Unlucky fox found stuck in netting on Harrogate school field

An unlucky fox was rescued by RSPCA officers on Friday afternoon after finding itself stuck in netting left on a Harrogate school field.

The fox got stuck in some football netting on Rossett school field. With the help of an RSPCA officer it was able to be released.

The animal was found unharmed but just a little muddy.

The charity used the image to ask people to put any netting away when it isn’t being used to avoid other animals getting themselves stuck in the gaps.

Please put #netting away when not in use! ARO Holgate attended this #fox who had got itself in a spot of bother at a school in #Harrogate. Luckily the fox was unharmed & was released on site 🙌🏼 @RSPCA_official 49 pic.twitter.com/cxAPknpeVd

— RSPCA Frontline (@RSPCA_Frontline) February 5, 2021

RSPCA Inspector Dave Holgate responded to the incident and said:
“This poor fox was well and truly tangled in football netting. I managed to cut him free and then checked him over and thankfully he wasn’t injured so I was able to release him back to the wild.
“I advised the groundsman of the school to remove the netting whilst it is not in use. Unfortunately, people may not realise that netting such as goal nets pose a real hazard to our wildlife and many wild animals get trapped in them.”

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Each year the RSPCA gets around 2,500 calls each year about animals trapped in netting.

As many of these animals are nocturnal the RSPCA says that many are left trapped and struggling overnight so often need veterinary treatment before they can be released.

From Harrogate with Love: Rare James Bond books up for £475,000

A Harrogate shop has listed a rare collection of James Bond books with inscriptions from the author for £475,000.

John Atkinson Fine & Rare Books specialises in the most collectable editions but the James Bond books are by far the most valuable.

There are 15 books in the collection. John, the shop owner with his name on the door, says they are so rare because Ian Fleming would only sign the books for the people he liked.

With his shop closed for lockdown John Atkinson invited the Stray Ferret down. These special books are for your eyes only.

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Ian Fleming dedicated the copy of Casino Royale, the first 007 book, to his first girlfriend List Popper and later left her £500 in his will.

The author, who died at 56, also wrote a special message to William Plomer in the Spy Who Loved Me. Mr Plomer encouraged Ian Fleming’s writing and helped him get his first novel published.

So who is the type of person who would drop close to half a million pounds on this collection? Mr Atkinson believes there are plenty of people out there.

“Maybe they are an evil genius or a Bond villain. Perhaps they already have a DB5.

“I suppose it’s also an investment. The prices of these books are just going north and will continue to do so.

“I wouldn’t expect anyone to buy them and read them. There are plenty of paper backs around.

“In fact if somebody does buy this collection I will buy them the paper backs.”

History: Remembering Debenham’s, Busby’s and Buckley’s

This History is written for the Stray Ferret by Harrogate historian Malcolm Neesam:

It was with great sadness that I learned of the pending closure of Debenham’s Parliament Street store, which I recall visiting as a small boy in the early 1950s when it still retained the name of its original founder, William Buckley.

From the middle of the 19th century, the site at the northern junction of Parliament and Chapel (now Oxford) Streets had been occupied by a photographer’s studio, the property’s address being 22 Parliament Street, which was occupied by a draper named Charles York.

Parliament Street in 1901

Buckley’s first shop on Parliament Street, c1901. Copyright: Walker-Neesam Archive.

On his retirement in 1900, Mr York sold his business to a young draper from Nantwich, William James Buckley, who was attracted to Harrogate by the business potential offered by the fashionable and expanding borough. A later observer noted that William Buckley had been apprenticed to the drapery business from an early age, where he had learned that honesty and fair dealings were the basis for successful business.

The shop at 22 Parliament Street was well placed to catch the eyes of visitors to the Royal Baths, as the Wintergardens were located on the opposite side of the road, and thanks to some shrewd buying and displaying by Mrs Buckley, the display windows were filled with the latest fashions in jackets, mantles and costumes.

By 1909, the business was doing so well that Mr Buckley was able to extend his premises by adding a number of ancient and dilapidated properties in Oxford Street, including several highly picturesque buildings ranged round a courtyard and reached through an archway. These were demolished, and a new wing added, built of red brick, and featuring some handsome leaded windows of stained glass of an arts and crafts design. The only other brick buildings in central Harrogate were the 1862 Central Railway Station, the Hotel Majestic and the Grand Opera House, both of 1900, and the 1902 Beulah Street head-building of the central arcade, all of which have survived to this day, although only a small fragment of the Railway Station has survived the wreckers.

Buckley’s Parliament Street frontage was given a handsome pavement canopy of glass and iron, which was not only an invaluable means of encouraging pedestrians on a wet day, but which was also an embellishment to the street scene. In 1910 Mr Buckley bought 24 Parliament Street, where for many years Messrs Phillipson Ltd carried on a musical instrument dealers. There will still be piano stools scattered around Harrogate that contain music scores supplied by Messrs Phillipson Ltd.

