More efficient gritters to save County Council £120,000

North Yorkshire County Council has approved plans to make its gritting service more efficient which could save £120,000 this year.

The authority’s Business and Environmental Services Executive backed the proposals which it says will see gritters spread salt more accurately and reduce the average age of its fleet.

The measure will see the council gritters move to a new, lower, minimum salt spread rates as outlined in the UK Roads Liaison Group’s guidance.

True grit – facts about North Yorkshire gritters


Cllr Don Mackenzie, executive member for highways, said the savings had been made possible by investing in modern equipment :

“As the county council invests in modern equipment like ploughs and gritters, so we can introduce fine adjustments to our methods, thereby making valuable savings for our taxpayers, whilst continuing to deliver one of the most comprehensive winter gritting services in the country.”

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Meanwhile, David Bowe, corporate director of business and environmental services (BES), said: 

“We are moving to a more efficient and cost-effective way of delivering our service based on a review of national research and improved technology.

“The last time our spread rates were fully reviewed was over 12 years ago and advances in technology mean we can still deliver a comprehensive service but in a more cost-effective manner.

“We’ll always ensure our salt spread rates are appropriate for weather conditions. With routine treatments during milder winters the saving could be around £120,000 for the coming winter season. We will be able to utilise any efficiency savings on other essential council services.

“Any savings will depend on the weather conditions as no two winters are the same. We can spend between £6 million and £10 million delivering our winter service. Salt accounts for around a third of that cost. Please be assured that these changes will not compromise the safety of our roads.”

Thirteen more cases of coronavirus confirmed in Harrogate district

Thirteen more cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in the Harrogate district in the last 24 hours.

The figure from Public Health England takes the total number of cases in the area since the start of the pandemic up to 974.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced further measures earlier this week, including a 10pm curfew for bars and restaurants, in an effort to halt the increase in coronavirus cases.

Meanwhile, no deaths from patients who tested positive for covid-19 have been reported at Harrogate District Hospital in two months.

The last time a death was reported at the hospital was July 19.

Further restrictions were announced for Leeds today in an effort to curb coronavirus infections. Matt Hancock, health secretary, confirmed that households will be unable to mix in homes or gardens from midnight.

Leeds City Council has also advised people not to meet up in pubs and restaurants.

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Job support scheme ‘too little too late’, say Harrogate Lib Dems

Local Liberal Democrats said the Chancellor’s job support scheme comes “too little too late” for Harrogate and Knaresborough.

Rishi Sunak announced further support for part time workers yesterday ahead of the furlough scheme finishing in October.

As part of the billion pounds worth of measures, the government will top up wages for workers covering up to two-thirds of their hours for the next six months.

But local Lib Dems said the scheme did not go far enough to protect events, tourism and hospitality businesses.

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Judith Rogerson, local Lib Dem parliamentary spokesperson, said the party had been campaigning on the issue for months and criticised local MP, Andrew Jones, for “showing a lack of leadership”.

She said:

“Harrogate & Knaresborough’s MP should be standing up for his constituents and taking stance on important issues. Instead, he has once again demonstrated a total lack of local leadership.

“Local businesses that cannot afford to pay a third of wages to their staff will inevitably be forced to make significant numbers redundant. I am thinking in particular about the events industry where it is at present almost impossible to earn any income. We know how crucial this sector is to our local economy here in Harrogate.

“What’s more, the announcement said nothing about the millions of people who have been excluded from Government support throughout the Covid pandemic. The Chancellor’s announcement is welcome but it doesn’t go far enough to protect jobs and incomes.”

In response to the Chancellor, Mr Jones said he welcomed the scheme to support workers.

He said:

“Our country is not facing the economy of March, when we were at the height of the strict lockdown. So as the economic situation changes and the need changes, the support package evolves.  I welcome the package, and said so in the House.  Business groups have welcomed it too.

“I am particularly pleased that the Chancellor has sought to protect jobs in the tourism and hospitality sectors further by retaining the lower 5% VAT rate until the end of March. These sectors are important to Harrogate & Knaresborough, and we need them to be strong in the coming months as that helps our whole area.”

