Chancellor’s fund brings hope to Kirkby Malzeard pub campaigners

Campaigners wanting to refurbish and reopen the Henry Jenkins Inn in Kirkby Malzeard have received a glimmer of hope.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a new £150m Community Ownership Fund in this month’s Budget.

The fund lets community groups apply for £250,000 matched-funding to help them buy or take over local community assets at risk of being lost.

This fund, which will save some pubs from permanent closure, has been welcomed by the Henry Jenkins Community Pub Ltd.

Its 190 members have pledged £236,000 in a bid to turn the derelict building between Ripon and Masham back into use as a pub and community facility.

HJCPL chair David Robinson told the Stray Ferret:

“The government has decided to recognise the importance of protecting community assets.

“This fund acknowledges the difficulties faced by volunteer groups, particularly in rural areas, in raising the necessary funds for projects that could provide essential support for the lonely and vulnerable.”

Photo of the derelict Henry Jenkins Inn

Part of the building is still on the market.

“HJCP will need to examine the detail, but cautiously hope that the newly-available funding can be added to the toolkit.

“In the near future we will place another purchase bid with the owners and open discussions with Harrogate Borough Council about a compulsory purchase order.”

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David Fielder, who purchased the closed-down pub out of receivership in 2012, is willing to talk to the campaign group.

He said:

“The western portion of the building belongs to me and remains on the market for sale or rent.

“Offers must be fully unconditional and any potential purchaser will be required to prove funds are available.

“This will need to be by way of a copy bank statement or an unconditional letter of credit from a UK-based recognised lender.”

Last year, the pub campaigners suffered a bitter blow at a planning appeal.

The Planning Inspectorate, which deals with planning appeals, overturned Harrogate Borough Council’s decision to refuse planning permission for conversion of the eastern part of the Henry Jenkins site into a single dwelling.

HJCPL had been confident that the council’s decision would be upheld, but planning inspector Helen Hockenhull was not persuaded by their argument.

In her report she concluded:

“There is no reasonable prospect of the public house reopening.”

Vandals strike again in Ripon city centre

A rare building that is part of Ripon’s heritage has been damaged by vandals.

The cabmen’s shelter — a Grade II listed structure – dating back to the days of horse-drawn transport — was the target.

The shelter was recently refurbished and returned to Market Square at a cost of £22,000

Ripon City Council leader Andrew Williams told the Stray Ferret:

“It’s enough to make you despair.

“We are doing our best to get ready for the easing of lockdown, by making the city more attractive for residents and visitors,

“Now we have suffered another mindless act of vandalism that detracts from all of our efforts.”

A window in the shelter was broken yesterday and Cllr Williams, along with the Mayor of Ripon, Councillor Eamon Parkin, carried out a sweep-up after being alerted to the incident.

The window was temporarily boarded up and the broken pane will be replaced shortly.

Photo of the Cabmen's Shelter's broken window

The broken window on the cabmen’s shelter. Photograph: Ripon City Council

Police have been informed and Cllr Williams said:

“I hope the person or persons who did this were picked up on CCTV cameras covering the square.”

Yards away from the shelter, a broken window at the Tourist Information Centre in Ripon Town Hall remains boarded up, after being vandalised in December.

The city council, which has responsibility for the upkeep of the cabmen’s shelter, is waiting for landlord Harrogate Borough Council to repair the Tourist Information Centre window.

There has been a spate of vandalism in Ripon during the covid lockdowns.

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Windows at premises including the Ripon Cathedral office, shops in Westgate and Fishergate and a public house in High Skellgate, have been smashed.

In recent weeks, police patrols, particularly at weekends, have been stepped up in a bid to tackle a rising tide of violent and anti-social activity.

City councillors have called for action on policing numbers and also said they will join forces with the police to crack down on crime in the city.

Fifty tonnes of food support donated by Ripon community

A Ripon organisation is able to reflect on a remarkable response to the coronavirus crisis.

With the anniversary of the UK’s first covid lockdown looming, Food Support has been able to measure the weight of the city’s reaction.

The service, located at Community House in Allhallowgate, has received more than 50 tonnes of donations since last March.

This has enabled Suzanne Bowyer, her colleague Caroline King and an army of volunteers, to help families and individuals.

Assistance is provided to people living in Ripon, Boroughbridge and surrounding areas.

Photo of Suzanne Bowyer

Suzanne Bowyer, who says support from the Ripon community has been incredible

Suzanne, told the Stray Ferret:

“The response from individuals, supermarkets, other shops and businesses, has been incredible.

“We have received donations of fresh, packaged and tinned food, beverages and items such as nappies.

“Volunteers have also donated their time.

“This has provided a lifeline for people affected by the pandemic.”