After the Great War, Mr Buckley decided to rebuild the Parliament Street section of his business, and in1919, transferred the entire undertaking into the Royal Arcade at number 32, which he had leased in 1914-15, for the period of construction. After moving back into his rebuilt premises, Mr Buckley sold the Royal Arcade to Charles Walker and Son Ltd, who, after adding a handsome scalloped glass canopy over the entrance, installed Harrogate’s finest furniture store in the premises.

The new Parliament Street section of the store matched the 1909 wing, being of red brick with stone finishings around the windows. In those days, all the windows admitted light to the store, causing the delightful stained glass panels to reveal their colouring, an effect lost in the 1980s when Debenham’s blacked out all their windows, giving the interior a gloomily funereal atmosphere.

The rebuilt Buckley’s store was fitted throughout with a marvellous system of aerial wires that criss-crossed each floor carrying canisters containing money and receipts. They seemed to have been powered by a trigger mechanism that sent them whizzing round at high speed, and which were a most efficient means of dispensing change. Mr Buckley undertook a further extension in 1927 when he purchased the premises at 28 Parliament Street, then occupied by a popular cafe “The Lounge”, which had been much frequented by the town’s business people.

By the end of the decade, Buckley’s employed 130 staff, a considerable increase on the five employed back in 1900. The successful business caught the eye of Gordon Selfridge, who, in 1934 purchased it on behalf of Selfridge Provincial Stores Ltd, and when Mr Selfridge visited Buckley’s on January 25, 1934, he thanked the staff for their loyalty and advised them that Mr Buckley had been invited to join the Board of Directors, to ensure the preservation of such an important link. Two years later, in 1936, the company acquired the premises of fishmonger  JW Bentley at 36 Oxford Street, which meant that Buckley’s store now filled the entire corner site between Parliament Street and Union Street. Part of the Union Street property included the original St Peter’s School, which was used as a staff restaurant and joiners’ workshop.

Selfridge Provincial Stores was acquired by the John Lewis partnership in 1939, who in 1940 decided to enlarge the store by adding the premises at 30 Parliament Street, formerly occupied by Miss Edith Ingram’s Needlework business. At midnight on Saturday, December 27 1941, a fire broke out in the Parliament Street section of the store formerly occupied by “The Lounge” cafe, and because of the national emergency, it remained in a burnt-out state until the end of the war.

Busbys of Parliament Street

Busby’s on Parliament Street. Copyright: Walker-Neesam Archive.

In September 1953, Buckleys was acquired by Messrs Busby of Bradford in September 1953, who changed the store’s name to Busby’s – this was seven years after the death of WJ Buckley. 1958 saw Busbys pass into the hands of Debenhams Ltd, who planned a major rebuilding of the Parliament Street properties between the 1919 section and the premises of Charles Walker in what is now the Westminster Arcade. Work began in October 1960, and the new store was officially opened by Mayor G Morrell on Wednesday, November 21, 1962. Architect Victor Syborn showed his respect for the arts and crafts style of the pre-war store by providing a dull facade of pre-fabricated blue and cream rectangular panels, and by replacing the ornate glass-roofed Victorian canopy with a gloomy solid-roofed cantilevered canopy that darkened both the pavement and the shop windows.

At one time, all of Harrogate’s top businesses advertised their prestige by erecting beautiful iron and glass canopies over their frontages, which encouraged pedestrians to examine their window displays – examples being Bettys, Fattorini’s, Hoopers, Jespers, Ogdens and Wood. Buckley’s/Busby’s was another example, until it was ruined, so it would be a real embellishment to Parliament Street if whoever buys the building could restore the lovely original canopy, and open up the stained glass windows.

Malcolm Neesam was born in Harrogate and graduated from the University of Leeds as a professional archivist and librarian. He subsequently worked in Hereford, Leeds, London and York where, for twenty-five years, he was North Yorkshire’s County Music and Audiovisual Librarian. Malcolm is a much-published author. In 1996, Harrogate Borough Council awarded Malcolm the Freedom of the Borough for his services as the town’s historian.

‘Hidden gem’ Harrogate shop more than a greengrocer

With a refill station, fresh milk and planters on sale, this Harrogate shop has more on offer than the traditional corner shop greengrocer.

Julia Corbett and James Sore took over Roots and Fruits, on King Edward’s Drive, two and a half years ago and have made it thrive.

The shop front will change throughout the year with pumpkins, Christmas trees and flowers on display, but there always seems to be a steady flow of people popping in to shop and chat.

Coronavirus has of course been a struggle at times, but they adapted to take advantage of soaring demand for home deliveries.

