Harrogate district reports 278 covid cases as rate continues to rise

The Harrogate district’s covid rate has increased again after another 278 cases were reported today.

Latest UK Health Security Agency figures show that the district’s seven-day covid average has risen to 1,117 per 100,000 people — an increase on yesterday’s figure of 1,088.

It remains above the county average, which is 999, and the England rate of 1,006.

The number of positive covid patients currently being treated at the hospital stands at 20.

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Meanwhile, the UK Health Security Agency has found a new strain of the Omicron variant, known as BA.2, in Harrogate.

The variant was found in four tests from 101 carried out by the Wellcome Sanger Institute, which is funded by the Department of Health, in the week up to January 15.

However, the dominant strain of Omicron continues to make up most cases in the district.

The UK Health Security Agency has designated BA.2 as a variant under investigation.

With tomorrow’s lifting of Plan B restrictions, the Stray Ferret will no longer report daily updates on infections. However, we will continue to provide coverage on the ongoing impact of the pandemic on the Harrogate district.

Man sentenced for carrying a baseball bat down Parliament Street

A Harrogate man has received a community order after admitting carrying a baseball bat down Parliament Street and making unlawful threats of violence.

Dan Swift, 21, of Fewston Crescent, appeared before Harrogate Magistrates Court yesterday charged with threatening unlawful violence towards other persons which would cause fear for personal safety.

Swift was also charged with carrying a baseball bat on Parliament Street on September 26 last year without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.

He pleaded guilty to those charges.

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The court imposed a community order, which included 100 hours of unpaid work to be undertaken over the next 12 months.

The court said Swift’s guilty plea was taken into account when imposing the sentence.

Harrogate Station Gateway could take a year longer to complete than expected

Work on Harrogate’s Station Gateway project could continue into 2024 — considerably longer than first indicated.

The scheme was given the green light by North Yorkshire County Council’s executive yesterday, paving the way for its implementation.

The Department for Transport, which is funding the initiative, had set a deadline of March 2023 for completion. Councils supporting it had said in consultation documents “it is anticipated that construction of the scheme will begin in spring 2022 for approximately 12 months”.

But North Yorkshire County Council, which is the lead partner on the scheme, said after yesterday’s meeting the Department for Transport had now advised the deadline could be extended into 2024.

A county council spokesman said:

“Although the Department for Transport set an initial completion date of March 2023, the department has advised that completion could extend into 2024.”

This could lead to longer-term disruption for businesses already concerned about the impact on trade, although the councils have said “we will aim to ensure all roads remain open to traffic at all times, and noise and other disturbance from the works will be minimised”.

What happens now with the gateway?

Cllr Don Mackenzie, executive councillor for access, has hailed the £10.9 million gateway initiative as the “greatest investment in decades” in Harrogate town centre.

Key proposals include reducing Station Parade to one lane and the part pedestrianisation of James Street to encourage more walking and cycling.

Yesterday, senior county councillors gave their backing for the scheme to move to detailed design stage and for a final business case to be drawn up.

The final case will be submitted to West Yorkshire Combined Authority, which administers the funding for the Harrogate, Skipton and Selby schemes, which together are worth £42 million.

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Council bosses said the business case could be submitted by May 2022.

They added work could start on the Harrogate project “later this year”. They had previously indicated work would be underway by spring or summer but now appear to less specific.

Impact on businesses

The council backed the scheme despite considerable opposition from businesses and residents groups.

David Simister, chief executive of Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce, told councillors that businesses had been “ignored” and that an economic impact study did not take into account the disruption on businesses.

He said:

“Does the economic impact study take into account the disruption delivering this Project will have on businesses already on their knees through to the ongoing impact of covid?”

Barrie Mason, assistant director of highways at the county council, responded to say officers were “reluctant” to make a final economic case while “designs were evolving”.

However, he added that the “foundation” of the council’s economic case had been shared with businesses and the public at a meeting organised by Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce in November 2021.

Mr Mason added:

“We delayed publishing a final economic case until after the consultation had been completed and any amendments could be taken into account.”

He went onto to say that the county council would “work closely with contractors” to minimise any disruption to the town centre by construction of the scheme.

Plan approved to demolish Harrogate social club for flats

Plans have been approved to demolish a Harrogate sports and social club to make way for 14 flats and a community facility.

The proposal by Mitre Residential LLP would see St George’s Sport and Social Club, on St George’s Road, flattened.