Food Support, works with partner organisations ranging from the NHS and Harrogate Borough Council to doctors’ surgeries and the Salvation Army, who make referrals.

For some, the help will be temporary as they wait for Universal Credit, while others may have a longer-term need.

Suzanne, pointed out:

“We provide a totally discreet and confidential service designed for anybody needing a helping hand.

“People should feel no shame in seeking help to feed themselves or their family in these difficult times, caused by circumstances outside their control.”

Numerous churches, groups, individuals, businesses and organisations continue to rally to the call by providing practical assistance.

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Food Support has continued throughout the crisis. Donations that arrive at Community House in Allhallowgate are weighed on industrial scales.

More crunch times lie ahead, with school summer holidays, the end of furlough, mortgage holidays and emergency rights preventing tenants from being evicted.

Further details are available at:

Will Ripon Town Hall ‘Flake in Vain?’

Ripon City Council is determined to ensure that its headquarters is not allowed to ‘flake in vain’

In a nod to the wording “Waketh in Vain” on the Grade II* Listed Building, city council leader Andrew Williams, flagged up the deteriorating state of the decor.

He told a virtual meeting of the council:

“The exterior is flaking down to the stonework in places and is in need of a lick of paint.”

Cllr Williams, added:

“One concerned Ripon resident contacted me and asked ‘are we going to let this historic building flake in vain!.'”

As well as the poor condition of the paintwork, the council leader added that a Tourist Information Centre window vandalised in December, has not been repaired.

Photo of vandalised window at Ripon Town Hall

Ripon’s Tourist Information Centre is located in the town hall building and a window smashed by vandals in December has not been repaired

Cllr Williams said:

“It’s not a great advertisement for the city when this famous focal building and location for all key civic events, is in this condition.”

The city council is currently negotiating a new lease with Harrogate Borough Council (HBC), which has owned the building  and other heritage assets in the city since local government reorganisation in 1974.

With lease discussions on-going, members agreed to approach HBC to seek redecoration of the town hall exterior.

When approached by the Stray Ferret about the negotiations, a spokesperson for HBC, said:

“The lease of Ripon Town Hall is still being discussed between the tenant (Ripon City Council) and the landlord (Harrogate Borough Council). Therefore we have nothing to add.”

The history of Ripon Town Hall

Dating back to the early 1800s, the building was originally a town house for Elizabeth Allanson, the daughter of William Aislabie, whose family lived at Studley Royal and developed the world-famous water garden.

Members of the then municipality of Ripon, used a room in the building for meetings.

In 1897 Mrs Allanson’s heir, the First Marquess of Ripon, donated the building to the municipality to commemorate his mayoralty of the city.

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A stand-out feature of the building is a frieze of golden letters on a red background that reads: ‘Except Ye Lord Keep Ye Cittie Ye Wakeman Waketh in Vain.’

The words relate to Hugh Ripley who was the last wakeman of Ripon in 1604 with responsibility for the safety of the city.

He subsequently went on become Ripon’s first mayor in 1605.



Tidy up ordered for another Ripon eyesore

Another of Ripon’s eyesores is going to be tidied up.

The site of the former Express petrol station and convenience store on Skellbank, has been left derelict for years.

It is in a largely residential area of the city, diagonally across the road from Hugh Ripley Hall, named in honour of Ripon’s first mayor.

Now, following intervention from Councillor Mike Chambers, the fenced off and overgrown area will be smartened up.

Harrogate Borough Council’s cabinet member for homes and safer communities, told the Stray Ferret:

“The owner has been instructed to tidy the site, cut back vegetation etc to ensure it is left in an acceptable manner prior to any further development.”

He added:

“It has been in its current state for a number of years.”

Cllr Chambers, who is a parish, district and county councillor has worked with HBC planning enforcement officers, to bring about the tidy up demand.

Photo of the former Ripon Library site at Skellgarths

The former Ripon Library site at Skellgarths has been tidied up and hoarded off

Last year, he was successful in getting hoardings erected on the former Ripon Library site on Skellgarths.

That area was left derelict for more than five years, after the developer who planned an in-fill residential development there went bust.

The clean-up of the former petrol station will mark a tidy ‘hat-trick’ for Cllr Chambers, who has also liaised with HBC over plans to level and ‘green’ a site in Allhallowgate.

The city centre site has been hoarded off for a couple of years, after a proposed social housing development for HBC had to be abandoned because a sinkhole opened up on the land.

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As Ripon looks forward to emerging from the covid lockdown city leaders want to see it back in business, and attracting visitors and tourists.

With both the former library site at Skellgarths and the petrol station at Skellbank on a key tourist route in and out of Ripon, city councillors have welcomed the tidy-up proposals.

