‘Thoughtless horse riders’ damage Bilton boardwalk

Bilton Conservation Group has criticised horse riders for damaging a boardwalk in Nidd Gorge.

The group, whose responsibilities include repairing footpaths and boardwalks, has urged dog walkers to avoid the area until repairs are complete.

George Moore, membership secretary of the group, said a witness saw horses crossing the boardwalk on the cross path intersection of Milne’s Lane. He added:

“This was thoughtless damage caused by unknown horse riders in the Nidd Gorge.
“Bilton Conservation Group has a backlog of repairs to carry out in Nidd Gorge and this unwanted damage will cost us dearly in time, effort and cost.
“Whilst the boardwalk is still passable with due care it is not recommended for folk with dogs to use at this present time.”

The group, which was set up in 1982 to protect the rural environment of Bilton, hopes to complete the repairs next week.

They are predicted to cost £50 and require 20 hours of work.

In the meantime the group has asked walkers to be wary in the vicinity.

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The repair work comes at a busy time for the group, which faces a backlog of repair work due to the pandemic.
Mr Moore has been unable to identify the riders but asked those responsible to offer a donation towards the repairs.
New report reveals additional £1.6m civic centre cost

A new council report has revealed it cost £1.6m to fit out the interior of its civic centre at Knapping Mount.

The report, set to go before cabinet next week, sets out the final construction cost at £11.5m and the new figure of £1.6m. The council says that the overall project came under its £13m budget.

It comes after the contractor, Harry Fairclough Ltd, went into administration – delaying the final construction bill.  The report also reveals that the delay was partially caused by negotiations over defects.

The Stray Ferret investigated the overall cost of the move from Crescent Gardens to Knapping Mount in July and put the figure closer to £17m.

We revealed that the council’s calculations for the costs of the civic centre did not take into account the value of the land at Knapping Mount. The land had originally been earmarked for housing.

Read our investigation for a breakdown of how we reached that figure.

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We also reported on how the decision to build a circular building could have added up to 20% onto the build cost – making the design and construction expensive.

In our calculations in July we had a figure of £400,000 for the fit out costs and £865,000 for design expertise. The newly confirmed figure of £1.6m for fitting out the building makes the true overall cost to the tax payer at more than £17m.

The council disputed our figures. It argued that the overall cost was lower because of money received in the sale of its other premises.

From the sale of its other council buildings, this new report identifies an extra £2.47m saving which the council has described as a “massive saving”.

The Stray Ferret’s investigation has not disputed the council’s figures.   We argued that the council could have also benefited from the sale of the land at Knapping Mount which we estimated at £4.5m with outline planning permission and built a cheaper building in a cheaper location.

Cllr Graham Swift, the deputy leader at Harrogate Borough Council, said ahead of the cabinet meeting:

“Cabinet made a strong commitment to publishing the overall costs of the civic centre project, but this has not been possible before now.

“We have an amazing new civic centre which we can all be proud of, and we have achieved significant savings against the original overall budget in the process.”

Harrogate and Knaresborough libraries partially reopen

Harrogate and Knaresborough libraries are set to resume their reduced lockdown services this week.

The libraries closed last week after a member of staff in each one tested positive for covid.

The buildings have been given a deep clean and staff who needed to have self-isolated.

Harrogate library will resume services tomorrow and Knaresborough is expected to be back in operation on Saturday.

Library members will be able to use the select and collect service, which allows them to order books by phone or email and pick them up from the library entrance.

Library computers will also be available for essential use, but must be booked in advance.

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Harrogate will open from 10am to 4pm on weekdays and from 10am to 2pm on Saturday.

Knaresborough will open from 9.30am to 1.30pm on Saturday, 9.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 5pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 9.30am to 1.30pm on Thursday and 9.30am to 12.30pm and 2pm to 7pm on Friday.

North Yorkshire county councillor Greg White, executive member for libraries, said:

“We have robust safety measures in place, including collecting contact tracing details, strictly limited numbers and plentiful hand sanitiser, so customers can continue to use our select and collect and to book public computer sessions with confidence.”

All libraries in the county are currently closed for browsing.

Sneak peek: new organic food shop in Harrogate

Fruit and vegetables fresh from the ground are front and centre at Joy, a new organic food shop that opened on Cold Bath Road in Harrogate today.

Nicola Mawdsley, who is behind the venture, wants to expand the range to compete with smaller supermarkets.

Nicola got the keys to the building five weeks ago and has managed to pull her vision together despite the coronavirus lockdown:

“It has had its challenges. The local traders and suppliers have really stepped up to help make this what it is.

“I am excited to open the doors. I cannot wait to start welcoming people through the doors.”

The idea behind Joy is to be a one-stop shop. The stock will change with the seasons but it will always be as environmentally-friendly as possible.