When residents struggled to get in an order at the supermarket during the first lockdown, Julia and James say they were there to pick up the phone and drop off food.

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It’s something the customers appreciate. One even made the bold claim while I was there that it is “the best shop in Harrogate”.

The owners get their just reward for the hard work. In the early days of the pandemic, orders shot up from 50 to 550 each week, meaning they needed to expand their delivery fleet.

Julia explained how the shop front is the face of Roots and Fruits, but the real magic happens in the back, where they pack up delivery boxes:

“So this is Phil. He’s packing the boxes at the moment. In the first lockdown there was a team of seven people packing boxes and bringing in produce.

“This is where we store everything. We had to increase the storage, so it’s all out here now and there’s more in there. In fact, we were packing on the street at one point.

“We deliver to Harrogate, Knaresborough, Birstwith, Hampsthwaite, so we are all over.

“People find us online and through word of mouth. We may be tucked away but people can still find us.”

Since James and Julia took over the business they have focused on reducing the mileage for their produce and cutting the plastic it comes in.

They estimate that they’ve reduced plastic by about 75% in the shop, which they think is a big draw for their more eco-concious customers.

“We re-use everything. We contact suppliers and ask them to reduce plastic. We were the first in Harrogate to have a refill station.

“People come here because they are shopping ethically. We get lots of customers who make new year resolutions to shop with us more.”

This is part of the Stray Ferret’s ‘hidden gem’ series, highlighting small, independent businesses. They need to be tucked away but growing in popularity with an eye-catching and unique product or approach. Send us an email with your nominations.

Elderly man died in fatal Harrogate crash

An 81-year-old man who was struck by a car in Harrogate yesterday afternoon has died.

North Yorkshire Police say the victim was crossing the road from The Woodlands Hotel pub towards Hookstone Chase just before 5pm when the crash happened.

An ambulance took him to hospital, where he later died.

Officers closed off the road near to the Esso garage for several hours while they carried out their investigations on Thursday.

It reopened later at around 1am this morning.

The crash involved a grey Audi A3 that was travelling down Wetherby Road out of the town centre.

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Police say the 35-year-old driver of the Audi is assisting them with their enquiries. The force did not say whether it had made any arrests.

North Yorkshire Police has asked witnesses or anyone with dash-cam footage to call on 101 and quote 12210053250.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak anonymously then call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

New bar could open in former Starbeck carpet shop

Starbeck could have an addition to its high street if planning permission is approved to open a new bar.

Local pub company Appetite for Life is planning to open its eighth bar at the former Greenalls carpet shop at the junction with Spa Lane.

It already runs a number of bars in the Harrogate district including the So Bars in Harrogate, Knaresborough and Ripon, and the Tap on Tower Street.

The owners said they hope to be open in May if covid restrictions are eased and that the new venue will offer something for everyone, including live music.

The building, 34 High Street, was previously occupied by Greenalls and Your Factory Bed Shop, but has stood empty for some time.

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Robert Thompson, director of Appetite for Life, hopes to open a brand new “quality independent cafe bar” called The Waiting Room, tying in to its location near Starbeck railway station.

If all plans are approved, the space will become a licensed craft beer and coffee shop, with a deli counter open during the day. At night the owners say it will have more of a bar feel.

Mr Thompson said it will have a modern feel which he hopes will appeal to people from across the district and create a buzz in Starbeck, adding:

“We have had Starbeck in our sights for a long time. We see it as a bustling, up-and-coming area within Harrogate that offers a vibrant retail, commercial and residential market for us to expand in.

“We feel that there is an opportunity to open a quality independent cafe bar and really add to the development of Starbeck.”

If approved, the plans will see the unit returned to one open space with the removal of a partition wall. An area to the rear will also be converted into a storage room from a bathroom.

Mr Thompson’s application for an alcohol and music licence will be heard by Harrogate Borough Council next week. An application has also been submitted for a change of use of the building from a shop to a restaurant/cafe and take-away.

Gross misconduct hearing for Harrogate crash detective

A police officer found guilty of causing serious injury by dangerous driving in Harrogate is set to face a gross misconduct inquiry.

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) said it has recommended the inquiry into Detective Constable Quita Passmore after investigating the collision.

North Yorkshire Police had already said an internal investigation would be held, but the IOPC today confirmed its recommendation for a gross misconduct inquiry had been accepted by the force. The organisation had passed its findings to the Crown Prosecution Service, saying DC Passmore had driven through a red light at high speed without stopping, colliding with another car.

IOPC Regional Director Miranda Biddle said:

“We recognise that police officers undertake a difficult role within our communities however it is necessary that when undertaking their role they follow the policies, procedures and guidance set by their forces. On this occasion our investigation found that DC Passmore drove dangerously when responding to an emergency call which resulted in two members of the public receiving serious injuries.