Fifteen arrests in North Yorkshire county lines crackdown

North Yorkshire Police has arrested 15 people and visited 64 vulnerable people during a week-long crackdown on county lines drug dealing.

As part of an effort led by the National Crime Agency and Regional Organised Crime Units, 14 men and one 17-year-old boy were arrested in the county.

The arrests included three men who were intercepted by plain clothed officers on Montpellier Hill in Harrogate. Officers also seized large amounts of heroin and cash when searching the suspects.

One man is also awaiting a crown court trial after being charged with supplying heroin and possessing criminal property in Harrogate.

Officers also made arrests in Keighley and Skipton during the crackdown.

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The 15 suspects were arrested on suspicion of various offences ranging from supplying heroin to possessing cash obtained through criminality.

Officers also helped to support vulnerable people, including those who are forced to travel from town to town selling drugs or who were victims of what is known as “cuckooing”. This is where vulnerable people, often drug users or those with mental or physical disabilities, are forced into allowing drug dealers to stay in their homes which are then used as a base to store and sell drugs.

Police also worked with British Transport Police to target people using the rail network to bring drugs into North Yorkshire from towns outside of the county and to raise awareness among passengers of exploitation and signs to look out for.

Chief Inspector Emma Aldred of North Yorkshire Police said: 

“County lines continues to be a key priority for North Yorkshire Police. This past week of action throws a spotlight on what is going on throughout the year to disrupt drug dealing and safeguard vulnerable people.

“The patrols and visits also allow us to gather valuable information that is used to build up a picture of what is happening in the area and forms part of a bigger picture that goes on to inform the action we take in the future.

“We urge people to continue to report any concerns they have about drug dealing or vulnerable people in their neighbourhood. We will take action.”

Conference sector ‘cut adrift’, says Harrogate events company

The exhibitions and conference sector has been “cut adrift” and left without support, says a Harrogate events company.

Andrew Manby, director of family events firm Joe Manby Ltd, said the Chancellor’s announcement today offered no specific support for the industry which already faces a “long way back” financially.

Rishi Sunak, Chancellor of the Exchequer, outlined billions of pounds’ worth of support for businesses, including subsiding part-time workers’ pay.

But Mr Manby said he had hoped for sector specific measures for an industry which has been closed down since March. Harrogate has seen a string of major events, conferences and exhibitions cancelled during the pandemic and its convention centre converted into a Nightingale Hospital.

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Mr Manby said today’s announcement did not appear to offer any ray of hope and added that the outlook was bleak for the sector.

He said:

“We need to reflect on what has been said, but on first glance it looks very grim indeed.

“it is an extremely difficult situation and where that leaves the exhibition market long term, I have no idea.

“It was always going to be a long haul back anyway.”

He added that further restrictions on events, which the Prime Minister said could last for six months, leave the industry in a difficult position. Live events, including sport, were due to have pilot events from October for the first time since the pandemic started.

But Prime Minister Boris Johnson abandoned the pilot schemes earlier this week after he outlined further restrictions to tackle an increase in coronavirus cases.

In an effort to offer more support to businesses, Mr Sunak outlined a range of measures in the House of Commons which included an extension to the VAT cut for the hospitality and tourism sector.

Some Harrogate businesses welcomed the move, but added that further support would be needed for other firms.

Harrogate hospitality businesses welcome Chancellor’s winter support

Hospitality owners in Harrogate have welcomed further help from Chancellor Rishi Sunak after he outlined billions of pounds’ worth of measures for the winter.

Mr Sunak announced an extension to VAT cuts for hospitality, a wage subsidy for part-time workers and more loans for struggling businesses.

Outlining his plans to the House of Commons today, he said the measures were designed to “protect jobs and the economy over the winter period”.

Among the announcements was a decision to subsides wages of workers who work shorter hours. The government will top up wages for workers covering up to two-thirds of their hours for the next six months.