Currently it has plenty of fruits and vegetables, pastas, pickles, chocolates, herbs, teas and coffees. All sourced as locally as possible.

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Now the doors are open Nicola will expand the range, with organic wines and gluten-free beers high on her agenda.

It is not just about the produce: the shop also has baskets to rent and plenty of eco-friendly and reusable bags.

Would you like to spread the word about your shop opening? No matter how small the shop get in touch with the Stray Ferret.

Housing Investigation: New homes out of reach for too many locals

In the six years Harrogate had no Local Plan, housing developers were able to flood the market with expensive four and five bedroom homes. 

It meant an opportunity to address Harrogate’s housing needs was missed and the district remains unaffordable for many young people and those on lower incomes, such as key workers.  

Megan’s Story: 

Megan McHugh

Megan McHugh, 24, has lived in Harrogate all her life and said it’s “heartbreaking” that she cannot afford to buy a house in her hometown. 

She has £20,000 in savings, earns a decent salary as a team leader at a local supermarket and is careful with how she spends her money.  

But she said she feels “stuck” living at her parents’ house, with her dream of owning a home further and further out of reach because the local market isn’t providing the type of home she needs at a price she can afford. 

“I always say this time next year I’d like to be in my own place,” she said. “Then I work it out and think I physically can’t afford it. I’d go tomorrow if I could, but I can’t.” 

Megan said she gets frustrated when she sees housing developments built in Harrogate with so many four and five-bedroom houses.  

“It’s an affluent area so they want to bring more affluent people into the area and make Harrogate look better,” she added. 

“But if you’re like me and you want to buy your own home in Harrogate, you’ve got absolutely no chance. I feel stuck.” 

What types of homes are needed?  

When a developer builds on a patch of land40% of the homes must be classed as “affordable”. But because HBC had no Local Plan up to 2020it was unable to dictate to developers the types of homes needed for the remaining 60%, which led to a flood of executive-style four-and fivebedroom properties being built. 

Harrogate published a Housing and Economic Development Needs Assessment (HEDNA) report in 2018 outlining the types of houses are needed in the Harrogate district. 

It reported a “notable” demand in the district for one- and two-bedroom properties, with estate agents suffering from a shortage in stock, which it said was driving up prices. 

It also said four-bedroom properties and above should only take up 20-35% of the homes in development. 

But the HEDNA report was published four years after Harrogate’s draft Local Plan was withdrawn, and in that time more than 6,000 homes had been given planning permission. 

The Stray Ferret analysed the period when Harrogate went without a Local Plan and found that house builders were building far more four- and five-bedroom homes than the report said the district needed. 

These include Miller Homes’ 176-home Milby Grange development in Boroughbridge, where 45% of the properties are either four or fivebedroom, and Bellways 170-home Dalesway development on Skipton Road, where 43% had four bedrooms or more.  

Affordable housing 

While developers cashed in to build expensive four-and fivebedroom homes in the district, Harrogate Borough Council has largely ensured affordable houses make up 40% of developments. 

However, many of these homes are still not affordable in most normal people’s definition of the word. 

The government defines affordable as homes sold at 80% of the market rate or homes for social rent. 

But with the average house price in Harrogate £360,000, according to property website Zoopla, it means that an “affordable” property in Harrogate is still more than 10 times the average salary of £25,000. 

Then there is social housing, which are homes provided to people on low incomes or with particular needs by councils or housing associations.

The council has around 1,800 households on its social housing waiting list  — but in Harrogate, less than one in ten applicants are likely to be allocated a property each year. This waiting list has swelled as Right to Buy sales have depleted HBC of its housing stock.

To try to meet demand, the council recently spent £4.5m buying 52 homes in Stonebridge Homes’ 130-home development on Whinney Lane. 

Sixteen of the homes would be transferred to HBC’s housing company, Bracewell Homes, to be sold under shared ownership, and the rest would be made available for social rent. The council has said similar purchases could be forthcoming. 

“You need people of all ages to keep a place alive”

The Knaresborough Community Land Trust (CLT) is hoping to develop a disused area in the town centre to provide three flats as affordable housing. 

Hilary Gardner, treasurer at the CLT, said many young people are being forced to move to places like Leeds because they simply cannot afford to buy a place in Knaresborough. 

“It’s denying people the opportunity that was a given for their parents, providing they worked hard. 

“Being able to buy your own property when you’re in your 30s is important, isn’t it? 

“There are large properties being built in Knaresborough, but they are not for everyone. 

The longterm effect on people not being able to afford homes could be profound in a town like Knaresborough, which could see its lifeblood disappear. She added: 

You need a body of people of all ages to keep a place alive. 

