Stray Views: Is Harrogate in decline?

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Drunken Harrogate? It’s just people enjoying themselves…

I have never before been moved to write re readers letters. However, the superior tone of Tim Emmott’s letter last week really cannot go unanswered.

The tone smacks of so much that is wrong with Harrogate. Namely that those of a certain age and with money think it is quite OK for them to object to normal humans wishing to enjoy themselves. Do they not think other people have money or equal right to enjoy themselves?

The same people call out people for standing within 1.9 metres of people in supermarkets, etc. I could go on. How very dare they think they have a superior right to exist over others.

Mick Marshalsey, Harrogate

But we agree with Tim — Harrogate is going downhill

I absolutely agree with Tim Emmott.

We too have friends that no longer visit when we are in Harrogate. The general view is ‘it’s not what it was’.

Harrogate used to be such a lovely place, where so many people aspired to live. Now we have anti-social behaviour, drunks, litter, vandalism, beggars travelling from out of town, robberies and drug dealers trading around the station.

There’s little or no police presence and no will by the council to tackle these issues. What a sorry state of affairs.

Catherine Tucker-Sykes, Harrogate

Harrogate’s 10-year decline

We have only lived here in Harrogate for 10 years but have been saddened to witness the rapid decline of the town over this time. There are beggars on the streets who enjoy getting together to drink.

Sandra Fielding, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Why my friends won’t be returning to drunken Harrogate

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Why my friends won’t be returning to Harrogate

Friends from Ilkley and Harpenden in Hertfordshire visited Harrogate today. They were totally horrified by the anti-social behaviour of the drunks by the war memorial on their way to Bettys and the art galleries in Montpellier and beyond.

They will not be back in a hurry and will undoubtedly tell all their friends that Harrogate is incapable of keeping the down-and-outs away from our major tourist attractions and that Harrogate is no longer the “nice” town of its historic reputation.

Should Harrogate care? These friends are wealthy retired folk with money to spend who were intending to visit the Sutcliffe Galleries, the Walker Galleries and the lovely new Watermark Gallery.Can I ask in total desperation, what will it take for our increasingly woke and insular council and its placid police force to understand the damage that is being done to the image, attractiveness and financial well-being of our town from their inability to deal with this very simple-to-solve problem and urge them to prevent a potentially irreversible reputation decline for our lovely town?

Tim Emmott, Harrogate

Station Gateway: economic concerns need addressing

Independent Harrogate, which represents more than 180 businesses. supports the proposed ‘Station Gateway‘ in general but we do have some serious concerns that it might have a negative impact on the local economy.

The scheme fails to address the need for park and ride schemes, a large number of electric car charging points and extensive safe cycling routes away from traffic that link with low-traffic neighbourhoods, therefore reducing congestion and in turn reducing carbon emissions.

And, to prevent congestion and an increase in carbon emissions, Station Parade must retain its two lanes, with enhanced cycling facilities reserved for East Parade.

We support James Street remaining fully open whilst supporting the narrowing at its junction with Station Parade to aid pedestrians crossing the road.

We urge North Yorkshire County Council to meet groups to discuss the finer details of the proposals.

William Woods, Independent Harrogate

Why is Kex Gill work taking so long?

Given that it is now more than two years since the Kex Gill route was finalised and finance was put in place, it is staggering that North Yorkshire County Council is now warning the scheme could be delayed because it hasn’t bothered to secure the land, in precisely the same way no one thought to consult the Duchy of Lancaster regarding the much-delayed Otley Road cycle path. Do they never learn?

David Howarth, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Ditch the Station Gateway scheme

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Ditch the Station Gateway scheme!

Harrogate Civic Society’s comments on the proposed Station Gateway are correct. There is no overall traffic scheme for Harrogate, which has congestion problems, and this scheme will result in more traffic on the A59 as people try and park elsewhere because of this ill-thought-out scheme.

We do not need any changes on the pretext of more people cycling and walking, as most will need to drive in and park somewhere first before doing either. The population of Harrogate includes a lot of older people who cannot walk or cycle into town and this ‘scheme’ does not cater for this at all and should be ditched.