“The two women and their families have understandably suffered a great deal of stress and anxiety since the incident and we hope that [this] verdict offers them a degree of closure.

“We believe that DC Passmore has a case to answer for gross misconduct. North Yorkshire Police have accepted our recommendation and a hearing will be scheduled by them in due course.”

DC Passmore was this week handed a 10-month jail sentence suspended for two years after being found guilty at a trial at Bradford Crown Court. She was banned from driving for two years, after which she will have to take an enhanced driving test.

The court heard she was responding to an emergency call and driving through the junction of Otley Road and Cold Bath Road in May 2018. She hit a red Vauxhall Corsa, causing broken bones and a punctured lung to driver Patricia Bulmer and passenger Janet Roberton. DC Passmore was also injured.

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Appeal after man hit by white van in Harrogate

Police are appealing for information after a man was hit by a white van in Harrogate this morning.

North Yorkshire Police said the incident happened at around 9am on Regent Parade.

Officers said the man was pushed into a parked car following the collision and injured his foot.

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A statement from the force said:

“Around 9am on Friday, February 5 a white van collided with a male pedestrian on Regent Parade in Harrogate. The man was pushed into a parked car as a result of the collision and injured his foot.

“We are requesting the public’s assistance to help establish the full circumstances surrounding the incident.

“In particular, we are appealing for information about a white van that was in the area at the time.”

Anyone with information should contact North Yorkshire Police on 101, select option two, and ask for Geeta Maharjan. You can also email geeta.maharjan2@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk.

To report information anonymously, call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. Quote the North Yorkshire Police reference number 12210053525.

‘Random road closures not solution’ to Harrogate traffic woes

Harrogate’s business groups have raised concerns over plans to close off streets in Harrogate to create a “low traffic neighbourhood”.

North Yorkshire County Council revealed that it will close Beech Grove to through traffic in less than two weeks’ time.

The experimental closure will be in place for six months from February 15 and, depending on the results of a public consultation, it could become permanent.

Residents, refuse collections and emergency services will still have access to the area. But motorists will no longer be able to get directly from Otley Road to West Park via Beech Grove.

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Now officials at the chamber of commerce and business improvement district have weighed in on the debate, arguing the struggling high street could be negatively affected by the plans.

Sandra Doherty, the chief executive of Harrogate District Chamber of Commerce, said:

“The solution is not, and never will be, the random closing of one road or another. A fully thought out, cohesive plan, which must involve all stakeholders should be undertaken.

“We must understand that no one single group will have the perfect solution. There will have to be some give and take.”

She added:

“I am not convinced that the Government’s view of car free towns surrounded by cycle lanes and pavements is the solution to the decline of the high street.

“Now we have all got used to shopping online, towns will have to provide a more experiential offering. Banning cars or discouraging them just won’t help.”

The proposed area for the Low Traffic Neighbourhood on Beech Grove, including the planters on the junction with Lancaster Road.

The proposed area for the Low Traffic Neighbourhood on Beech Grove, including the planters on the junction with Lancaster Road.

Sara Ferguson, chair of Harrogate BID, added:

“We need to know what else North Yorkshire Council is planning for the town centre.

“In its letter to Beech Grove and Lancaster Road residents, the council says this initiative is part of an overall ‘package of improvements’ but fails to reveal any more details.

“If its wider strategy is to reduce traffic in the town centre, then we need to know.

“We would like to think any future plans would include the addition of a large number of electric charging points. It would encourage those with electric vehicles to visit the town and help to reduce CO2 emissions.”

Ms Ferguson also said, if any free parking is to be lost, the BID would like to see Harrogate Borough and North Yorkshire County councils work together to reduce the costs in multi-storey car parks, which she said were under-used.

Serious collision halts traffic on Harrogate’s Wetherby Road

Police and ambulances are responding after a pedestrian was involved in a collision near the Woodlands pub on Wetherby Road in Harrogate.

The Esso filling station at the junction with Hookstone Drive has been cordoned off and traffic is unable to head out of town on Wetherby Road.

A car has also been cordoned off.

North Yorkshire Police tweeted minutes ago to say the collision, involving a pedestrian, occurred just before 5pm.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Emergency services are currently dealing with a serious collision involving a pedestrian on Hookstone Chase at #Harrogate, near to the Esso garage on Wetherby Road. It happened just before 5pm. Please follow diversions and avoid area until further notice. pic.twitter.com/dTeuhtdvna

— North Yorkshire Police (@NYorksPolice) February 4, 2021


Numerous police and ambulance vehicles are present and traffic diversions are in place.

North Yorkshire Police has asked witnesses or anyone with dash-cam footage to call on 101, select option 1, and speak to the force control room. Quote reference number NYP-04022021-0279.

Collision on Wetherby Road