The Knaresborough Community Land Trust is hoping to develop a disused area in the town centre to provide three flats as affordable housing.

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“We need homes to be distributed more fairly”

The proliferation of housebuilding in the district has largely been driven by central government, which wants to see 300,000 new homes built across the UK, with every region building its share. 

However, Dr Quinton Bradley, lecturer in housing and planning at Leeds Beckett University, told the Stray Ferret the government’s economic theory for housebuilding is “fundamentally flawed because its led to an uneven and unequal housing market, as seen in Harrogate. 

“It’s not as simple as saying, build more homes then the price will come down’…The house builders don’t want that, so that whole analysis is fundamentally flawed.

The housing crisis is not a crisis of undersupply –, we need homes to be distributed more fairly. 

Homes for ‘economic growth’ 

Harrogate’s 2018 HEDNA report concluded that the district needs 669 new homes to be built every year, yet it said only 296 of these homes are to serve the genuine housing need of the local population, which might be a young family trying to buy their first home or an elderly couple wanting to downsize. 

The report added that 314 of these 669 homes should be built for “economic growth”: attracting wealthy people into the town and into high-value jobs in the science, logistics and finance industries, which are the sectors Harrogate Borough Council wants to boost, according to the HEDNA report. 

However, Dr Bradley said building homes for economic growth is “basically wish fulfilment”. 

“Nobody knows how the economy will grow. The people writing the HEDNA report would have asked HBC, ‘how would you like Harrogate to be in the future?’  

“They’d say, ‘Well we’d like it to be really prosperous so let’s allocate some more housing for that’, but it’s a fantasy. 

With development set to progress at its current pace for at least the next 15 years, the gulf between the housing haves and have-nots in Harrogate is likely to widen further. 

It means that Megan McHugh’s hopes of owning her own property in her hometown will continue to be out of reach. 

Throughout this week we’ll be looking at the impact of the unprecedented levels of development in the district:

Swinsty reservoir footpath diversion ‘too muddy to walk’

A visitor to Swinsty reservoir last weekend has complained that the new temporary footpath is already too muddy to walk.

Yorkshire Water announced last week the footpath would close for 18 months to allow it to undertake £6 million safety works.

The company warned the route was uneven and “sometimes wet” and therefore unsuitable for pushchairs or wheelchairs.

It added walkers should wear “suitable footwear” but it seems even those with sturdy boots and wellies may need to find a new walk for the time being.

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A Stray Ferret reader, who asked to remain anonymous, contacted us on Sunday to say his family walk deteriorated into a quagmire. The reader said:

“This diversion is really not well thought out. We will not be doing it again as the ground is only going to get worse over the coming months.

“I am surprised that Yorkshire Water has suggested the route. It needs reassessing as it is not fit for purpose.”

‘Swinsty is the busiest it has ever been’

The reservoir, in the Washburn Valley, is a popular location for families and dog walkers in the Harrogate district.

Graham Hebblethwaite, the chairman of Washburn Parish Council, today told the Stray Ferret it had never been busier – and this was causing problems.

“I have lived here for all my life and this is the busiest that it has ever been. Lots of people are parking on the verges and wrecking them.

“That leads to issues with the emergency services trying to get through. It also means that locals have been clashing with visitors.”

Mr Hebblethwaite even said some locals were planning to move to escape the issues.

Yorkshire Water is diverting excess water from the reservoir to Lindley Wood reservoir to protect the embankment from flood erosion.

A spokesperson for the company told the Stray Ferret:

“We’re aware that the diversion footpath at Swinsty reservoir has become slightly difficult to navigate – with some areas very muddy.

“We are speaking to the North Yorkshire County Council about ways they may be able to improve the public right of way.”

Yorkshire Water also encouraged anyone worried about the diversion route to visit other reservoirs, such as Fewston and Thruscross.


Harrogate district sports clubs and gyms celebrate return

Sport and leisure clubs in the Harrogate district have reacted with delight to this afternoon’s government announcement that they can reopen next week.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson confirmed lockdown will end on December 2 and the country will return to a tier system.

Gyms, sports clubs and non-essential shops will all be able to re-open.

Chris McVey, chair of Pannal Ash Junior Football Club, which has 400 boys and girls, said it hoped to resume training on the weekend of December 5 and 6.

“It’s good news but to be honest I’m still bemused by it all. I don’t know why the boys and girls couldn’t train. I don’t know what their fitness levels will be like after a month off but it will be great to be back.”

Harrogate Gymnastics Club tweeted it was ‘brilliant news’.

Phillip McKay, owner of independent Ripon gym Intrim, agreed. He told the Stray Ferret:

“When you see people queueing for McDonald’s and gyms closed, it doesn’t make sense. Gyms have so many health benefits.”