John Holder, Harrogate

Time to get life back to normal

I read with interest your article on the ‘rocketing’ Covid infection rate in the Harrogate district.

Can we not just accept that this whole charade is over and get back to normal? Even the never-used Nightingale Hospital has disappeared.

I personally have been vaccinated twice. What more do I need to do, for heaven’s sake?

I say this with genuine sympathies to anyone who has suffered with, or who has lost a loved one to this virus.

James Colin Harrison, Knaresborough

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Police need to check car number plates

Regarding your article on police taking action against noisy cars.
It is not only the noise these cars make but they are normally driven without a front number plate too. The police need to address this issue too.
Adrian Day, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Stop this Wetherby Road traffic madness!

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Wetherby Road recycling queue is dangerous

Again today, I found that travelling south on Wetherby Road, beyond Hookstone, was compromised by cars queuing to access the waste site.
Vehicles queuing on a main arterial road is dangerous, to say the least. The volume of traffic along that road means that any obstruction creates long tailbacks very quickly.
Reduced access to the waste site through reduced spaces for cars within the site, and an intimidating audit now being taken of each driver before they are allowed to drop their waste, has exacerbated the queuing problem.
This congestion is cause for concern, as frustrated drivers are moving into the middle of the road to avoid the queue, which is endangering drivers coming into Harrogate, not to mention the increased pollution being generated in an already highly polluted area.

Nick Bentley, Knaresborough

Council pay rises would be a joke

Your piece on Harrogate Borough Council pay rises is an insult to the people who live in the town.

Harrogate Borough Council is the worst council for spending money on its ‘vanity project’ council buildings. It is a joke.

The council ignores important issues that its council tax payers have. The people sitting in their ivory tower don’t deserve anything.

Susan Mitchell, Harrogate

Stop these proposed changes to Harrogate

My husband and I enjoy the articles from the Stray Ferret: they are accurate, to the point, and echo the views of people like myself who have lived most of my life within a five-to-seven mile radius of Harrogate town centre.

We have, nevertheless, travelled abroad many times during our 52 years of married life living in close proximity to this lovely town. Some of the proposed changes to the town are just not appropriate – if only Councillor Mackenzie would listen to the views of residents of Harrogate and its outskirts. Surely, the government cannot allow them to go ahead?

Pat Perry, Kirkby Overblow

The great rewilding debate: grass-cutting or cost-cutting?

I love the long and lovely wild verges – they don’t need to be cut at all, except at junctions to let drivers exit side roads safely.

Helen Barclay, Harrogate

Do you really believe that this is anything to do with being eco friendly? It’s about cost-cutting.

The grass verges where l live are prime dumping ground for dog excrement. The verges are unsightly and the result looks like we live in a dump.

Jen Dent, Harrogate

I love the council’s efforts to allow biodiversity to gain ground on the Stray! Keep it up!

Ann Broderick, Harrogate

Deliberately planting colourful wildflowers brings the Stray to life. Looks fabulous.

Leaving roadside verges uncut and scruffy is just another lazy wheeze to short-change council taxpayers.

If you park your car next to them you get wet trying to get into your car in the morning. Several residents on Coppice Drive have taken the obvious action.

Tim Emmott, Harrogate

Wild verges looks amazing, nature always needs more help these days.

Perhaps a few wildflower seeds added will give it a lift for those who think it is just a scruffy look.

Encouraging wildlife in the centre of town is is very uplifting.

Jen Mackay, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Do something about these awful bins!

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Do something about these awful bins!

I totally agree that the large commercial waste bins that seem to be permanently kept in Princes Street are an eyesore.

These bins obstruct the highway (carriageway and footway). A loading bay marked on the carriageway is surely for use by vehicles loading and un-loading, not for waste bin storage.

The county council highways department is surely responsible for ensuring that the highway is not obstructed. The business owners are also responsible for removing their bins to their premises immediately they have been emptied. If these owners do not remove their bins they become liable to prosecution for obstruction.

The county council commercial waste management must manage its waste collection service much better to avoid this public health situation.