In its bid to attract more visitors to boost post-pandemic trade, the council is planning  to put seasonal lighting in the trees on the five Ripon bypass roundabouts.

This proposal is subject to approval from the highways department of North Yorkshire County Council and follows a extension of the city’s Christmas decorations.

An additional £65,000 was spent last year and money has been set aside for further improvements this year.

Ripon plans £105,000 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations

Ripon is planning for a right royal celebration next year.

In June 2022, The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, marking her milestone of 70 years as monarch, will be celebrated with four days of events across the UK.

To enable Ripon to plan well in advance, the city council has set aside £105,000 from its reserve fund.

City council leader Andrew Williams received unanimous support for proposals to roll over monies that were not spent in the current financial year.

He pointed out:

“From our experience of hosting the UCI cycling event in 2019, we know that we need to put money aside now.

“That will enable us to put all arrangements in hand for a programme of events, which will require the booking of a variety of equipment and facilities.

“We want to do a proper job to mark the queen’s incredible service to this country.”

The government has unveiled plans for a long weekend of celebrations, which has seen the late May Bank holiday moved to Thursday June 3 and an additional Bank holiday added on Friday June 3, creating a four-day weekend.

Ripon has a long and proud royal heritage, having been awarded a ceremonial horn in AD 886 by King Alfred the Great after townspeople fought off a Viking attack,

During the English Civil War, the city was on the royalist side of Charles I and the cavaliers who battled against Oliver Cromwell’s troops on Market Square.

Photo of Victoria Jubilee clock tower

The clock tower erected for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee in 1897.

Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee was commemorated in 1897 with the erection of a clock tower at the junction of Palace Road, North Street and Princess Road.

In 1985, the queen visited Ripon Cathedral and the town hall for Royal Maundy, when the monarch gives silver coins to older people on Maundy Thursday.

All her milestone anniversaries, from the Silver Jubilee in 1977 to the Diamond Jubilee in 2012, have been celebrated in the city.

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Besides planning for next year, Ripon City Council is also looking ahead to this summer.

Councillors voted an additional £30,000 of funding for the refurbishment of play equipment and fencing at Quarry Moor Park.

This brings total funding to £60,000, which will enable the swings and roundabouts to be replaced in time for the lessening of lockdown restrictions.

Mobile cameras to be used to reduce crime in Ripon

Two mobile CCTV cameras are to be employed in the fight against crime in Ripon.

Additional police patrols in city crime hotspots have reduced tension in recent weeks after a spate of anti-social behaviour and violence.

But Ripon City Council is mindful that the recent high visible police presence is not likely to be maintained.

Councillors at last night’s virtual full council meeting agreed that cameras could play a role in helping tackle the problem.

City council leader Andrew Williams told the meeting that Harrogate Borough Council has mobile CCTV facilities that can be used in Ripon. The cameras can be attached to items such as lampposts and moved around as necessary. He said:

“We very much appreciate the stepping up of police patrols in the city, which have proved effective.

“However, in the longer-term maintaining the same level of policing on the streets is not sustainable and we need to provide the police with additional resources.”

Stuart Martin, who is also a district and county councillor, added he has approached North Yorkshire County Council to discuss the use of a mobile camera owned by the authority.

The devices would be additional to the fixed CCTV cameras used to watch over parts of the city, such as Market Square.

Photo of the Bondgate area of Ripon

Bondgate in Ripon is one of the crime hotspots that may soon be covered by mobile CCTV.

Cllr Martin said:

“I have also spoken with the county highways team about the need to keep street lighting on in the areas where the mobile cameras are deployed, so that clear images can be captured.”

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It was agreed that the city council will liaise with North Yorkshire Police and Harrogate Borough Council for advice on the best locations in Ripon for the mobile cameras.

This will enable them to be employed as both a deterrent and a means of identifying, arresting and prosecuting those involved in violent and anti-social behaviour.

Last year, Ripon councillors voted unanimously to join forces with the police to tackle crime in the city.

In February, North Yorkshire’s police, fire and crime commissioner Julia Mulligan told a virtual meeting with councillors that the force had ‘taken its eye off the ball’ on policing in Ripon.

Earlier in the month, the Stray Ferret reported that residents were scared to go out on the city’s streets following a spate of violent and criminal activity in the Bondgate area.



‘We need urgent action to safeguard Ripon Spa Baths’

Ripon City Council has vowed to do everything within its power to keep Ripon Spa Baths as a community asset for public use.

Councillors agreed unanimously last night on the need for urgent action to prevent the Grade II listed building from being sold for residential development.

They rallied to a call from council leader Andrew Williams, who said:

“We cannot let Harrogate Borough Council sell the spa baths from under our noses.”

