Nidderdale wellness retreat shares its harvest for healthy eating
Last updated Jul 9, 2022
Neighbours and staff at Acorn Community Garden opening
Wellness retreat owner Katie Kavanagh (centre) is pictured with Helen O'Connor, Ben Green, neighbours and staff

Within a stone’s throw of Brimham Rocks there’s a newly-created oasis of calm and quiet reflection.

The community herb and vegetable garden at the Acorn Wellness Retreat in Hartwith, has been designed to add to its holistic, healing approach and aim of improving people’s health and wellbeing with a diet of wholesome food.

As well as providing a ready supply of fresh produce used as ingredients in nutrition-rich dishes for guests, a weekly harvest of the herbs and vegetables is being shared with the neighbouring community.

Katie Kavanagh at the Acorn Garden

A harvest for health – Acorn Wellness Retreat owner Katie Kavanagh is sharing the goodness of the garden with the neighbouring community

Acorn’s owner Katie Kavanagh, who opened the not-for-profit enterprise in 2017, told the Stray Ferret:

“We have people who come here for recovery, rest, retreat and sanctuary, often after treatment for serious illnesses such as cancer.”

She added:

“We also have a surrounding community of friends and neighbours and through sharing the items grown in the garden, we hope to be able to give something back to them.”

The new facility, created from sustainable materials by Ben Green of Springer Land & Property Services,  includes a hazel bower, raised planters and seating  areas.

Acorn Wellness Retreat Community garden

The newly-opened garden at Acorn Wellness Retreat

To mark the opening, Acorn’s Helen O’Connor, a psychologist and forest bathing therapist, led a mindfulness session after attendees received a posy of freshly-picked herbs grown in the garden.

She asked the retreat’s friends, neighbours and her colleagues, to join with her in enjoying the peace of the new area by listening to the birdsong and attuning themselves to the natural rhythms of the countryside setting.

Ms. Kavanagh pointed out:

“We have planted a seed that will grow and thrive, while providing another means for enabling us to be at one with the natural environment and the healing qualities that this offers.”

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