Angus Turner, Harrogate

Cycling to work? No, thanks

The whole point of cycle lanes is being missed.

Cyclists will, of course, like them. The issue is that the lanes need to encourage non-cyclists to start riding bikes.

I rode my bike to work from near Harrogate Grammar School to ICI when I was on Hornbeam Park for about three years, every working day, in all weathers.

The difference between cycling and riding a bike to work is immense. If you cannot have a shower on arrival at work you WILL stink all day. If it’s raining you will have, at a minimum, wet legs for half a day.

Once I had a car I only rode my bike for fun, and it can be fun. But as a means of daily travel for work, shopping and the rest? Not for me thanks.

Chris Knight, Bilton

Roads used as race tracks 

I live in a house on East Parade in Harrogate and the road from Bower Road to Skipton Road is used as a race track in the evening for noisy cars.

I can’t understand why all the other roads around East Parade, eg Chudleigh Road, have a 20 mph limit while East Parade, where two cars can’t even pass, has a 30mph limit.

The antisocial driving is well in excess of that 30 mph limit.

Vicky Taylor, Harrogate

Cut the verges

I have noticed on my travels around Ripon, Harrogate and various other North Yorkshire areas the lack of cutting of the grass verges on all types of roads.

There is now a situation on some roads where the height of the grass is impeding the view of oncoming cars, cyclists and motorcyclists

Peter, Ripon

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Stray Views: Harrogate park and ride was a great idea – what happened?

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

What’s happened to the park and ride?

Have I missed something or has the sensible idea of a park and ride for Harrogate been shelved?

While the council continues to charge blindly forward with idiotic cycling/single file traffic schemes thinking that the traffic will disappear, a park and ride really would help reduce cars in the town centre.

So where is it?

Judy Rowson, Harrogate

Encouraging cyclists will make motoring better

Bob Hankinson makes several strawmen in his letter, making the argument that if “everyone shifts to bikes” when clearly not everyone will.

But hopefully enough will that the various roads in Harrogate are relieved of traffic at least to enough of a degree that it isn’t an utterly ridiculous proposal to actually drive into and through Harrogate as it currently is.

Bob is clearly not a cyclist given his complaint about hills and rain, which to most cyclists is neither a problem nor an obstruction. As, I assume, a car driver (his letter has all the hallmarks of someone who spends all morning sat immobile in their car trying to get to work).

Surely Bob would welcome less cars on the road — it would make Skipton Road, Leeds Road and Wetherby Road more of a road and less of a car park from 8am to 10am, wouldn’t you agree Bob?

Alastair Moore, Bilton

What about dog muck, Philip?

It’s great that Philip Allott, the new crime commissioner, is concerned about dog theft. Will he also be stamping out dog muck?

Nigel Heptinstall, Darley

The Stray Ferret is underselling itself

Meeting people on my daily walk, I ask if they receive the Stray Ferret. To those that don’t, I explain how simple it is to sign up and that it’s free.

Invariably this is a surprise to them so the purpose of this letter is to suggest your advertising on shop windows, roundabouts etc should contain the word ‘free’.

My grandfather started the first advertising agency in the north and he instilled into me how strong the word ‘free’ is in marketing. Many years later as a retailer in Harrogate I used this magic word in my advertising with great success.

Keep up your very good work!

David Hill, Harrogate

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Stray Views: cycling and pedestrian schemes are based on flawed dogma

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Beware of dogmatic assertions on pedestrians are cyclists

Marilyn Stowe is right in her article for criticising the dogmatic assertion that “if you build it, they will come” when the council dreams up fantasy numbers of extra pedestrians and cyclists.

It rains in Harrogate. There are hills. Electric bikes are legal up to 25 kilometres per hour (that’s 15 miles per hour) on a bike path shared with pedestrians and with house entrances peppered along the pavement.

E-scooters, Segways, hover bikes are all illegal to use anywhere in the UK except on private land. And if everyone shifts to bikes anyway, where will all the bikes be parked when people are going about their shopping or having a coffee? We will need loads of ‘toast racks’ on pavements for bikes to be secured against theft, and these obstructions on the pavements will make it harder for pedestrians, not easier or more enjoyable.

