Harrogate hospital reaches 13 days without coronavirus deaths

For the last 13 days, Harrogate District Hospital has not recorded any coronavirus deaths.

It is, once again, the longest time since lockdown that the hospital has gone without reporting that at least one of their patients with COVID-19 has died.

So far, the hospital has reported 80 coronavirus deaths. The last coronavirus death happened on June 18.

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A further 38 people who tested positive for coronavirus have died in England’s hospitals, taking the total up to 28,832.

Patients were aged between 33 and 96 years old. Two patients, aged 50 and 69, had no known underlying health conditions.

Harrogate breweries prepare for pubs re-opening

Breweries in Harrogate and Knaresborough are reporting healthy sales ahead of pubs reopening tomorrow, but the long-term landscape remains uncertain.

When lockdown began, drinkers agonised at reports of breweries and pubs having to pour gallons of unwanted beer down the sink. However, Robert Millichamp, head brewer at Daleside Brewery, told the Stray Ferret they managed to bottle most of their stock as demand for drinking at home soared.

He said even though pubs have been shut for three months, “people haven’t been drinking less”.

Daleside is now sold out of bottled beers and is trying to meet a big local demand for cask ales. But Robert said beyond this weekend it’s hard to predict how busy pubs will be.

He said:

“We’ve no idea but we’ve brewed as much as we can with the ingredients we’ve got. We need to replenish the stock after running out very quickly in the last three days.

“After that, we’re going to have to be reactive. Within a few weeks we’ll hopefully find some stability.”

Daleside also sells its beer around the world and they’ve seen steady demand from Sweden during lockdown, one of the only countries in Europe where pubs didn’t close.

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In Knaresborough, Aron McMahon from Turning Point Brew Co, told the Stray Ferret he is looking forward to supplying beer and lager to local pubs again. Their stock is sold in several independent bars in Harrogate and Knaresborough including Major Toms Social, Blind Jacks and the Old Bell Tavern.

He said:

“They’ve all bought beer which is great but not many [of the pubs we supply] are opening on Saturday, which is probably quite sensible.”

Aron said one of their 4% beers takes around two weeks to brew, which posed a challenge as the government only gave the green light for pubs to reopen two weeks ago. He said Turning Point began pre-emptively brewing ahead of the announcement to ensure they’d have beer to sell.

Turning Point also has a tap room and Aron is looking forward to welcoming drinkers back from July 11.

“When people get a beer and chat among their groups then people will enjoy themselves despite the measures we’ve put in place.”

Harrogate Brewing Co is also gearing up for pubs reopening in Harrogate and Knaresborough. A typical barrel of beer has 164 litres but owner Matthew Joyce told the Stray Ferret they have been delivering smaller 20-litre boxes of beer to pubs who are unsure of how much footfall there will be.

He said:

“Some pubs requested them as they were conscious over whether people would come to the pub.

“They didn’t want to crack open a full cask and then tip it because they only have about five or 10 people coming to the pub. That seems unlikely and I think the pubs will be very busy.”

Mass testing reveals higher coronavirus cases in Harrogate district

The number of coronavirus cases in the Harrogate district has doubled overnight after the way in which they were recorded changed.

It was a big shift in numbers as a result of the government adding data from its mass testing programme. Previously it had just included tests in NHS laboratories.

That means that the total cases in the Harrogate district jumped from 325 yesterday to 694 today – an increase of 113%.

Not only that but the rate of coronavirus cases in the district also rose sharply to 432. The rate accounts for population sizes in areas to give a more accurate reading.

The count for each area is divided by the total population and multiplied by 100,000.

Coronavirus cases in North Yorkshire as a whole, in the same period, rose from 1,356 to 2,504.

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With the attention turning to more local lockdowns this data will play an important role in the decisions of officials.

Looking at the Harrogate district in comparison with other areas it is by no means the worst affected area but it is also not completely out of the woods.

