Stray drainage system robust, says contractor

The company that carried out drainage work on the Stray at West Park has said the new system is robust and conforms to industry requirements.

John Lowe, managing director of Green Hammerton company L Philliskirk and Sons, said the company used a controlled discharge system that removes water slowly — but does not leave it standing for days or weeks as has historically blighted the Stray.

The Stray Ferret reported yesterday the Stray at West Park was flooded after one night of rain, six months after Harrogate Borough Council spent £20,000 on a new drainage system for this area.

By early afternoon most of the water had indeed drained away. The main problem was large puddles on the adjoining path – with some forcing pedestrians off the footpath close to the Prince of Wales roundabout.

Mr Lowe said the hydrobrake system conformed with Yorkshire Water guidelines. He likened it to draining water through a straw, and said it could be frustratingly slow but was effective at preventing long-term flooding. He added:

“The system may not be as quick as everyone likes but it will drain the water.”

A spokesman for Harrogate Borough Council said the new drainage channels meant the water drained quicker than it did previously. He added:

“This area is one of the lowest points so the water will naturally make its way there. Over the coming hours and days this standing water will filter through to the drainage channels and subside. Rather than the weeks that it would have remained there previously.”

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When will Skipton Road traffic misery end?

They were supposed to have moved three weeks ago, but the four-way traffic lights on one of Harrogate’s busiest roads are still bringing daily misery to hundreds of motorists.

Northern Gas Networks began work replacing metal pipes with plastic pipes beneath Skipton Road on July 13.

The project has required two sets of traffic lights on Skipton Road, plus lights on the adjoining King’s Road and Woodfield Road.

On September 18, Chris Reed, site manager at NGN, apologised for any inconvenience caused by the delayed project and assured the Stray Ferret the four-way lights would be replaced by two-way lights the following day as the project moved further along Skipton Road.

But since then the four-way lights have remained.

Besides delaying motorists, the lights have blighted the lives of residents and business.

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Bilton Working Men’s Club on Skipton Road has filed a claim for loss of earnings against NGN.

The Stray Ferret asked NGN if it could finally say when the four-way lights would be removed.

But Richard White, the company’s business operations lead, was unable to give a date.

Mr White said NGN was now resurfacing the Skipton Road end of King’s Road. He added:

“This is a major, complex project, involving the removal of a number of ageing metal gas pipes some of which are 70 or 80-years-old.”

He said completion of the entire project “remains on schedule for the end of November”. But no date before then for the end of the four-way lights was given.

Andrew Jones urges PM to give support package to conference sector

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones today urged Prime Minister Boris Johnson to commit to a support package for the conference and exhibition industry.

Speaking at Prime Minster’s Questions, Jones said Johnson had recognised the difficulties facing the industry last month when he revealed ministers were working urgently on a support package for sports clubs that rely on paying spectators.

Jones said the the exhibition industry was “really important in Harrogate and Knaresborough”, adding:

“Could he tell the House when that package will be coming forward, and will it include the conference and exhibition industry?”

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Johnson said the conference and exhibition industry was worth about £90 billion to this country and of “massive importance” but did not commit to any firm support.

He added:

“It was a very difficult decision to take to pause conferences and exhibitions. We want to get them open as fast as possible.

“Of course, they have had a lot of support, as I indicated earlier—the £190 billion package is there to help businesses of all kinds—but the best way forward is to get the kind of testing systems that will enable not just conferences and businesses of that kind but all types and even theatres to reopen and get back to normality. That is what we are aiming for.”

Harrogate man avoids jail after suspected stabbing

A man suffered a punctured lung following a suspected stabbing – but the attacker was spared prison.

Daryl Hart, 46, from Harrogate, was drunk and high on cocaine when he attacked the man with an unidentified weapon.

The named victim suffered several puncture wounds to his back and two to the front, prosecutor Angus Macdonald told York Crown Court.

One of the wounds caused a punctured lung. The others were described as “superficial” but still required hospital treatment.