According to planning documents, it would be replaced by a three-storey building comprising of 14 two-bedroom flats and a replacement community facility, which would be used as a dance hall.

Harrogate Borough Council gave the go-ahead for the plan last week.

The site was previously used as a sport and social club, but more recently has been used by a dance club.

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The developer said in documents submitted to the council that the proposal would help to relieve pressure on greenfield sites for housing.

It said:

“The development will provide 14 two-bedroom flats and the new proposals will be in keeping with the style and type of housing surrounding the site. 

“The new hall will replace facilities that are no longer required but still provide a viable club for members who have shown an interest in maintaining the facilities.”

Harrogate Civic Society said in response to the application that it was pleased to see the community facility replaced as part of the plan.

It said:

“We are pleased to see a replacement facility, albeit much reduced in size. If this can provide the needs of all those that use the current building, then this is satisfactory.”

Harrogate district covid rate rises again as 278 cases reported

The Harrogate district’s covid rate has increased again after another 278 cases were reported today.

Latest government figures show that the district’s seven-day covid average has risen to 1,088 per 100,000 people — slightly up on yesterday’s figure of 1,075.

It remains above the county average, which is 982, and the England rate of 998.

No further deaths from patients who tested positive for covid have been reported at Harrogate District Hospital, according to NHS England.

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The number of positive covid patients currently being treated at the hospital stands at 20.

The government will lift covid Plan B restrictions on Thursday. It means mandatory face coverings will no longer be required and vaccine passports for large scale events will be removed.

Harrogate set for ‘greatest investment in town centre in decades’

County councillors have today voted to give the green light to Harrogate’s £10.9 million Station Gateway scheme.

The project, along with similar schemes in Selby and Skipton, will now move onto the detailed design stage.

The decision comes despite widespread opposition to the initiative from businesses and residents.

Cllr Don Mackenzie, executive county councillor for access, told a meeting of North Yorkshire County Council’s executive today that the schemes were the “greatest investment into three of our town centres in decades”.

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He added that the council had “a mandate” to carry out the gateway scheme after residents responded to its 2019 Harrogate Congestion Study.

Cllr Mackenzie said:

“They [residents] gave a clear message to us. In order to combat congestion they did not want new highways, they wanted better measures for walking and cycling.

“The gateway schemes do exactly that.”

Business and residents criticism

However, the scheme has long been criticised by Harrogate business groups and residents.

A joint letter signed by Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce, Harrogate Business Improvement District and Independent Harrogate warned that work on the scheme would create ‘another 12 months of major disruption and misery’ for businesses already struggling to get over covid.

David Simister, chief executive of Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce, told councillors today:

“Sadly, the views of the business community have been continually ignored. As have those of other key organisations, in particular Harrogate Civic Society and residents’ organisations who believe what is being proposed will not bring the benefits being espoused.”

In response, Cllr Mackenzie said he and the authority had spent “a great deal of time” listening to businesses in the town.

Meanwhile, Harrogate Residents Association called on senior county councillors to “look long and hard” at the objections made against the project.

The county council’s executive voted unanimously to approve the scheme.

What happens now?

The gateway project will now move onto the detailed design stage before being submitted to West Yorkshire Combined Authority as a final business case.

From there, the combined authority will draw on government funding to begin implementing the Harrogate scheme and others, including Skipton and Selby.

County council officials said in a report that they expect to submit a business case for the Harrogate project by May 2022.

A press release issued by North Yorkshire County Council after today’s meeting said work was likely to start ‘later this year’. It added:

“Although the Department for Transport set an initial completion date of March 2023, the department has advised that completion could extend into 2024.”


Plan to build 26 homes on former Masham livestock mart

Developers have submitted plans to build 26 homes on a former Masham livestock mart.

The site off Leyburn Road in the town operated as a livestock mart for farmers until it closed in 2006.

Now, Ripon-based Briahaze Village Homes Ltd has lodged plans to Harrogate Borough Council to build houses on the site.

In documents submitted to the council, the proposal would see 26 homes built, ranging from one-bedroom townhouses to five-bedroom detached properties.

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The developer said that the site had stood empty for some time and the plan would help to redevelop the land.

In its planning statement, the developer said:

“The site has been vacant for a lengthy period as the need for local markets has evolved and there is no opportunity for the livestock mart to reopen. 

“The property has been marketed but not had any serious interest. Instead, the applicant seeks approval for the redevelopment for residential development and make best use of this previously developed land.”