Nearby places like Bradford and Barnsley have much higher rates than the Harrogate district. Find the government’s coronavirus map by clicking or tapping here.

North Yorkshire’s Director of Public Health, Dr Lincoln Sargeant, said:

“This reporting change does increase the figures and may make it look as though there has been a big rise in infection rates. This is not the case. It is linked solely to a change in reporting. New cases in North Yorkshire continue to decline, but we must not be complacent. We all need to play our part to maintain this progress.

“People should stay two metres apart, if possible, or at least one metre and if it is just one metre they should take additional precautions. You should also wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Everyone in North Yorkshire can play their part in helping us return to normality safely by taking these simple steps.”

Parliament Street and Kings Road could be partly pedestrianised

Parliament Street and Kings Road in Harrogate could be partly pedestrianised to encourage social distancing when bars and restaurants reopen.

However, The Stray Ferret understands this is unlikely to be put in place this weekend.

North Yorkshire County Council said it is working with Harrogate BID, Harrogate Borough Council and local businesses to allocate pavement space to bars and restaurants, which would make part of the roads off-limits to cars.

David Bowe, corporate director for business and environmental services at NYCC, said they will only close roads “if there is a clear demand”.

He said:

“We are prepared to close roads in order to support economic recovery but it has to be on the basis of demand and need. If there is a road that we can practically close, even for part of a day, without adversely affecting access, we will be happy to work to achieve that, provided a business definitely wants to use the space.

James Street, Albert Street and parts of Royal Parade currently have cones placed in the road to widen pavements. However, they have been controversial and North Yorkshire County Council has taken them down on West Park after pressure from businesses.

Two streets that could be partly pedestrianised are Parliament Street and Kings Road.

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Jim Mossman, co-founder of the Cold Bath Brewing Co on Kings Road, told The Stray Ferret he had been in discussions with North Yorkshire County Council about road space being re-allocated.

He said:

“If we can create an al fresco type experience in Harrogate then it will help save jobs and businesses in the town.”

Michael Baravelli, general manager at Gino D’Acampo on Parliament Street also said pedestrianisation would help trade at the restaurant.

He said:

“We are working alongside North Yorkshire County Council with the idea and suggestion of putting extra seating outside to give us more street presence. In these summer days, it will help us immensely.”

“We want to get it right” – district pubs delay reopening

A number of pubs in Harrogate and Knaresborough have taken the decision to not open their doors on Saturday, despite being given the green light to reopen.

This decision comes as many pub owners argue that it is too soon to reopen. They would rather “watch what everyone else does” this weekend. Many pubs said they were too small to open or not financially stable enough.

Blind Jacks in Knaresborough is one pub which has taken the decision not to open on Super Saturday. Owners Christian and Alice Ogley told The Stray Ferret that they do not want to rush into anything.

They said:

“We have ever precaution in place in order to keep it as safe as possible, but we have one chance to get this right from the beginning. We want to make sure we are completely ready.”

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North Bar in Harrogate has been running a pop-up beer shop during lockdown but realised that reopening fully on 4 July was going to be a difficult task.

Outside North Bar

North Bar in Harrogate

Debra Przychodna, general manager of North Bar told The Stray Ferret:

“We decided to delay our reopening because we want to avoid risk, people are going to get very excited this weekend. We have had so much support from customers and we are really looking forward to when we can finally reopen.”

Similarly Hales Bar on Crescent Road in Harrogate has taken the decision not to open due to the size and layout of the bar. Manager Amanda Wilkson hopes to reopen next weekend but only from Thursday to Sunday.

No coronavirus deaths for 12 days at Harrogate hospital

Harrogate District Hospital has not reported any coronavirus deaths for 12 days in a row.

That news comes after the hospital discharged one more patient – taking its total of recoveries up to 136.

So far, the hospital has reported 80 coronavirus deaths. The last coronavirus death happened on June 18.

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A further 35 people who tested positive for coronavirus have died in England’s hospitals, taking the total up to 28,794.

