HCC Director says staff are proud but emotional

Paula Lorimer has revealed that the NHS and MOD looked at a number of arenas in the region before deciding to choose the Harrogate Convention Centre as a Nightingale hospital.  She said it was the centre’s vast halls that made it more convertible into a hospital. Her team had to quickly return to the venue, having shut it down due to coronavirus.

“We are so proud and happy to help and play our part but we also feel very emotional at times. It’s given us a deeper respect for the NHS . Getting the building ready is one thing, staying here and delivering the care another. You get that feeling of how brave they’re going to be – we can walk away from this when they are arriving and the duty and bravery they’ll show to combat this”

Paula Lorimer Director of HCC, being interviewed today

Ms Lorimer said the HCC had to bring back its security, cleaning and stewarding teams. The contract caterers returned and volunteered to work for nothing to feed the 400 strong team of contractors building the hospital.

“It’s been a steep learning curve for everybody. We do have the knowledge though- it’s a vast site and very detailed engineering drawings have had to be got out. We had to teach the Royal Engineers their way around the building so they can put in the complex facilities that are needed.”


Paula Lorimer said the public have been calling the centre offering support and that, when the hospital is built , she thinks there will be real opportunities for the community to get involved -but not yet.

When asked how long she was expecting the centre to be used as a hospital she said:

“We just don’t know — it could be months, it could be longer. We just don’t know if it will ever be used. We hope there won’t be a requirement for this – the government has thrown everything into this and we’re here to do our bit”.


A 2017 plan of the Harrogate Convention Centre





Harrogate street keeps spirits high with daily exercise classes

One Harrogate street has been keeping spirits high during the coronavirus lockdown by getting involved in a daily exercise class.

“Right. Now some squats,” Mel Milnes bellowed out at around 8.30am on Spring Grove to a group of around 20 eager participants.

The classes started out with just one side of the street a couple of weeks ago before the rest of the neighbours wanted to get involved.

From then it has become a daily ritual at the same time from Monday to Friday.

Mel is not pretending to be a fully qualified fitness instructor but, then again, this isn’t an intense fat burning class.

She told the Stray Ferret: “Each day we have been getting more and more people involved. It’s just meant to be a bit of fun, it’s just a bit of a laugh and the street has really enjoyed it. We are self-isolating but the street has gotten closer together. We are even organising a pub quiz later this week, which we’re all going to do from our gardens.”

Mel has led many of the classes but she has also got other people lined up for the microphone, with an eight-year-old girl trying it out tomorrow.

How has your street adapted to life on coronavirus lockdown? Get in touch with the news team on contact@thestrayferret.co.uk.

2nd April 2020
Fitness class on Spring Grove, Harrogate

2nd April 2020
Sue Riley leads the fitness class on Spring Grove, Harrogate

2nd April 2020
Fitness class on Spring Grove, Harrogate

2nd April 2020
Fitness class Spring grove

Nightingale hospital to offer 500 beds at Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate’s Nightingale hospital will have up to 500 beds available to care for coronavirus patients, it has been announced.

NHS England has now confirmed the plans for the hospital at Harrogate Convention Centre for the first time, after increasing activity on the site this week.

It was announced alongside a new Nightingale hospital in Bristol, which will accommodate up to 1,500 patients at a time. Other Nightingale hospitals in Manchester and Birmingham are already being created and one at London’s Excel centre will open for patients from today.

Sir Simon Stevens, NHS chief executive, said it was “nothing short of extraordinary” that the new hospital in London had been set up in less than a fortnight, with support from the Ministry of Defence.

“The NHS, working with the military, has done in a matter of days what usually takes years,” he said. “Now we are gearing up to repeat that feat at another four sites across the country to add to the surge capacity in current NHS hospitals.

“We’re giving the go ahead to these additional sites, hoping they may not be needed but preparing in case they are. But that will partly depend on continuing public support for measures to reduce growth in the infection rate by staying at home to save lives.”

Army tour Harrogate Nightingale Hospital on third construction day

Army and NHS staff toured the site of Harrogate’s new Nightingale Hospital on day three of construction.

When it is up and running, which could be possible over the next week, it will help the NHS deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Three temporary ‘Nightingale’ hospitals have already been announced – in London, Manchester and Birmingham – with more understood to be in the planning stages.

Although the NHS has not yet revealed full details about the project, an announcement is expected imminently.