The destruction of Otley Road environs is inevitable if the council forces in two cycle lanes, two pedestrian walkways and two lanes of traffic. What will go? Trees, hedges, common sense and money.

Just because there is a grant of £8 million, it does not have to be spent.

A small fortune has been spent at the Harlow Moor Road / Otley Road junction; minimal benefit for large disruption and large cost.

It seems that any amount of traffic disruption is justifiable now if some trivial improvement can be made.

Councils used to be good stewards of the taxpayers’ and ratepayers’ money. Now the approach seems to be to grab money from any source and spend it on pet projects — but keep most of the discussion papers secret.

Bob Hankinson, Harrogate

Salon was right to refuse customer with no face mask

I fully support the actions of the salon that refused to admit a customer who wasn’t wearing a face mask.

People who enter a shop without a face mask, whether they are disabled or not, present an unacceptable health risk to everyone else in that shop.

Coronavirus has put restrictions and loss of liberty on all of us. Disabled people cannot be excluded from this.

Those granted exemption from wearing a face covering are not exempt from catching or spreading coronavirus and are a risk to the health of everyone else.

We cannot allow the needs of the few to put at risk the health of the many.

Mike Monkman, Bilton

I fear for the future of Harrogate

I am sad to have to say it, but, I fear for the future of this lovely town, which is being steadily damaged by the council’s ‘no common sense’ plans.
I wonder what percentage of the population here is too old to cycle everywhere?  What are we elderly people to do, when all this pedestrianisation is completed?
With the number of shops vacant, something serious must be done straight away to attract future visitors.
I could go on for ages on poor maintenance etc. But anyone who cares about  Harrogate, will see that clearly for themselves.
Sheila Macdonald, Harrogate

“Shocked” and “depressed” at Stray litter

Just walked back from Harrogate town centre this evening and shocked and depressed to see all the litter left by the kids on The Stray near the Tewit Well.
This isn’t the first time. I just don’t understand it – this is an area to be enjoyed by everyone. Why can’t the kids just tidy up after themselves?
I don’t know what the answer is but I would like to see some attempt being made to stop this happening over and over again.
Nicola Barnett, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Noisy cars are a blight on Harrogate life

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Time for a Harrogate museum?

Having read some articles by Harrogate historian Malcolm Neeson, recently published by the Stray Ferret, I was reflecting on how many historical exhibits there must be in and around Harrogate, which are in storage possibly.

As the town centre is now changing following the pandemic, there are lots of empty properties available.

Could now be the time for Harrogate to celebrate its history by creating a museum? This might complement the excellent Royal Pump Room Museum and enhance the historic walks in Harrogate in the future.

Jane Malster, Harrogate

Vaccinated people should not have to pay for covid tests when we go abroad

I can not get my head around the fact we have had second covid injections but when we go on holiday we have to pay for a test.

We have to pay nearly £100 to test before we go into a country and the same amount again when we come back. Now we have had second injections we still have to wear masks and test. It’s puzzling a lot of people. I thought the vaccine would be the end of it.

If it isn’t, why put everyone through the injection? Fully vaccinated people should not have to pay to do a test. It’s wrong and costs a lot of money, especially if there are a few adults in the family.

Diana Pollitt, Harrogate

Noisy car exhausts blight Harrogate life

We have recently moved to Harrogate from the south to live and really like it here.
We live in the Granby area near the Skipton Road and there is one aspect of the traffic that troubles us and that is cars that have very noisy exhausts, which I assume have been modified.
They accelerate up to or after the traffic lights and presumably carry on like this wherever there is a stretch of open road around Harrogate.
They are a blight on this beautiful town; both the loud noise and associated extra pollution they cause when they accelerate.
Is it legal for these vehicles to have this capacity to make this extra loud noise? I know some cities in Europe are addressing this problem with noise detectors that work similar to speed cameras.
Linda Loy, Harrogate

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Stray Views: Stop the scourge of e-scooters in Harrogate

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

E-scooter scourge

Recently I have noticed an increase in the use of electric scooters in the Harrogate town centre.

