have died, bringing the total number of confirmed reported deaths in hospitals in England to 27,954.

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Patients were aged between 50 and 101 years old. Two patients had no known underlying health conditions.

60 cyclists join Extinction Rebellion rally in Harrogate


Approximately 60 cyclists joined a rally organised by the climate change activist group, Extinction Rebellion, in Harrogate this morning calling for safer streets for walkers and cyclists.

Two community police officers looked on as the group set off from Library Gardens and circled around the centre of Harrogate.  The rally spread out and kept in groups of 6 from a household- the mood was friendly and upbeat.

Organiser Vicky Wild said lockdown had seen a big increase in people using and buying bicycles but the worry was as life returns to normal, it won’t be safe to use them:

“Now is the time to hold this rally and call for safer streets for cyclists and walkers. Let’s not go back to to normal in every way. Today we’ve been joined by ordinary people – in this group there’s a doctor, a teacher, a shopkeeper- families and people of all ages. Everyone feels strongly about it.”



The start of the rally on Victoria Park Avenue

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Carl and Jo Summerscales and their 3 children, Eva, Will and Teddy joined the rally. Dad Carl said the roads, and in particular, the school run roads, need to be safer.:

“I think the people in charge are putting their heads in the sand — they seem to want to stop cycling rather than put cycle paths in, especially as there is now extra money for this.  I think for children cycling to school it’s just so dangerous.”

Mum Jo added:

“Will in particular cycles two miles to school and we’ve worked really hard to find a safe route at peak time- it’s worrying there’s so much traffic”


Above: The Summerscales family, Carl, Jo, Eva, Will and Teddy

Extinction Rebellion flags were set out by organisers


Ripon Cathedral prepares to open for private prayer

Ripon Cathedral will open its doors to the public tomorrow for the first time since lockdown began.

Having been closed for more than 10 weeks under coronavirus legislation, the cathedral is among just a few places of worship in the Harrogate district which have decided to open for private prayer.

Government guidance has changed to allow places of worship to open for individuals. Nationally, leaders of different denominations have all issued advice, with each individual church to make its own decision over whether it is safe to open.

In the Harrogate district, Ripon Cathedral is one of those set to welcome people for prayer. Dean John Dobson said:

“We have been working towards a phased reopening. Our primary concern is to give people an opportunity to pray in this ancient church, where prayers have been offered for over 1300 years, while ensuring the safety of everyone – our regular worshippers, visitors, clergy, staff and volunteers.

“We look forward to welcoming back those who wish to light a candle, say a prayer or reflect on these unprecedented times, whilst at the same time doing our utmost to ensure the safety and well-being of all.”

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St Peter’s Church in the centre of Harrogate will be open daily, except Sundays, from Monday, June 22. The church supports homeless and vulnerable individuals and families routinely, and this service has not stopped while the church building was closed to visitors. The vicar, Rev Alan Garrow said:

“We want to be open. We have been in a curious situation because we have been active all the time, with 2,500 takeaway hot meals served since lockdown.

“We will only be open for prayer between 12pm and 2pm because the food service takes a chunk out of our day.”

While many of the district’s church leaders will keep their buildings closed until they feel it is safe to open, they are continuing to make good use of technology to deliver online services. The Nidd Valley Methodist Circuit in Harrogate has also opened a dial-a-thought phone line, which people can ring to hear a message each morning if they are unable to access the churches’ online morning prayer.