It comes as the number of confirmed cases in North Yorkshire has risen to 149, with six deaths at Harrogate District Hospital.

2nd April 2020
Construction at Harrogate Conference Centre

2nd April 2020
Construction at Harrogate Conference Centre

2nd April 2020
Convention Centre Harrogate, new signage

2nd April 2020
Convention Centre Harrogate, construction work outside the Royal Hall

2nd April 2020
Harrogate Convention Centre

2nd April 2020
Harrogate Convention Centre

2nd April 2020
Harrogate Convention Centre

2nd April 2020
Harrogate Convention Centre

2nd April 2020
MOD arrives at Harrogate Convention Centre

2nd April 2020
Fleet of Emergency vehicles arrives at Harrogate Convention Centre

2nd April 2020
Emergency staff arriving at Harrogate Convention Centre

Student gives concerts from her front garden to raise neighbours’ spirits

A university student is making good use of her time in lockdown by providing free concerts for her Harrogate neighbours. 

Lucy Crocker, 22, played songs from her front garden in Mallinson Oval last Friday, hoping to lift spirits. 

So many of them came outside to listen from their doorsteps and driveways that she is planning to make it a weekly concert. 

She said: “I saw videos of people giving concerts on their balconies and I thought, ‘I could do that’.  

“When I’m at university, we have informal student recitals every Monday and I miss that when I’m away.” 

Former Harrogate Grammar School student Lucy plays viola and sings, and says she can play a few chords on the ukulele. Her first performance consisted mostly of music she already knows, but she has been taking requests from her neighbours and practising their suggestions. 

“I don’t know that much modern music – I’m more used to playing in orchestras,” she said. “But I’m OK at playing by ear, so if I know the song I can usually play it.” 

Lucy plans to continue her concerts for as long as people are at home to hear them. She is preparing to sit the final exams for her earth sciences degree at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge, from home, where her parents and younger brother are also in lockdown. 

There are other families living nearby, as well as elderly people, and Lucy said she was keen to bring people together, even if from a distance. 

I wanted to have a little bit of interaction with the neighbours that isn’t just on a messenger basis,” she said. “They all came out and seemed to enjoy not just the music, but all being out at the same time and chatting to each other across the road.” 

Among those who appreciated the performance was Margaret Willis, who has family living in Harrogate and helping out with food supplies but is missing seeing people every day. 

All us oldies were out in the road,” she said. “We all kept our distance but it was nice to get out and chat to neighbours.  

I think it did us all good. Everybody said how lovely it was. Even people who hadn’t been out for ages brought a chair out and sat down to listen – it was really good.” 

Fears of fly tipping in Harrogate district as recycling centres close

North Yorkshire County Council has warned people not to fly tip during the temporarily closure of recycling centres because of coronavirus.

The council has asked households to try to create less waste and not be tempted to start carrying out DIY or gardening projects which create extra rubbish.

Speaking for both the district and county council, County Councillor Andrew Lee, Executive Member for Waste Management said:

“We understand that during this time of confinement people are at home when they wouldn’t normally be, so may generate more waste, particularly if they need to have food and other essentials delivered. But we ask them to consider their waste and minimise it as far as possible to support the efforts of the refuse collection teams.. If you overload your general waste bin, it may not be emptied”

In some areas in the Harrogate district green garden waste collections have been delayed until mid-April.  To protect the collection teams residents are being told to:

Some residents though have already experienced non domestic waste being dumped in their bins and are concerned. Gillian Parkin who lives in the Rossett Green area of Harrogate told the Stray Ferret that last night she put their black wheelie bin out only to find someone had put two large bin bags full of wallpaper strippings in it overnight.  She fears the situation will get worse.

“I am concerned that we are going to see more of this sort of thing as we can’t go to recycling centres. it is just the beginning. If people can’t dispose of the rubbish they are generating over coming weeks they will become very imaginative and devious”

North Yorkshire Council Council has reminded people that fly tipping is an offence:

“Do not fly tip. It is an offence punishable by fines or imprisonment and offenders will be prosecuted. Beyond that it is an eyesore and a potential health hazard at a time when, more than ever, we should be showing respect for the place we live and those we share it with.”

Yesterday Harrogate Borough Council has posted photographs of messages of thanks and support people have left on their bins for the collection staff.