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It comes as the furlough scheme is set to finish at the end of October.

Kimberly Wilson, chair of Accommodation Harrogate, said the support for part-time workers would be welcomed by bed and breakfasts.

She said:

“That will be useful, especially going into November and December it will save jobs.

“But we need to get the full detail of how it is going to work to see how it will help us on the ground.”

Ms Wilson added that further support would be welcomed as B&Bs have seen trade affected by cancellations in conferences, exhibitions and events.

Further measures will also see the VAT cut for the hospitality sector extended until March. Amid the pandemic, the government cut the rate to 5% to support those in the hospitality and tourism sector.

Peter Banks, managing director at Rudding Park Hotel and Spa, said the measure would be useful but should be targeted at businesses which are struggling.

He said:

“If Rishi does this it would be superb. 

“It could be more targeted as it is conference, wedding and city centre businesses that are suffering. However, any help will be gratefully received.”

Mr Sunak told MPs that loans to support struggling businesses would be extended into November and offer terms of up to 10 years to reduce monthly payments.

Grants for the self-employed will also be offered into the winter.

12 new covid cases in Harrogate district

A further 12 coronavirus cases have been confirmed in the Harrogate district in the last 24 hours.

It is the highest daily increase for just over a week.

Today’s figures from Public Health England take the total number of cases in the district since the start of the pandemic to 945.

The North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum, which is a partnership of agencies tacking emergencies in the county, said today the Harrogate district had a weekly rate of 24 covid cases per 100,000 people up to September 20.

By comparison, the weekly rate for the same timeframe across the county as a whole was 26 per 100,000 population.

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Further restrictions, including a 10pm curfew for pubs, were announced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday to tackle the increase in infections.

Last week, North Yorkshire declared a major incident amid an increase in cases in the county. 

Selby and Scarborough districts have also been listed as “areas of concern” by the government.

However, Harrogate District Hospital has not reported any deaths in patients with covid since July 19.

Devolution: What would you do if you were mayor?

With devolution set to usher in a new elected mayor for North Yorkshire, what issues do local people want to see the new office tackle? 

The government has maintained it intends to publish a white paper on devolution this autumn despite concerns that covid and Brexit could de-rail it.

This means there could be an elected mayor covering the whole of North Yorkshire, or more if the county is split and run by more than one unitary authority.

In other areas with devolved authorities, mayors have taken initiatives into their own hands such as employment and public transport. 

For Cllr Carl Les, leader of North Yorkshire County Council, this would be the start of benefits for the region.

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He told the Stray Ferret: 

“What we are going to get in principle is decision making more locally. At the moment, Whitehall are spending on our behalf. 

“We will also have an elected mayor and there is a good example in Ben Houchen. I no longer use Manchester and Birmingham as examples, you only need to look over at the Tees Valley.” 

Since becoming mayor in the Tees Valley, Mr Houchen has bought an old steelworks and an airport in an effort to boost employment. Meanwhile, Andy Burnham in Greater Manchester wants to overhaul the city’s bus network. 

Conservative Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen.

Conservative Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen. Picture credit: Thames Valley Combined Authority.

The two mayors have sought to tackle issues in their areas by coming up with initiatives while in office. 

But North Yorkshire has its own issues which need to be tackled. So what would business owners in Harrogate do if they were mayor for the day? 

Peter Banks, managing director at Rudding Park Hotel and Spa, listed transport among his concerns. He said the connectivity was vital for this area and its tourism. 

He said: 

“Leeds Bradford Airport not having a train connection is ridiculous. We are never going to attract international flights from Dubai etc when the guests then have to get on a bus.  

“The road network to the airport is also somewhat dubious. 

Compare LBA to Manchester airport and you can see why Manchester and the north west is a much more attractive destination for international guests.” 

Meanwhile, Simon Cotton, managing director at HRH Group, said he would look to tackle climate change, red tape and empty homes in the district. 

He said: 

“If I were mayor for the day, I’d introduce a ‘no car day’ once a month as a way of highlighting climate change, but also the many other benefits of a town free of cars. 