Harrogate Borough Council will make a decision on the proposal at a later date.

Three covid deaths reported at Harrogate hospital

Harrogate District Hospital has reported another three deaths from patients who tested positive for coronavirus.

NHS England figures show that one death was reported on January 20 and a further two were recorded on January 21.

It takes the covid-related death toll at the hospital from covid since March 2020 to 210.

The Harrogate district reported another 270 cases in to today’s UK Health Security Agency figures.

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Latest government figures show that the district’s seven-day covid average stands at 1,075 per 100,000 people, up marginally on yesterday’s figure of 1,073.

However, it remains above the county average, which is 981, and the England rate of 995.

The figures come as the government prepares to lift covid Plan B restrictions on Wednesday. It means mandatory face coverings will no longer be required and vaccine passports for large scale events will be removed.

Harrogate district businesses urged to apply for £6,000 covid grants

Harrogate district businesses most impacted by the Omicron variant are being urged to apply for one-off grants of up to £6,000.

Firms in the district’s key hospitality, leisure and accommodation sectors – many of which have been hit by cancellations and a drop in footfall during the latest Covid wave – can apply to Harrogate Borough Council for the cash support until February 14.

The Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant scheme is for eligible businesses that are registered and is based on the rateable value of premises.

Those with a rateable value of up to £15,000 will receive £2,667, while those with a rateable value between £15,000 and £51,000 will get £4,000.

Businesses with a rateable value above £51,000 will get the maximum amount of £6,000.

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There has also been extra funding announced through the Additional Restrictions Grant scheme to support covid-hit businesses, including those that are not eligible for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant.

This funding requires local councils to design and adopt their own scheme – and Harrogate Borough Council said applications will open by January 27 and close on February 14.

Cllr Graham Swift, deputy leader and cabinet member for resources, enterprise and economic development at the council, said: 

“To date, we’ve distributed more than £94 million to some 1,500 businesses to support them throughout the covid-19 pandemic. Often at a time when the funds provide an important relief during a very stressful period.

“I’d urge eligible businesses to apply for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant before the closing date of February 14.

“Applications for the Additional Restrictions Grant – to support other businesses most impacted by the Omicron variant – will also open by the end of the week and again will close on February 14.

“We will be working hard to process each application as quickly as possible and will make every effort within the government guidance to support as many businesses as possible.”

For more information on how to apply go to the Harrogate Borough Council website.

Crunch vote tomorrow on £10.9m Harrogate Station Gateway

A key decision on progressing the £10.9 million Station Gateway scheme in Harrogate is set to be made tomorrow.

Senior North Yorkshire county councillors have been recommended to approve the plans and move them on to the detailed design stage at a meeting at 11am.

The move could mean that work on the project starts in the spring or summer.

The decision comes despite widespread opposition to the scheme from businesses and residents.

The results of the second phase of consultation, published last month, revealed that of 1,320 people who replied to an online survey, 55% feel negatively, 39% positively and five per cent neutral towards the scheme. One per cent said they didn’t know.

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Nevertheless the scheme is expected to proceed with only minor amendments.

However, Cllr Don Mackenzie, executive county councillor for access, said last week that the project represented a major investment in Harrogate town centre. Similar schemes are in the pipeline for Selby and Skipton.

He said:

“These proposals represent the biggest investment in Harrogate, Selby and Skipton town centres in decades and aim to increase productivity by making it quicker, easier and safer for people to travel around and connect with economic opportunities.”

Calls for a delay

Despite the recommendation, business groups in Harrogate criticised the project and called for a delay to the vote.

In a joint letter to members of the county council’s executive, Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce, Harrogate Business Improvement District and Independent Harrogate warned that work on the scheme would create ‘another 12 months of major disruption and misery’ for businesses already struggling to get over covid.

The letter added:

“Sadly, the views of the business community have been continually ignored. As have those of other key organisations, in particular Harrogate Civic Society and residents’ organisations who believe what is being proposed will not bring the benefits being espoused.

“The Conservative Party, of which you are a member, prided itself on being the party of business. Sadly, this doesn’t appear to be the case anymore.”

The groups also criticised the county council for publishing an economic case for the project just days before the vote.

They said they have had no opportunity to comment on the paper and called for a vote on the scheme to be delayed until they have had chance to scrutinise it.

The executive meeting can be watched tomorrow on the North Yorkshire County Council website.