You guys… We've had some lovely messages today ❤️

Thank you to everyone who has said hello, thanks or just given our crews a wave today! It truly means a lot to all of them. pic.twitter.com/tvldRAPoyp

— Harrogate Borough Council (@Harrogatebc) March 31, 2020













Harrogate hospital ‘blown away’ by community donations

Individuals, schools and businesses have all rallied behind healthcare workers on the frontline in the battle against coronavirus.

Since the pandemic started, people have donated masks, hand cream and even freshly cooked meals to ease the pressure on healthcare workers.

The staff at Harrogate and District Hospital are said to be “blown away” by the generosity.

It comes as a further two patients who tested positive for coronavirus have died at Harrogate District Hospital, bringing the total up to six deaths.

Sid Lovatt has donated face masks he made with his 3D printer.

Julie Mills set up a Facebook group just over three weeks ago called ‘Supplies for Key Workers in and Around Harrogate’ and has been working day and night to coordinate donations.

She told the Stray Ferret: “We started off by getting food for all of the healthcare workers when people were panic buying at supermarkets. Then we saw that the hospital needed medical supplies, so we got hundreds of masks, gloves and some overalls. Now we are working on getting ventillators into the hospital. We have got to keep healthcare workers going through their shifts.”

Some of the donations made to healthcare workers

The local community has donated so much food to staff that the hospital has created a pop-up shop, where staff can pick up essentials for free.

So excited that our pop up @harrogatehcc shop opens tomorrow. 11-1230, 2-330pm.Items are free to staff @HarrogateNHSFT kindly donated by the local community.Take responsibly what you need to make life a little easier and if you wish you can donate to HHCC to reinvest. 🌟 pic.twitter.com/yBr1lAlEzi

— Harrogate Hospital & Community Charity (HHCC) 🧡 (@harrogatehcc) April 1, 2020

A spokesperson for Harrogate hospital said:

“We’ve been blown away with the generosity of people and businesses from Harrogate and beyond who have donated so many food items, meals, hand creams and other non-perishable items to colleagues at the Trust. It’s really appreciated and it’s been so heartwarming to see the community come together in this way in support of your local NHS. Thank you.

“One part of this support that could potentially cause some issues for us is the delivery of already-cooked meals. We kindly ask that from now on, we are unable to accept already-cooked meals from businesses or individuals. We are providing breakfast, lunch and dinner to staff free of charge, so colleagues do have access to hot meals.”

North Yorkshire nears 150 confirmed coronavirus cases

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in North Yorkshire has risen to 149, with six deaths at Harrogate hospital.

It goes up at a time when the signage also goes up at the new ‘Nightingale Hospital.’

Construction workers, NHS and army staff have been working flat out to convert part of the Harrogate Convention Centre.

On day three of the build, workers installed the hospital signage for the staff and ambulance entrances.

Lots of work is going on outside the Harrogate Convention Centre.

When it is up and running, which could be possible over the next week, it will help the NHS deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Three temporary ‘Nightingale’ hospitals have already been announced – in London, Manchester and Birmingham – with more understood to be in the planning stages.

Although the NHS has not yet revealed full details about the project, an announcement is expected imminently.

It comes as the number of confirmed cases in North Yorkshire has risen to 149, with six deaths at Harrogate District Hospital.

WATCH: Work ramps up at Harrogate ‘Nightingale’ hospital

Work is ramping up at the new ‘Nightingale’ hospital, which will be built at the Harrogate Convention Centre.

Construction, NHS and army staff were all on-site again today to quickly turn part of the centre into a new surge hospital.

When it is up and running, which could be possible over the next week, it will help the NHS deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Three temporary ‘Nightingale’ hospitals have already been announced – in London, Manchester and Birmingham – with more understood to be in the planning stages.

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre


Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Harrogate Convention Centre

Two more coronavirus deaths at Harrogate hospital

Two more patients with coronavirus have died at the hospital in Harrogate, bringing the total number up to six since the start of the pandemic.

One of the patients died on March 29 and the other died on March 31.

It’s unclear how old the patients were or whether they had any underlying health conditions, but they were between the age of 13 and 99.

The NHS announced today that a further 486 people who tested positive for COVID-19 have died, bringing the total deaths in England up to 2,137.

All of their families have been informed. 20 of the 486 had no known underlying health conditions.

Ripon Rugby Club has been left devastated and feeling numb, following the sudden death of club treasurer and long-term supporter Jonathan Rutter.

He died in Harrogate Hospital last week after contracting coronavirus. The club is planning to hold an event in his memory when the coronavirus crisis is over.