Mike Barnett, coach of Harrogate Ladies rugby club, said:

“The announcements are really positive for the players physically and also mentally as they are doing something they love with their friends again. We are still not at a place to do matches but they will be pleased to get back together.

“We just need to wait for the official line from the RFU and what tier Harrogate is placed in.”

There was good news for Harrogate Town fans too, with the government also raising the prospect of some fans possibly being allowed to return to outdoor events. Harrogate Town celebrated the news on Twitter.



Government guidance today said adult sport would be permitted outdoors in tier one areas but must follow the rule of six indoors.

Outdoor sports can also take place in tier two areas but only one household can take part in indoor activities.

Tier three also permits outdoor sports but limits household mixing and encourages people to avoid contact sport.

Bid to turn former Harrogate post office into 25 flats and offices

Harrogate’s former post office could be radically transformed into a four-story building containing 25 flats plus offices.

Property development company One Acre Group has submitted plans on behalf of Post Office Ltd to Harrogate Borough Council to convert and extend the disused building on Cambridge Street.

If approved, the three-storey sandstone terraced building would be converted into a four-storey mixed use facility consisting of 25 one and two-bedroom flats and office space.

The post office controversially relocated to WH Smith last year amid claims by Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones the service was being “downgraded”.

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A heritage report commissioned by One Acre Group describes the ex-post office, which was designed by architect Sir Henry Tanner and built at the turn of the last century, as an ‘unimposing building of little distinction’.

The report adds the building contributes ‘very little’ to the character and appearance of the Harrogate conservation area in which it is located, and would in fact provide ‘minor beneficial effects on the character and appearance’.

The report adds:

“The proposed development will secure high density residential development within a highly accessible location through the conversion and extension of an existing vacant building in easy access to a wide range of shops, services, job opportunities and public transport infrastructure.”

The application also seeks to demolish the building’s rear extension, car parking, refuse area and cycle parking.

One Acre Group, which is based in Harrogate, commissioned planning consultants ELG Planning, which has offices in Harrogate and Darlington, to draw up heritage and planning reports on the proposal for the council, which must now decide whether to approve the scheme.

If it does, work could start in the summer.


Harrogate sixth former raises £5,000 in virtual concert for Macmillan

A Harrogate sixth form pupil has raised almost £5,000 for Macmillan Cancer Support after hosting and performing in her own virtual concert.

Niamh Boyle, 17, staged her first concert for the charity, which supported her aunt and uncle in their final days, in 2018.

That event raised £12,000 and now Niamh has generated another significant sum for Macmillan from her second concert, which was held online and included performances from current and former Ashville pupils.

Niamh editing the performances during her school holidays before broadcasting them on her Youtube channel in September.

She has far exceeded her £3,000 target.

Niamh said:

“It just goes to show that Macmillan is a charity close to so many hearts.

“I hope that we can do a live one again next time. I can’t wait to do more for this amazing charity.”

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The concert included 25 songs from musicals. Niamh performed in three solos and three duets.

Adele Burrough, fundraising manager for Macmillan, said Niamh’s efforts would help people living with cancer, adding:

“Niamh’s remarkable efforts have also made sure that cancer doesn’t become the ‘forgotten C’ during this pandemic.

“Right now, there are around 179,000 people living with cancer across Yorkshire. When coronavirus hit, thousands of vital cancer treatments and appointments were postponed or cancelled.”

Search to find Harrogate’s best Christmas shop window begins

Harrogate Business Improvement District launched its annual Christmas window competition today.

The annual contest was featured in the Channel 5 documentary, Harrogate: A Yorkshire Christmas, last year.

It aims to promote the town centre’s shops and encourage people to shop locally using the BID’s online directory of shops.

Shops have until 8am on December 8 to dress their windows. After a few days of deliberations a winning window will be announced.

The judges will be looking for three elements: illumination, innovation and the sprit of Christmas.

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The contest will be restricted to 50 businesses within the BID’s quarters of Kings, Montpellier, Victoria and West Park.

As in previous years there are three separate categories for large, medium and small retailers.

Winners will be presented with a framed certificate to display on December 14. The overall winner will receive the prized rose bowl.

This year Harrogate BID has partnered with the Rotary Club of Harrogate on the initiative. One of the club’s members, Graham Saunders, said:

“More than ever we need to encourage residents and visitors alike to venture into Harrogate and view the wonderful Christmas display the town is famed for.”

Sara Ferguson, Harrogate BID acting chair, said:

“We would encourage everyone to come in to Harrogate town centre, but in a Covid-safe way, and wherever possible, do all their Christmas shopping with local traders.

“The Harrogate Gift Card is also a great Christmas present and ensures every one pound loaded onto a card is one pound spent within local community.”