Hart, of Albany Avenue, had travelled to Scarborough on one of his regular visits to see family in the area and ended up at the West Riding pub on Castle Road, where he had “too much to drink” and started causing bother.

Fight breaks out

He and a named female left the pub to go looking for drugs and were followed by the victim to a flat in the town. The victim forced his way into the flat and attacked Hart, whereby a fight ensued.

Hart used “some sort of weapon” on the victim who suffered multiple wounds, said Mr Macdonald.

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He was arrested and charged with wounding with intent. He denied the allegation but admitted an alternative charge of assault occasioning actual bodily harm.

This plea was accepted by the prosecution, which offered no evidence on the wounding charge. Hart appeared for sentence on Friday.

Bit man’s ear

The court heard that prior to the offence in August last year, Hart had racked up a litany of violent offences.

In 1996, he attacked a man with a stick, breaking his arm. In another incident, he bit a man’s ear, severing it, after throwing him down some stairs.

In a separate incident in 2002, Hart and another male dragged a man out of his flat at knifepoint. The victim was stabbed with a kitchen knife, resulting in yet another jail sentence.

Defence barrister Taryn Turner said that Hart, who had serious health problems due to drink and drugs, had stayed out of trouble for a long time both before and since the incident in Scarborough.

Recorder Paul Reid criticised Hart for his shocking record and his drink and drug-fuelled attack on the man in Scarborough.

Weapon used

He said although the victim was “the first to use any sort of violence”, Hart then used “some sort of weapon” to cause the puncture wounds.

He told Hart: “It is entirely unclear what (that weapon was) and you have never said what it was.

“Normally, an offence like this, where a weapon is used to cause serious harm, would result in immediate prison, but you were not the initial aggressor and pleaded guilty.”

Mr Reid said he had also noted Hart’s “appalling” health, his remorse and the fact that he had otherwise stayed out of trouble and had been trying to lead a “quiet life”.

For these reasons, Mr Reid said he could suspend the inevitable jail sentence.
The 14-month sentence was suspended for 18 months and Hart was ordered to complete a 30-day rehabilitation programme.

A not-guilty verdict was recorded on the wounding with intent charge.

Care home visits in district may be allowed after October

North Yorkshire County Council may allow visits to care homes after this month following a backlash from upset relatives.

Richard Webb, director of health and adult services at the council, wrote to care homes this week advising them to halt routine visits throughout October.

This prompted some members of the public, as well as Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones, to say visits should be allowed to go ahead.

At a press briefing yesterday, Mr Webb said the council would set up a working group with relatives and care home providers to investigate ways that allowed people to visit homes after this month.

One possible solution, he said, would be to allow a nominated person to visit.

But Mr Webb added he “could not make any promises”.

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One Harrogate resident, whose 99-year-old mother has dementia and is in a local home, contacted the Stray Ferret to say care home residents deserved better. She said:

“It is sheer cruelty and tragic to not address this problem and leave our loved ones to live out their last days alone and severely depressed, as is happening now.

“What we desperately need is adequate testing, which would enable one key visitor, who should be tested and treated in the same way as staff, to be allocated with unlimited access to each resident.’

The resident was critical of Mr Jones’ suggestion to Parliament that visits could take place behind glass screens or windows.

She said it would add to the confusion and frustration felt by residents with dementia, adding:

“It would most likely seriously distress them and add to the cruelty of this situation.”

‘Act now before a child is killed’

A primary school headteacher and parents are calling for urgent speed measures in Killinghall before a child is killed or seriously injured.

Sarah Bassitt, headteacher of Killinghall Church of England Primary School, spoke out after a fruitless two-year campaign to tackle speed outside the school.

Traffic hurtles downhill along Otley Road into the village at a 60mph limit, which only reduces to 30mph about 200 metres from the school. Often cars are doing at least 40mph when they pass the building.

Ms Bassitt said many schools had 20mph limits outside and traffic calming measures, such as speed humps.

But two years of writing to North Yorkshire County Council and North Yorkshire Police have not led to similar outcomes in Killinghall.

