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Oct 2021
From the running of Harrogate Convention Centre to bin collections, the district's public services will change in 18 months when devolution kicks in.
One of the major questions confronting Harrogate in 2023 will be what assets it wants to retain control of.
North Yorkshire County Council, which successfully bid for the new unitary council model, has promised “double devolution”.
That means a town council will be able to bid for assets — even though this may see council tax precepts hike up.
One of the Harrogate district's biggest assets is its convention centre. Harrogate Borough Council has long sold it as an economic benefit to the town.
But it soon could become an economic vehicle which is no longer controlled locally.
With the HCC no longer in the district’s control, the question becomes what will its future be and what role will it play under the unitary council?
North Yorkshire Council officials will have to decide whether it is a strategic asset to them or not.
The new authority will have its own tourism and economic agenda, which the HCC may be included in.
However, the HCC is one of only two conference centres to be run by a local council. The other is Brighton Centre.
The unitary council may feel that the operating model of the HCC needs to change.
Mr Webb added that the question for the unitary council is whether it can run services in Harrogate better or not.