Councillor Mike Chambers, who sits on both Ripon City Council and Harrogate Borough Council, representing Ripon Spa, said:

“We need to get this sorted now.”

Cllr Chambers, who is Harrogate Borough Council’s Cabinet Member for Housing and Safer Communities, added:

“It is clear that Harrogate Borough Council wants a capital receipt for this building and we must approach them and find out exactly what they have planned.”

Photo od For Sale Sign at Ripon's Spa Baths

On the market – Ripon Spa Baths.

Councillor Pauline McHardy said:

“Harrogate is trying to rush a sale through. We need to have detailed consultation and time to consider the future use of this asset that belongs to the city.”

A motion put forward by Cllr Williams, calling on Harrogate Borough Council to ensure the spa complex remains in public use as a community facility, was supported by all members.

It was also agreed to arrange a meeting with Ripon Civic Society and all other interested parties to investigate options.

If deemed necessary, after that meeting, the city council will look to appoint specialist consultants to advise on the development of heritage assets for community use.

Cllr Williams said:

“This is important in a growing city, which will see more than 1,700 new homes being built in future years.

“We can’t afford to see the loss of community facilities, with developments such as Clotherholme coming on stream.”

Ripon Civic Society has already stated that it favours development Spa complex for the NHS – in line with the neighbourhood plan for the city.

Councillor Stephen Craggs believes that the building should be developed as a facility for young people in Ripon. He said:

“This is a once in a generation opportunity and we must get it right.”

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For sale signs are already in place at the spa baths.

A statement issued by Harrogate Borough Council said the building is being replaced with a new six-lane swimming pool as part of an extended and refurbished Ripon Leisure Centre.

A Harrogate Borough Council spokesperson said:

“Ripon Spa Baths has served the community well over the years.

“The future sale, and redevelopment of the listed building, would allow this local asset to be redeveloped (subject to planning approval), retain key features and remain as a city landmark.”



For sale sign on Ripon’s Spa Baths

The ‘for sale’ sign has been put in place outside Ripon’s Spa Baths.

The move comes despite calls from councillors and Ripon Civic Society for detailed consultation to decide the future of the Grade II listed building.

Sanderson Weatherall, the property agents appointed by Harrogate Borough Council (HBC) is marketing the property under the heading ‘residential’.

But under a separate heading of ‘development proposals’ says:

“The property could potentially be suitable for a variety of alternative uses subject to planning.”

It then adds that HBC’s planning department has provided the following statement:

“Subject to planning permission and listed building consent, the re-development could include low density residential use, community uses and other uses appropriate to town centre locations having regard to the amenity considerations and constraints of the locality.”

Ripon hairdressers prepare for the long road back

A long road back from lockdown and lost trade lies ahead for Ripon hairdressers Deborah Chalmers and Sharon Bielby.

The friends own and run hair and beauty businesses less than 100 yards apart on North Street, Ripon.

Deborah’s Love Hair & Beauty Boutique depends heavily on the wedding market.

Sharon, whose shop bears her name, is a barber who cuts men’s and boys’ hair.

For both, the priority following the stop-start year of 2020 and the closed-down first quarter of 2021, has been to keep their heads above water.

Now they are buoyant at the prospect of reopening in six weeks time on 12 April and finally earning some money again.

Their loyal and now long-haired customers have kept in touch and they are looking forward to a busy post-lockdown period.

Deborah, who ensures brides and their bridesmaids look beautiful for the big day, told the Stray Ferret:

“It has been a very difficult time.

“The shop was shut for long periods and just about every wedding booking I had for last summer was cancelled because of the pandemic.”

She used a government small business grant to pay for overheads while living off the crumbs that came from the dramatically scaled-down wedding table.

Photo of Sharon Bielby in her barber's shop

Sharon Bielby reflects on a difficult year, as she gets ready for the many customers in desperate need of a hair cut.

The same applies for Sharon, who said:

“It has been a case of surviving on the barest minimum, while staying positive and thinking about the many customers who just can’t wait to get their hair cut again.”

Her shop will have an appointment-only policy in place from reopening day. She joked:

“I will probably have to allow extra time for each customer, because they will have a lot more hair to cut!”

Deborah, who has created her own brand of lip balm as a reopening thank-you gift for her customers, is looking forward to a very busy summer.

She said:

“From mid-June, the government is easing the restrictions on the size of gatherings and that’s good news.

“Couples who postponed their plans, still want to get married and share their celebration with family and friends.”

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An additional factor gives Deborah hope that she can make up for some of the lost business she has experienced over the last year.

She said:

“With Saturdays like gold-dust in the wedding calendar, people are now arranging their weddings for other days of the week.

“That means I will be handling hair and beauty for up to four events a week, compared with a maximum of two Saturday weddings a week in a normal year.”