Ms Bassitt said:

“The criteria seems to be that you have to have a child killed before anything is done.

“That hasn’t happened mainly because of the vigilance of parents and teachers.

“It’s very dangerous and different to what happens at other schools. It feels like we are hitting out heads against a brick wall.”

Ms Bassitt said some parents were so exasperated they had even used fake speed guns to encourage drivers to slow down.

Otley Road, outside the school in Killinghall.

Parent Gary Donoghue, who has led the campaign, said children were scared to walk to school.

Mr Donoghue said there should be a 20mph limit outside the school.

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He also called for the 30mph limit coming into the village to be moved back to the junction with Lund Lane to allow traffic more time to slow down before passing the school. He added:

“We are looking for prevention rather than repercussions. We don’t want something to happen to our children so they are the ones who bring about change.

“There seems to be a lack of acknowledgement that there is a problem. But when your child is scared to walk to school that is an issue. I wish someone from the council would come and speak to us.”

The Stray Ferret contacted North Yorkshire County Council several times for comment but did not receive a response.

Harrogate car salesman jailed for running over man

A car salesman from Harrogate has been jailed for running over and seriously injuring a 58-year-old man in his BMW.

Alexander Melville, 42 – an award-winning salesman of prestige cars who was banned from driving at the time – was said to be lighting a cigarette just before the BMW veered onto the pavement and struck pedestrian Richard Selby.

As Mr Selby lay  on the footpath beside Knaresborough Road, Harrogate, Melville “casually” collected his belongings from the car and walked off, York Crown Court heard.

Witnesses called 999 and Mr Selby was taken to hospital where he underwent a series of operations, including surgery to have pins inserted into his broken leg.

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Melville – formerly Audi’s leading UK car salesman for the JCT600 model – later handed himself in at Harrogate Police Station after seeing police social media appeals for information.

The collision occurred at about 8.45am on January 26, just after Melville had been to a garage to inflate the tyres on the “training” vehicle, which was unregistered and uninsured.

“A witness said he heard a loud noise of an engine revving,” said prosecutor Mohammed Khan.

“A car then accelerated up the hill…and swerved slightly left. Seconds later, he heard a loud bang and…saw debris and dust and the vehicle go backwards. He noticed (someone) laid on the pavement.”

The witness saw a man reaching into the BMW to “get some items out and then walk towards Knaresborough Road and off onto Rydal Road”.

Still needs crutches

Mr Selby’s injuries included a double fracture of the leg, a dislocated shoulder and a fracture of the shinbone at the knee joint. Eight months on from the accident, he still can’t walk unaided or without the help of crutches, and now relies on home carers.

Melville, of Roseville Drive, Harrogate, told police he had had the BMW for about a year but that it wasn’t insured and “wasn’t registered to anyone as it was used as a training vehicle”.

The salesman had been disqualified from driving last year by magistrates in Lincolnshire.

He appeared for sentence on Tuesday after pleading guilty to causing serious injury by careless driving, driving while disqualified, having no insurance, failing to stop after a road crash and failing to report an accident.

“Lit a cigarette”

Richard Reed, acting for Melville, said his client had lost his job at Audi following his disqualification. He had previously been the “best-performing salesman” for the Sytner motor group, the UK’s leading retailer of prestige cars.

After losing his licence, Melville fell on hard times financially because his work required being able to drive.

As a result, “he lost his fiancée, the marriage was cancelled, he had no income and (was) left with a house with a (big) mortgage,” added Mr Reed.

He fell further into debt after taking out a loan and credit cards and ended up on benefits.

Just before the accident, he had “lit a cigarette in the car (and) noticed he had slightly veered over the other lane”.

“He corrected it and then the car went into a spin,” said Mr Reed.

Judge Sean Morris told Melville: “Richard Selby was (simply) walking along the Harrogate road.

“You are very lucky he survived – that man could have been dead or could have been paraplegic.”

Jailing Melville for five months, the judge told him: “When people are mangled by disqualified drivers, (the drivers) must expect to go to prison immediately, although you are ordinarily a decent man.”