Patients were aged between 54 and 92 years old. Two patients, aged 54 and 84, had no known underlying health conditions.

Free walking tours in Harrogate back for smaller groups

A free walking tour of Harrogate is making a comeback next week for much smaller groups.

Free Walking Tour Harrogate will be back from Wednesday, July 8, for groups of around six to eight people.

Harry Satloka had been taking people on a leisurely stroll around the town for the last couple of years until coronavirus hit.

It meant that he needed to stop his regular tour but Harry moved online with videos about Knaresborough Castle and the history of sweets.

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Harry Satloka told The Stray Ferret:

“I can’t wait to be back, it’s been a long time. I had to do a recce last week to make sure I could remember the usual route. I was wary about coming back but seeing the latest government advice I think that now is the right time.”

As well as limiting the size of groups, Harry will sterilise anything before handing it out and he will also have them stored online.

To find out availability for the free tours visit the Free Walking Tour Harrogate website.

Stick to two metres, urge local health bosses

Local health commissioners have urged people to stick to the two-metre social distancing rules ahead of ‘Super Saturday’.

It is contrary to the changes brought in by the Prime Minister, who appeared to ditch the two-metre rule last week.

Boris Johnson had rolled out “one-metre plus” guidance, to help the likes of pubs and restaurants ahead of reopening.

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However, leaders from the NHS North Yorkshire CCG have urged people to remember that the coronavirus has not gone away.

Dr Peter Billingsley said that people should stay two metres apart wherever possible:

“If two metres is not possible then the ‘one metre plus’ guidance should include additional measures such as wearing a face covering or mask, installing screens where possible, sitting side by side rather than face to face and continuing to wash your hands regularly.”

Harrogate and Ripon hospitals open doors to visitors

Harrogate District Hospital and Ripon Community Hospital have relaxed the visitor rules for all inpatients.

From today the hospitals will allow one visitor per patient as long as they book beforehand by calling the relevant ward.

Visitors will need to complete a coronavirus questionnaire and will only be allowed in the hospital between 2pm and 4pm.

The hospitals have urged people not to arrive on the doorstep without booking, so they can carefully manage numbers.

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All visitors must also wear personal protective equipment including a mask, a visor and an apron, which will be provided upon arrival.

There is more information for those visiting patients at end of life, with a learning disability, and with dementia, on the hospital website.

The relaxing of rules comes as the hospital has gone 11 days without reporting any coronavirus deaths.

Harrogate Town fans to send cut-outs to crucial game

Fans of Harrogate Town will be able to send a cardboard cut-out version of themselves to the club’s crucial play-off game later this month.

The cut-outs, which cost £20, will be placed in prominent locations within the CNG Stadium. Some will even be put inside changing rooms to inspire the players.

The game will be played behind closed doors and will also be shown live on BT Sport. The date is still to be confirmed, with Town set to play the winner of Halifax Town vs Boreham Wood.

The first 25 fans who buy a cut-out will have theirs signed by the entire first-team squad. Every fan who buys a cut-out will be able to collect it after the game as a memento.

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Harrogate Town assistant manager Paul Thirlwell said the cut-outs could spur the team on to victory.

He said:

“It will definitely make a difference to see our fans in the stands – albeit cut-out ones!

“Our fans have been incredible again this season, and I’m sure many of them will continue to support us on our journey, hopefully towards play-off success.”

Jordan Ford from the Harrogate Town Supporters Club told the Stray Ferret the cut-outs are an “excellent idea and one which I hope the Town fans embrace”.

He also said the supporters club has organised a 20ft x 10ft flag to display at the stadium which includes pictures of fans.

Several sports team around the world have asked fans to buy cut-outs so they can feel part of the action whilst bringing in much-needed revenue. However, last weekend Leeds United were forced to apologise after an Osama Bin Laden cut-out was spotted at Elland Road.

Visit this website to purchase a cut-out.