I am aware that the use of such is illegal on both road and footpath, yet this appears not to be preventing their increased use.

A few months back I was surprised to see one being ridden in the dark by a youth dressed in dark clothing. He seemed to come out of nowhere, riding it down the middle of the road. When I protested all I received was a barrage of foul-mouthed abuse!

Recently my wife and I were forced to step aside for another scooter rider, who crossed West Park from the Stray, using the crossing, but then entered back on to the road in Tower Street.

I’ve tried to find a police officer to ask what is being done to keep us safe from this blight. I couldn’t find one! I’ve reported my near misses, using NYP’s online system, but haven’t had a reply!

Could you find out what their plan is?

Richard Abbott, Harrogate

Use ornamental gravel instead of fake grass

A good alternative to the fake grass in the planters in Harrogate would be ornamental gravel. Easy to maintain and not costly. It would look much more attractive than plastic grass.

Sylvia Barnes, Knaresborough

Random approach to recycling 

I totally understand the frustration of Pete Dennis about the random approach to recycling at our council-owned and apparently council-run tips.
Unfortunately, this is a nationwide problem. A throwback to the days when the Labour unions ran this country.
Any fool can see that having a tip at the Sainsbury’s traffic lights is not sensible.
Tim Emmott, Harrogate

We need investigative journalism

Well done for pursuing council secrecy with your articles this week — good investigative journalism.

Hardly anyone in North Yorkshire got the chance to elect councillors this time round “because it would be confusing with an impending change of government structure [in two years]”.  We need journalists to keep up the pressure.

Bob Hankinson, Harrogate

Contact me if you need help in Bilton

I would just like to thank all those people in Bilton Nidd Gorge who gave me their support in last week’s by-election. Over the weeks of the campaign, it was wonderful to meet so many of you on your doorstep.

I am saddened at not being elected to represent you at North Yorkshire but I am still here and if you feel I can help on any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

I wish Matt Scott all the best in his new role and thank all my other opponents for a fair and clean fight.

Andrew Kempston-Parkes, Harrogate

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Stray Views: recycling rules make recycling difficult

Stray Views is a weekly column giving you the chance to have your say on issues affecting the Harrogate district. It is an opinion column and does not reflect the views of the Stray Ferret. See below for details on how to contribute.

Malcolm’s history walks are a real treat

How fortunate we are to have local historian, Malcolm Neesam, who is so interested in the history of Harrogate that we can all enjoy two virtual walks with his knowledge of the town.

The walks are beautifully set up on the best website I have seen with maps, photos and information clearly displayed. A real treat!

Thank you, Malcolm!

Audrey Culling, Nidderdale 

Recycling rules don’t make recycling easy

I queued to get into a recycling depot with a fridge in a trailer. No trailers were allowed but I managed to get rid of it anyway.
Maybe I just fell foul of a rule that has been in place for a while, but I wonder how North Yorkshire County Council expects people to get rid of bulky items, which either won’t fit n a small car or are too dirty. Garden clippings, for example, which are too numerous for the fortnightly garden waste collection or too wet and leafy to decently burn yet will go into the large recycling skips.
Trivial but infuriating.
Pete Dennis, Harrogate

We are lucky to have birdsong – do your bit to keep it going

Many of us living in or around towns such as Harrogate and Wetherby and surrounding villages may not realise just how lucky we are to still have nesting and breeding swallows, house martins and swifts.
Unfortunately, they are all suffering declining numbers. These birds are nest site faithful, returning year after year. Swifts actually live in colonies that will have taken years to build.
This all means that if their nests or nest holes and crevices are knocked down or blocked up, it can be the end for them as there is often nowhere else to go.
So this is a plea to everyone to help look after these birds: keep the sounds of summer going by helping to keep Yorkshire skies full of the happy chittering and screams of these birds: help by keeping their old nests and put up more swallow/house martin nest cups and swift boxes if you possibly can.
Friedy Luther, Spofforth

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