Melville was also given a two-year driving ban.



Plant wildflowers on the Stray, says Green Party

The Green Party has urged Harrogate Borough Council to plant more wildflowers on the Stray rather than proceed with plans for 60,000 crocuses.

The council called for volunteers this month to plant the crocuses on parts of West Park Stray damaged by last year’s UCI World Cycling Championships.

Rebecca Maunder, chair of Harrogate and District Green Party, has written to the council saying “it is not too late to alter the plans to provide more benefits to biodiversity”,

Ms Maunder said wildflowers, such as native daffodils and snowdrops, would improve the biodiversity and help bees and insects on the Stray.

She added:

“It would be great to see Harrogate Borough Council, with its reputation for quality parks and open spaces, leading a positive response to the challenge of the decline in biodiversity.”

But the council has told her it does not intend to change its plans.

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A council spokesman said:

“We understand the need to encourage biodiversity and already manage a number of native wildflower meadows across the district. The thousands of plants and flowers in our numerous parks and gardens also support this.

“We are also looking at biodiversity as part of our wider horticultural plan for the future.”

Allow care home visits, says Andrew Jones MP

Harrogate and Knaresborough MP Andrew Jones has told Parliament visits to care homes should be allowed.

Speaking in a Covid debate yesterday, Mr Jones said several constituents “desperate to see their loved ones” had raised concerns about current restrictions with him.

The Stray Ferret reported yesterday that Harrogate woman Judy Bass had joined a group called Rights for Residents that campaigns against restrictions.

Mr Jones said Ms Bass, along with Dr Joanne Ridpath, Helen Owens, Anna McIntee and others had raised the matter.

Mr Jones said:

“These families are just desperate to see their loved ones and have truly heartbreaking stories.

“Balancing wellbeing and isolation is very difficult but the emotional consequences of no visits are absolutely profound.”

North Yorkshire County Council this week advised care homes in the county to end routine visits in October. Thousands more care homes nationally are also forbidding visits.

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The Conservative MP suggested visits could be allowed through glass or windows.

“While this is impersonal, it is clearly better for people to see their loved ones than not.

“Perhaps designated very close family members in limited numbers could be given staff status, which would allow them access to testing and could then allow a degree of home access.

“Nobody is suggesting an open-door policy, but right now, the restrictions are profound.

“The capacity for residents to understand what is going on and why they cannot see their loved ones is almost inevitably limited, yet the need to see their loved ones is so important.’

Mr Jones also said told the debate that civil liberties were being compromised during Covid and decisions needed parliamentary scrutiny. Some backbench Tory MPs have expressed similar concerns. He said:

“A transparent approach to the science and decision making is necessary to ensure that we take people with us. If we do, and if they understand why a decision has been taken, I think we will see greater compliance, allowing people to resume their lives safely.”


Christmas late night shopping cancelled in Pateley Bridge

The annual Christmas late night shopping event in Pateley Bridge has been cancelled due to coronavirus.

The event, which is usually held on the Friday night of the second weekend of December, is one of the highlights of the Nidderdale town’s year.

Shops open late and serve mulled wine to customers; charities have stalls in the street and there is live music, including a brass band.

Pateley Bridge at Christmas

Tim Ledbetter, chair of Nidderdale Chamber of Trade, said:

“I know the announcement will not come as a great surprise but I am sure it will still be a disappointment to the business and community of Nidderdale.

“The chamber will of course still be organising the Christmas trees, lights and decorations that help make Pateley Bridge High Street look the magical place we all know it is to visit.”

Mr Ledbetter said Pateley Bridge has staged late night Christmas shopping for at least 20 years.

He said the cancellation would be felt by shops and the wider business community, such as bed and breakfasts, which are usually busy over the weekend.

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Mr Ledbetter, who owns outdoor equipment shop Sypeland Outdoor in Pateley, said he usually took a day’s takings on the Friday night.

But he said the main loss was to the wider community, adding:

“The whole town participates in the night. It’s a real shame but realistically we can’t encourage people in vast numbers to the town and into shops.”