“I’d also cut through the mountains of red tape that is needed to put on any large outdoor event and entertainment and ensure there was an increase in the number of days that the Stray could be used for events so we make the most of this unique space whilst also importantly preserving it for years to come. 

“Finally, I’d implement fines to landlords who didn’t make an effort to fill empty shops in more creative ways to ensure they were used rather than empty, and if they were left empty for more than two years and especially if they had empty space above them. I would bring in a forced sale and conversion to housing.” 

Ian Gill, of the Knaresborough Chamber of Trade, said devolution should be an opportunity to take control of the town’s heritage. 

He said: 

“Chamber sees the advent of a new mayor as an opportunity for Knaresborough to be the hands-on guardians of our ancient natural and built heritage. 

“Chamber would like to see local control of our assets such as our ancient market, our medieval castle, Conyngham Hall, Knaresborough House, Royal Forest and our Nidd Gorge. This need not be a straight switch from Harrogate Borough Council to Knaresborough Town Council control, but the watch word should be ‘local’.

“If our new mayor can support the devolution of aspects of local life to local people and local groups, elected and voluntary, with the desire and expertise to deliver positive change, that would be a great advance.”

Five coronavirus outbreaks at Harrogate schools

Five schools in the Harrogate district have recorded incidents of coronavirus since they reopened, county council bosses revealed today.

Stuart Carlton, director of children and young people services at North Yorkshire Council Council, said the cases involved seven pupils across the different schools.

As a result of the infections, three classes have been isolated.

The figures were revealed at a press briefing of the North Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum, which is a partnership of agencies that responds to emergencies.

Mr Carlton said 31 schools in the county have suffered outbreaks, with 69 staff and pupils involved.

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The Stray Ferret has reported coronavirus cases at St Aidan’s C of E High School, St John Fisher Catholic High School and Bilton Grange Primary School last week, as well as outbreaks at Harrogate Grammar School and Harrogate Ladies’ College.

Mr Carlton said the authority was “aware this would happen” and that parents should have confidence that schools are safe to go to. Mr Carlton said:

“We planned for this and we knew these things would happen. I am still confident about the measures we have in place.

“My message to parents would be you should have strong confidence that schools are safe places for children and we would encourage you to speak to your school if you are worried.”

Harrogate Town prepare for another trip to Wembley

Harrogate Town are preparing for a second trip to Wembley after reaching the FA Trophy Final.

Town clinched a place in the final after beating Notts County 1-0 at Meadow Lane last night.

Will Smith got the only goal of the game to defeat County as both sides met again just over a month since the National League Play-Off Final, which Harrogate also won.

Town will now play Concord Rangers at Wembley in the final, though a date is yet to be confirmed.

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The victory followed an announcement from Prime Minister Boris Johnson that a phased return of fans in October would be paused.

🎥 | Words from the gaffer following our victory against Notts County

Wembley here we come 😍 #ProudToBeTown

— Harrogate Town AFC (@HarrogateTown) September 22, 2020

The FA had planned to hold both the FA Trophy and FA Vase Finals with up to 1,000 fans in attendance on September 27, but postponed the games earlier this month amid a rise in coronavirus cases.

Town boss, Simon Weaver, said he hoped to see supporters back in stadiums when they play in the final.

“We have had some difficult games along the way, but it was so important tonight that we did it for the supporters.

“Hopefully when it is Wembley time they will be allowed back in the stadiums.

“We said in the team talk ‘do it for the supporters tonight’.”

Meanwhile, Irving Weaver, chairman of Harrogate Town, said yesterday that clubs would reach a “cliff edge scenario” if a return of fans is delayed further.

He said:

“From mid-March through a normal close season we were helped by furloughing our employees. Now back into full swing anticipating fans returning, the black hole is upon us. Around thirty percent of a club’s total income is derived through the turnstiles. Without a subsidy the pain will be severe.

“I know that the government are well aware of the situation. Let us hope that there is help on the way, not just for football but for spectator sport in general.”